Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

i tip in cash...that way no one has to report the income....they dont have to wait for their money...some places only pay out credit card tips once a week...i wonder if i will be a victim of some mad server and if i should begin to tip on the card? but these people used cards and it didnt help them....i guess in the aftermath it did....only reason i do not tip is bad really bad service....

SO, you are admitting you support tax evasion...Interesting.
Quote: Originally Posted by Noomi View Post
She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

HA HA..That's funny. You get all ballistic over this when you saw the word "lesbian". Then you leave yourself that loophole "if"...Screw you
You are just another hyper-partisan idiot who bought this bullshit story hook liner and sinker.
Now you look like a moron because the story is a hoax.
And of course since you have no argument, you decide "oh goody, I can pick on Christians"..
Please tell me not every woman in your country is a stupid as you.
I would go with paying them a straight wage

Most wait staff prefer the tip system, as it usually is a better moneymaker, because if done properly, the management cant futz with it, and is of course, mostly cash and can be discounted from your overall income.

I'm sure they do........if that is the case, they have to stop whining like little bitches when they get stiffed on a tip

back to the original thread righty, this is a person who WAS probably tipped, or at least the people tipped, and the restaurant bogarted it, and she decided to lie and make crap up, or someone decided to play a prank on her.

In any event, people can whine all they want, usually the good tippers outbalance the bad.
Most wait staff prefer the tip system, as it usually is a better moneymaker, because if done properly, the management cant futz with it, and is of course, mostly cash and can be discounted from your overall income.

I'm sure they do........if that is the case, they have to stop whining like little bitches when they get stiffed on a tip

back to the original thread righty, this is a person who WAS probably tipped, or at least the people tipped, and the restaurant bogarted it, and she decided to lie and make crap up, or someone decided to play a prank on her.

In any event, people can whine all they want, usually the good tippers outbalance the bad.
I agree totally. It is the profession they have chosen. Some people will stiff you for stupid reasons......race, religion...whatever
Others will tip you more than you deserve

In this case, I think the bitch made it up to get sympathy from her gay friends
I'm sure they do........if that is the case, they have to stop whining like little bitches when they get stiffed on a tip

back to the original thread righty, this is a person who WAS probably tipped, or at least the people tipped, and the restaurant bogarted it, and she decided to lie and make crap up, or someone decided to play a prank on her.

In any event, people can whine all they want, usually the good tippers outbalance the bad.
I agree totally. It is the profession they have chosen. Some people will stiff you for stupid reasons......race, religion...whatever
Others will tip you more than you deserve

In this case, I think the bitch made it up to get sympathy from her gay friends

I'm going with, based on the stories coming out about her, that she is a lying scumbag regardless of her race, creed, sex, or sexual orientation.
That doesnt seem to work in Union shops, where incompetents are protected on a daily basis. You keep forgetting your progressive utopia where people cannot be fired for sucking at thier jobs, like public school teachers as an example.

Union people can be fired. It just requires work and keeping records. They finally fired the incompetent teacher at my son's school, 6 months in. I kind of like that they have to do some work before they can fire them. Keeps people from firing you just because they want their friend in your position or because they don't like you.

So the students had to deal with an incompetent teacher for 6 months? You consider that a good thing?

When someone doesn't do their job properly it should not take 1/2 a year to get rid of them. So basically the taxpayers were paying for crap and getting crap for 6 months.

I agree they should have gotten rid of her sooner. They could have, if they'd done their jobs. Instead they procrastinated until so many parents complained that they had to do something.
so, I didn't see this posted yet.....here we go, I'd say this puts Ms. Morales squarely in DB territory.

New Jersey Waitress Also Didn’t Donate the Money She Raised

When we first heard that New Jersey waitress Dana Morales, who claimed a family had stiffed her on a tip and left a homophobic note instead, had made the whole thing up, we tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Morales had claimed she was donating the contributions people sent her in solidarity to the Wounded Warrior Project, so whatever her motive for the hoax, it didn't look financial. But now it seems not even that part was true, as Bridgewater Patch discovered on Thursday (h/t Gawker): "A Wounded Warrior representative checking for donations by her name and the ZIP codes for Bridgewater, where the restaurant is located, and Bedminster, where Morales said she lives, was unable to find any matching donations." If we still wanted to give Morales the benefit of the doubt, we'd point out she could have donated anonymously from elsewhere. But we don't.

N.J. Waitress Didn?t Donate the Money She Raised -- Daily Intelligencer
I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

How will it remove the incentive for good service? You do a great job, you bring in more customers requesting you, your employer gives you a raise.

I guess - do low level employees normally get raises? A promotion, maybe, but then the job once again needs to be filled.

Like I said, you would have to pay much more for your bill - who would want that? The customers? The servers? Not me. I want to make my gratuity MY call.

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