Was lesbian waitress left a tip?

Yikes this woman has issues. Check this out.

'Dying of incurable cancer, raped by her father who killed her baby and the only survivor of an Afghan bomb blast': Former friend reveals 'lies upon lies' told by gay waitress who claimed she was given homophobic note instead of a tip

Dayna Morales' story that she was left a homophobic note instead of a tip appears to be unraveling

Former close friend Kiersten Bremer tells MailOnline how she fell for a string of extraordinary 'lies'

Bremer claims Morales said she had incurable brain cancer and was raped by her father who then killed her baby by throwing it down the stairs

Morales, a former Marine, even claims she was the only survivor of a bomb blast in Afghanistan - leaving no witnesses

But military have confirmed she never saw action and was dishonorably discharged for failing to turn up to drills

Allegedly left her fiance heartbroken by two-timing her with a man

After Superstorm Sandy she told co-workers that a boat crashed through her living room but when they visited only her carpet was wet

She's not working while managers at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, New Jersey, investigate her claim

Wow. Just wow.

Gay waitress in homophobic tip dispute accused of being compulsive liar | Mail Online
Yikes this woman has issues. Check this out.

'Dying of incurable cancer, raped by her father who killed her baby and the only survivor of an Afghan bomb blast': Former friend reveals 'lies upon lies' told by gay waitress who claimed she was given homophobic note instead of a tip

Dayna Morales' story that she was left a homophobic note instead of a tip appears to be unraveling

Former close friend Kiersten Bremer tells MailOnline how she fell for a string of extraordinary 'lies'

Bremer claims Morales said she had incurable brain cancer and was raped by her father who then killed her baby by throwing it down the stairs

Morales, a former Marine, even claims she was the only survivor of a bomb blast in Afghanistan - leaving no witnesses

But military have confirmed she never saw action and was dishonorably discharged for failing to turn up to drills

Allegedly left her fiance heartbroken by two-timing her with a man

After Superstorm Sandy she told co-workers that a boat crashed through her living room but when they visited only her carpet was wet

She's not working while managers at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, New Jersey, investigate her claim

Wow. Just wow.

Gay waitress in homophobic tip dispute accused of being compulsive liar | Mail Online

Yes, but ... she IS a lesbian!
Joe before this story was revealed to be a lie did you oppose news of it coming to light?

I was completely indifferent to it until you made a big deal about it.

And I am kind of still indifferent to it. It honestly sounds like this girl has problems beyond her sexuality and needs help.

Bet you wouldn't be indifferent to it if it was you she was accusing of being a cheap bigot.

Never happen. He can't scrape enough together to eat out! :lol:
Yikes this woman has issues. Check this out.

'Dying of incurable cancer, raped by her father who killed her baby and the only survivor of an Afghan bomb blast': Former friend reveals 'lies upon lies' told by gay waitress who claimed she was given homophobic note instead of a tip

Dayna Morales' story that she was left a homophobic note instead of a tip appears to be unraveling

Former close friend Kiersten Bremer tells MailOnline how she fell for a string of extraordinary 'lies'

Bremer claims Morales said she had incurable brain cancer and was raped by her father who then killed her baby by throwing it down the stairs

Morales, a former Marine, even claims she was the only survivor of a bomb blast in Afghanistan - leaving no witnesses

But military have confirmed she never saw action and was dishonorably discharged for failing to turn up to drills

Allegedly left her fiance heartbroken by two-timing her with a man

After Superstorm Sandy she told co-workers that a boat crashed through her living room but when they visited only her carpet was wet

She's not working while managers at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, New Jersey, investigate her claim

Wow. Just wow.

Gay waitress in homophobic tip dispute accused of being compulsive liar | Mail Online

Yes, but ... she IS a lesbian!

Sounds like a compulsive liar.
I want to know what happened to that black waitress that cried racism....

She's made over $10,000 in donations so far.

Red Lobster Waitress Gets $10K Tip After Racist Receipt


Red Lobster Waitress Gets $10K Tip After Racist Receipt | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo
Yikes this woman has issues. Check this out.

'Dying of incurable cancer, raped by her father who killed her baby and the only survivor of an Afghan bomb blast': Former friend reveals 'lies upon lies' told by gay waitress who claimed she was given homophobic note instead of a tip

Dayna Morales' story that she was left a homophobic note instead of a tip appears to be unraveling

Former close friend Kiersten Bremer tells MailOnline how she fell for a string of extraordinary 'lies'

Bremer claims Morales said she had incurable brain cancer and was raped by her father who then killed her baby by throwing it down the stairs

Morales, a former Marine, even claims she was the only survivor of a bomb blast in Afghanistan - leaving no witnesses

But military have confirmed she never saw action and was dishonorably discharged for failing to turn up to drills

Allegedly left her fiance heartbroken by two-timing her with a man

After Superstorm Sandy she told co-workers that a boat crashed through her living room but when they visited only her carpet was wet

She's not working while managers at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, New Jersey, investigate her claim

Wow. Just wow.

Gay waitress in homophobic tip dispute accused of being compulsive liar | Mail Online

Yes, but ... she IS a lesbian!

Oh bite me. :lol:

Whack jobs and scam artists come in various colors, shapes, sizes, political stripes and sexualities.
Yikes this woman has issues. Check this out.

'Dying of incurable cancer, raped by her father who killed her baby and the only survivor of an Afghan bomb blast': Former friend reveals 'lies upon lies' told by gay waitress who claimed she was given homophobic note instead of a tip

Dayna Morales' story that she was left a homophobic note instead of a tip appears to be unraveling

Former close friend Kiersten Bremer tells MailOnline how she fell for a string of extraordinary 'lies'

Bremer claims Morales said she had incurable brain cancer and was raped by her father who then killed her baby by throwing it down the stairs

Morales, a former Marine, even claims she was the only survivor of a bomb blast in Afghanistan - leaving no witnesses

But military have confirmed she never saw action and was dishonorably discharged for failing to turn up to drills

Allegedly left her fiance heartbroken by two-timing her with a man

After Superstorm Sandy she told co-workers that a boat crashed through her living room but when they visited only her carpet was wet

She's not working while managers at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, New Jersey, investigate her claim

Wow. Just wow.

Gay waitress in homophobic tip dispute accused of being compulsive liar | Mail Online

that reminds me a colorful biography one of our posters here is claiming to have :lol:
If the restaurant had come clean, as you put it, they would have been forced to fire an avowed lesbian, and a vet, simply because she got a "homophobic" tip. You would have demanded an immediate apology, and a boycott, and awarded her back pay, pain and suffering, and a few million in punitive damages.

Then, when the couple came forward, you would still say that she had the receipt, and that proves she was the victim, just like you are now.

They had the original signed receipt which they used to charge the bank...

So, no, they'd have had an iron-clad case to fire her for misconduct.

I knew a lady who posted something negative about her company on Craig's List, and got fired the next day. At Will Employment, they don't even have to give her a reason.
If the restaurant had come clean, as you put it, they would have been forced to fire an avowed lesbian, and a vet, simply because she got a "homophobic" tip. You would have demanded an immediate apology, and a boycott, and awarded her back pay, pain and suffering, and a few million in punitive damages.

Then, when the couple came forward, you would still say that she had the receipt, and that proves she was the victim, just like you are now.

They had the original signed receipt which they used to charge the bank...

So, no, they'd have had an iron-clad case to fire her for misconduct.

I knew a lady who posted something negative about her company on Craig's List, and got fired the next day. At Will Employment, they don't even have to give her a reason.

If you don't know how the credit cards work why are you commenting on complicated things like breathing?

They didn't use the receipt to charge the bank. The verified the charge using a third party company that took a fee for the transaction, charged the credit card company, and paid them. The receipts exist only if there is a problem, and most people are too stupid to keep them and verify them against their statement. If the business actually keeps them at all they end up in a box that contains all the receipts for however long it is before the box they use can't hold anymore.
If the restaurant had come clean, as you put it, they would have been forced to fire an avowed lesbian, and a vet, simply because she got a "homophobic" tip. You would have demanded an immediate apology, and a boycott, and awarded her back pay, pain and suffering, and a few million in punitive damages.

Then, when the couple came forward, you would still say that she had the receipt, and that proves she was the victim, just like you are now.

They had the original signed receipt which they used to charge the bank...

So, no, they'd have had an iron-clad case to fire her for misconduct.

I knew a lady who posted something negative about her company on Craig's List, and got fired the next day. At Will Employment, they don't even have to give her a reason.

Correct. Once one puts their thoughts into words then places them into the public domain, leaves themselves to whatever perils may follow.
If the restaurant had come clean, as you put it, they would have been forced to fire an avowed lesbian, and a vet, simply because she got a "homophobic" tip. You would have demanded an immediate apology, and a boycott, and awarded her back pay, pain and suffering, and a few million in punitive damages.

Then, when the couple came forward, you would still say that she had the receipt, and that proves she was the victim, just like you are now.

They had the original signed receipt which they used to charge the bank...

So, no, they'd have had an iron-clad case to fire her for misconduct.

I knew a lady who posted something negative about her company on Craig's List, and got fired the next day. At Will Employment, they don't even have to give her a reason.

If you don't know how the credit cards work why are you commenting on complicated things like breathing?

They didn't use the receipt to charge the bank. The verified the charge using a third party company that took a fee for the transaction, charged the credit card company, and paid them. The receipts exist only if there is a problem, and most people are too stupid to keep them and verify them against their statement. If the business actually keeps them at all they end up in a box that contains all the receipts for however long it is before the box they use can't hold anymore.

I keep my receipts. Just in case somebody tries to pull a scam or I need to verify the purchase with my statement.
When paying a bill at a restaurant or tavern NEVER use the card to tip. Tip IN CASH ONLY.
Reason? The card number must be run through the system a second time. And this is where most fraud occurs. There are several scams that wait staff and bartenders commit with this operation.

If you don't know how the credit cards work why are you commenting on complicated things like breathing?

They didn't use the receipt to charge the bank. The verified the charge using a third party company that took a fee for the transaction, charged the credit card company, and paid them. The receipts exist only if there is a problem, and most people are too stupid to keep them and verify them against their statement. If the business actually keeps them at all they end up in a box that contains all the receipts for however long it is before the box they use can't hold anymore.

So it sounds like the resturant was in on the scam, the way you are describing it.

Point is, the Resturant had a copy of the receipt. They could call the Credit Card company to verify. If this lady was lying, and they weren't in on it, they'd have a solid, Iron-Clad case to fire her the next day.

My Guess... they were totally in on it, figured that since they blacked out the name of the patron unlike the Red Lobster case, it'd never come back to them.

If she did lie, why do it when she knew she'd be caught out?

Maybe she thought everyone was as stupid as she was.

For example:

She's obviously a lesbian, but if she provided good service, she should have been rewarded with a tip. Christians can be such cheapskates. Who gives a fuck if she is gay? It has no bearing on how she does her job!

Yeah... sorry Noomi. Stereotyping is bad no matter who does it.

I said 'some' Christians, as we have heard a similar story about a paster who refused to tip someone based on their lifestyle.

How come you cannot read the word "some" in your post?


If you don't know how the credit cards work why are you commenting on complicated things like breathing?

They didn't use the receipt to charge the bank. The verified the charge using a third party company that took a fee for the transaction, charged the credit card company, and paid them. The receipts exist only if there is a problem, and most people are too stupid to keep them and verify them against their statement. If the business actually keeps them at all they end up in a box that contains all the receipts for however long it is before the box they use can't hold anymore.

So it sounds like the resturant was in on the scam, the way you are describing it.

Point is, the Resturant had a copy of the receipt. They could call the Credit Card company to verify. If this lady was lying, and they weren't in on it, they'd have a solid, Iron-Clad case to fire her the next day.

My Guess... they were totally in on it, figured that since they blacked out the name of the patron unlike the Red Lobster case, it'd never come back to them.


Yeah, that is what I said.

Using that logic, Obama helped to cover up the criminal activity of Bob Fliner because he didn't immediately speak up and prove he was physically assaulting women. Funny thing though, I am sure you will immediately accuse me of being paranoid and delusional for pointing out the inevitable result of your logic.

Yeah, that is what I said.

Using that logic, Obama helped to cover up the criminal activity of Bob Fliner because he didn't immediately speak up and prove he was physically assaulting women. Funny thing though, I am sure you will immediately accuse me of being paranoid and delusional for pointing out the inevitable result of your logic.

Last time I checked, Filner and Obama weren't working in the same building.

But your right, it was probably a conspiracy, just like the voices in your head say they were.

Now, I'm even willing to concede at this point, the waitress probably instigated this whole thing, based on what else we've found out about her.

But the resturant hired her, worked with her every day, and probably knew she was a bit of a loon.

And they didn't immediately rush back and see what last night's receipts were?

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