Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Was anti-gay rant on check a hoax?

On Tuesday, former colleagues and friends of Morales, 22, formerly of Stony Point, N.Y., say she has a reputation for lying.

Morales has been caught in multiple lies, telling co-workers she shaved her head because she had brain cancer and later telling them it was her friend who had brain cancer, her colleagues and friends said.

They said she also told co-workers at a day care center where she once worked that Superstorm Sandy severely damaged her home in Stony Point, and sent a boat into her living room. Concerned co-workers dropped by her home and found only minor damage to the carpet by her front door and no sign of a boat, they said.

"Every story she comes up with has a lie," said Julie Howat, 23, of Pomona, N.Y.

Sounds like an attention-getter. Those kinds of people....going on about illnesses, disasters, etc. are sad.
Was anti-gay rant on check a hoax?

On Tuesday, former colleagues and friends of Morales, 22, formerly of Stony Point, N.Y., say she has a reputation for lying.

Morales has been caught in multiple lies, telling co-workers she shaved her head because she had brain cancer and later telling them it was her friend who had brain cancer, her colleagues and friends said.

They said she also told co-workers at a day care center where she once worked that Superstorm Sandy severely damaged her home in Stony Point, and sent a boat into her living room. Concerned co-workers dropped by her home and found only minor damage to the carpet by her front door and no sign of a boat, they said.

"Every story she comes up with has a lie," said Julie Howat, 23, of Pomona, N.Y.

Sounds like an attention-getter. Those kinds of people....going on about illnesses, disasters, etc. are sad.

I've known a few......pathetic attempts at getting attention

She seems to paint herself into corners without planning how she can get out....must be because she is gay
Was anti-gay rant on check a hoax?

On Tuesday, former colleagues and friends of Morales, 22, formerly of Stony Point, N.Y., say she has a reputation for lying.

Morales has been caught in multiple lies, telling co-workers she shaved her head because she had brain cancer and later telling them it was her friend who had brain cancer, her colleagues and friends said.

They said she also told co-workers at a day care center where she once worked that Superstorm Sandy severely damaged her home in Stony Point, and sent a boat into her living room. Concerned co-workers dropped by her home and found only minor damage to the carpet by her front door and no sign of a boat, they said.

"Every story she comes up with has a lie," said Julie Howat, 23, of Pomona, N.Y.

Sounds like an attention-getter. Those kinds of people....going on about illnesses, disasters, etc. are sad.

I've known a few......pathetic attempts at getting attention

She seems to paint herself into corners without planning how she can get out....must be because she is gay

We seem to be seeing alot of this lately. I think people like this were always around, but the combination of the internet and a "gotcha" mentality when it comes to today's "group XYZ" rights debates leads to a quick trigger finger with regards to moral outrage, and the press trying to push thier agenda using these events.

The moral of the story is that the "24 hour rule" for non emergency news was a good idea then, and its a better idea now. Any time someone purports any "ism" against them, the story needs to be vetted prior to it getting too much exposure, and people being duped into donating money, expending sympathy, or using the case to rail against thier poltical opponents.

Whats being lost here is anyone who originally supported her story and used it as a cudgel against people who disagree with them should come out and say that, and should feel really fucking stupid.
Not sure about Christians and tipping or not. But Germans are the best tippers, followed by Americans, the English are some of the worst tippers.

I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?
We seem to be seeing alot of this lately. I think people like this were always around, but the combination of the internet and a "gotcha" mentality when it comes to today's "group XYZ" rights debates leads to a quick trigger finger with regards to moral outrage, and the press trying to push thier agenda using these events.

The moral of the story is that the "24 hour rule" for non emergency news was a good idea then, and its a better idea now. Any time someone purports any "ism" against them, the story needs to be vetted prior to it getting too much exposure, and people being duped into donating money, expending sympathy, or using the case to rail against thier poltical opponents.

Whats being lost here is anyone who originally supported her story and used it as a cudgel against people who disagree with them should come out and say that, and should feel really fucking stupid.

People pull **** like this because there is an endless supply of gullible suckers.
Not sure about Christians and tipping or not. But Germans are the best tippers, followed by Americans, the English are some of the worst tippers.

I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

The system seems to work in parts of Europe and Asia, although I'm not sure it would work here. Working in a resturant in countries like France and Italy is seen as a pretty good job, compared to here where the stereotype is of waitstaff working there until thier "big break" The only difference is in the high end places, where you see "professional" waitstaff.
Not sure about Christians and tipping or not. But Germans are the best tippers, followed by Americans, the English are some of the worst tippers.

I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?


and the service at walmart ( you mean the clerk at the checkout?) is absolutely the same as at Nordstrom. Sometimes much better, because more counters are open.
Was anti-gay rant on check a hoax?

On Tuesday, former colleagues and friends of Morales, 22, formerly of Stony Point, N.Y., say she has a reputation for lying.

Morales has been caught in multiple lies, telling co-workers she shaved her head because she had brain cancer and later telling them it was her friend who had brain cancer, her colleagues and friends said.

They said she also told co-workers at a day care center where she once worked that Superstorm Sandy severely damaged her home in Stony Point, and sent a boat into her living room. Concerned co-workers dropped by her home and found only minor damage to the carpet by her front door and no sign of a boat, they said.

"Every story she comes up with has a lie," said Julie Howat, 23, of Pomona, N.Y.

Sounds like an attention-getter. Those kinds of people....going on about illnesses, disasters, etc. are sad.

I've known a few......pathetic attempts at getting attention

She seems to paint herself into corners without planning how she can get out....must be because she is gay

Or because she's a woman...you know how emotional we get.....:eusa_whistle:
Not sure about Christians and tipping or not. But Germans are the best tippers, followed by Americans, the English are some of the worst tippers.

I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

Isn't do a good job or we will find someone who does....an incentive?
I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

The system seems to work in parts of Europe and Asia, although I'm not sure it would work here. Working in a resturant in countries like France and Italy is seen as a pretty good job, compared to here where the stereotype is of waitstaff working there until thier "big break" The only difference is in the high end places, where you see "professional" waitstaff.

In Thailand, you don't even need to properly tip; the cost of living is so low, that you can live in a mansion for $400.00 per month.
I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

Isn't do a good job or we will find someone who does....an incentive?

That doesnt seem to work in Union shops, where incompetents are protected on a daily basis. You keep forgetting your progressive utopia where people cannot be fired for sucking at thier jobs, like public school teachers as an example.
I've never heard Christians described as "cheapskates".

Certain individuals can be "cheap", but because they are Christians ?

That's a new one.

It is pretty telling of her attitudes to people based on here prejudice, bias, and racism towards certain groups.

Waiter's Phony $10 Tip Includes Religious Lesson - DailyFinance

The idea that Christians are poor tippers apparently has been whispered in service circles for a long time. Many waiters try not work Sunday brunch, so as to avoid notoriously stingy churchgoers, claims Justin Wise, the director of a Lutheran ministry in Des Moines, Iowa.

"Christians don't tip very well," he wrote for The Lutheran magazine in January 2009. "As a matter of fact, we're pretty cheap. What makes this worse is that we paint 'cheap' with a religious-sounding veneer and call it 'being a good steward.' Nothing like hiding behind the Bible to camouflage your stinginess."

One woman wrote back: "It was almost 100 percent true that the worst tips were on a check with a Bible verse or fish symbol."

except nobody tips with a check and paying with a check is also non-existent nowadays, so more antiChristian lies.
It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

Isn't do a good job or we will find someone who does....an incentive?

That doesnt seem to work in Union shops, where incompetents are protected on a daily basis. You keep forgetting your progressive utopia where people cannot be fired for sucking at thier jobs, like public school teachers as an example.

You want to go to union waiters now?
Not sure about Christians and tipping or not. But Germans are the best tippers, followed by Americans, the English are some of the worst tippers.

I wish we'd pass a law and nobody tipped. Face it, it's suppose "To Insure Prompt Service" but since you give it after the service, it really doesn't. Wait people make prejudged decisions based on things like the above and treat people accordingly, not the way they should be treated.

BTW, the English are not the worst tippers, the Japanese are and the reason is that there isn't any tipping in their country, it's a hard concept for them to grasp. They, strangely enough, think you should make enough on your salary not to need tips. Other Asian cultures are the same. Talk to someone who works in an Asian restaurant. My father in law's girlfriend is always shocked at the tips I leave, she's worked in a Vietnamese restaurant and never received that much of a tip, and when she does get a tip, it goes to the owner of the restaurant, not her! I won't say all Asian restaurants are like that, but some of them are for sure.

It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

How will it remove the incentive for good service? You do a great job, you bring in more customers requesting you, your employer gives you a raise.
It would get rolled into your restaurant bill. No server is going to work for $3.63 per hour - this means that the average $20.00 meal will cost $24.00 and you will completely remove any incentive for the server to do a good job.

Do you get good service at Walmart? :eusa_whistle:

How about your favorite restaurant?

Isn't do a good job or we will find someone who does....an incentive?

That doesnt seem to work in Union shops, where incompetents are protected on a daily basis. You keep forgetting your progressive utopia where people cannot be fired for sucking at thier jobs, like public school teachers as an example.

Union people can be fired. It just requires work and keeping records. They finally fired the incompetent teacher at my son's school, 6 months in. I kind of like that they have to do some work before they can fire them. Keeps people from firing you just because they want their friend in your position or because they don't like you.
Isn't do a good job or we will find someone who does....an incentive?

That doesnt seem to work in Union shops, where incompetents are protected on a daily basis. You keep forgetting your progressive utopia where people cannot be fired for sucking at thier jobs, like public school teachers as an example.

Union people can be fired. It just requires work and keeping records. They finally fired the incompetent teacher at my son's school, 6 months in. I kind of like that they have to do some work before they can fire them. Keeps people from firing you just because they want their friend in your position or because they don't like you.

So the students had to deal with an incompetent teacher for 6 months? You consider that a good thing?

When someone doesn't do their job properly it should not take 1/2 a year to get rid of them. So basically the taxpayers were paying for crap and getting crap for 6 months.
I know you do.....

I would go with paying them a straight wage

Most wait staff prefer the tip system, as it usually is a better moneymaker, because if done properly, the management cant futz with it, and is of course, mostly cash and can be discounted from your overall income.

I'm sure they do........if that is the case, they have to stop whining like little bitches when they get stiffed on a tip

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