Was Moore banned from a local mall due to his inappropriate activities?

I guess it would depend on the reliability of documentation. I would like to see concrete evidence of course, and as stated, if there are legitimate records of this, I would have to side with the accusers on this one. If not, then I'll continue to support Moore and believe the MSM is full of ship.
I'm not familiar with the official way to "ban" someone from a place of business, but since he was a D.A., I'm pretty sure there was no "legal" paperwork on the issue. Security may have had a talk with him and threatened something official if he didn't cooperate, but my guess is that due to his station, you will find no "proof" this happened except hearsay. Pretty convenient for him.

Where was the elected District Attorney that Moore worked for during all of this? Did it ever occur to the boss that he might want to rein in an employee acting so outrageously?

Wouldn't the simpler explanation be that there is no evidence because it didn't happen?

If there is no record a ban occurred, when business would keep records of people that are banned from the premises, it seems more likely that no ban occurred then they just failed to document it in this case.

And if it was so wide known why couldn't Luther Strange and countless other opponents obtain this information during decades of state and national attention?

Then I think the question would be IF they kept records on everybody that was banned. If Moore was banned, I doubt he was the only one. Kids get banned from malls all the time.

Ray the mall manager from 1981 till the late 90's has been interviewed on tv. The rest is gossip and rumor.


Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

He looks Russian to me.
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

On womam said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your denial is bordering hysteria

The women had told their story decades ago and it was corroborated by many others.
Roy's preference for young girls was also well known and many have come forward with Creepy Roy stories

Why are you the only one who still believes Roy?
Some guys I know have said that the time will come when there will be a reckoning for women in general because of this, a flash back.

I hope not, but knowing guys, yeah, there will be something.
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

On womam said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your denial is bordering hysteria

The women had told their story decades ago and it was corroborated by many others.
Roy's preference for young girls was also well known and many have come forward with Creepy Roy stories

Why are you the only one who still believes Roy?

What short memories you on the left have especially when it came to accusations made about Bill Clinton including rape years ago. Even after he was caught with his hands on the stained dress, the left told us that what goes on in a mans life is his personal business and has nothing to do with the job he holds.
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

On womam said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your denial is bordering hysteria

The women had told their story decades ago and it was corroborated by many others.
Roy's preference for young girls was also well known and many have come forward with Creepy Roy stories

Why are you the only one who still believes Roy?

Everything is hearsay. No evidence. 40 years right before a key election. Gloria refuses to turn over the yearbook. And the media arm of the D party trying to prove that asking for a date is "sexual misconduct".

And I am not the only one that believes Moore.
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

One woman said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What evidence do you expect after 40 years?

He said/ She said

Do you believe the multiple women or Creepy Roy?
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

One woman said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What evidence do you expect after 40 years?

He said/ She said

Do you believe the multiple women or Creepy Roy?

We've seen way too many times exactly how the liberals work.
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

On womam said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your denial is bordering hysteria

The women had told their story decades ago and it was corroborated by many others.
Roy's preference for young girls was also well known and many have come forward with Creepy Roy stories

Why are you the only one who still believes Roy?

Everything is hearsay. No evidence. 40 years right before a key election. Gloria refuses to turn over the yearbook. And the media arm of the D party trying to prove that asking for a date is "sexual misconduct".

And I am not the only one that believes Moore.
She saw the analysis you guys did on Obama's birth certificate
For some reason, Gloria does not trust Republicans
I can't imagine why

Asking for a date from a teenager is just creepy
Removing the clothes from a 14 year old and feeling her panties is sexual misconduct
The women had told their story decades ago and it was corroborated by many others.

I remember my High School sexual encounters as being brief, perfunctory, and unsatisfying. But, I'm sure the girls remember them as awesome.
Here we go. These articles are just gossip. No evidence. Just a pile on. Only two accusers but this witch hunt is amazing. I put this up last night.

"Right here. And no one has come forward with any fucking paperwork to back this shit up. I'm not going to take local freaking gossip as gospel. He even left Gadsden in the 80's lived in Australia, returned, dated his future wife and married her in 1985.

"Barnes Boyle, who is eighty-six, also managed the mall, from 1981 to 1998. His wife, Brenda, told me that Moore was a longtime acquaintance of his—they went to the Y.M.C.A. together often—and that he planned to vote for him."

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall"
You are pathetic. Really pathetic. Overwhelming evidence surfaces day after day and you still defend a child molester.
Wow. Overwhelming evidence?

I hope that when you're accused of capital murder, the same sterling standard is used by the jury of your trial.
And one more time Moore was never banned from the mall,.Just another lie in this pile of garbage lies by the media.

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned

Former Gadsden mall manager says Roy Moore wasn't banned
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

One woman said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What evidence do you expect after 40 years?

He said/ She said

Do you believe the multiple women or Creepy Roy?
Did you watch that video of the holy heck what a hick Trumper?

Moore was banned years before that Deliverance reject was one of the mangers.

There are people on record as saying he *was* banned, in the late 70's and one - identified - who has said they were part of the people who were so creeped out by him, they reported him, and because of that, got him banned.
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

One woman said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What evidence do you expect after 40 years?

He said/ She said

Do you believe the multiple women or Creepy Roy?
Did you watch that video of the holy heck what a hick Trumper?

Moore was banned years before that Deliverance reject was one of the mangers.

There are people on record as saying he *was* banned, in the late 70's and one - identified - who has said they were part of the people who were so creeped out by him, they reported him, and because of that, got him banned.
too fking funny for words.

"A lawyer representing a woman who accused Alabama's GOP Senate candidate of sexual assault on Wednesday offered to hand over evidence to a Congressional committee if the committee agrees to hold hearings on the accusations.

Gloria Allred offered to hand over to "an independent expert" a yearbook that reportedly confirms Moore knew her client, Beverly Young Nelson, in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Moore has denied that he knew Nelson. His attorney, Phillip L. Jauregui, on Wednesday called on Nelson to turn over the yearbook to a neutral party for handwriting analysis.

"We also urge the committees to subpoena Roy Moore to testify under oath about his denials of the accusations made against him," Allred said in a statement.

Allred said she sent letters to the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics requesting that they hold hearings on recent accusations against Moore "within the next two weeks."

"I formally requested that those committees conduct a hearing within the next two weeks regarding the accusations made by the five women who alleged that they were victims of Roy Moore when they were teenagers," Allred said in a statement.

"In the event that either or both Committees agree to conduct our requested hearing, then we would agree to have the original yearbook examined by an independent expert or experts who would obtain exemplars of Mr. Moore’s handwriting during the period in question and compare that handwriting to that contained in the yearbook."

Lawyer: Congress can examine yearbook if hearings are held on Moore accusations

In addition, the woman has agreed to testify under oath. Hell of a lot Moore....than Moore.
i Laugh at this shit. how the fk would someone know whether someone was banned from a mall 38 years ago? how fking illogical is that? very. where are them damned records at anyways?

They ran the story under "Locals say". Good grief we're down to gossip and rumor to attempt to destroy someone. To me this is completely non political. It comes down to innocent until proven guilty and now you have everyone and their mother running around accusing people of "abusing" them from years ago and I feel like I'm living in a permanent news cycle of the freaking National Enquirer!

Aye carumba. Make it stop!

It started with gossip and moved on to five women with stories to tell

Mitch McConnell, Paul Rupyan, Jeff Sessions and Ivanka Trump say they believe the women.....why don't you?

Two women who claim sexual assault with no evidence. A former career criminal claims he pinched her butt in the presence of her mother. BUT apparently mom didn't witness it.

One woman in the actual original WP story claime OMG he asked her out on a date and her mother wouldn't let her go.

Two women dated him. No sexual misconduct. Their mothers trusted Moore. Only hugging and kissing contradicting the others.

One woman said he was a lousy kisser and never went out with him again.

And 2 others claim he asked them out on a date.

Get the lynch mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What evidence do you expect after 40 years?

He said/ She said

Do you believe the multiple women or Creepy Roy?
Did you watch that video of the holy heck what a hick Trumper?

Moore was banned years before that Deliverance reject was one of the mangers.

There are people on record as saying he *was* banned, in the late 70's and one - identified - who has said they were part of the people who were so creeped out by him, they reported him, and because of that, got him banned.

Put up the evidence of the ban. I'll believe it if you put up evidence of the ban.
"A lawyer representing a woman who accused Alabama's GOP Senate candidate of sexual assault on Wednesday offered to hand over evidence to a Congressional committee if the committee agrees to hold hearings on the accusations.

Gloria Allred offered to hand over to "an independent expert" a yearbook that reportedly confirms Moore knew her client, Beverly Young Nelson, in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Moore has denied that he knew Nelson. His attorney, Phillip L. Jauregui, on Wednesday called on Nelson to turn over the yearbook to a neutral party for handwriting analysis.

"We also urge the committees to subpoena Roy Moore to testify under oath about his denials of the accusations made against him," Allred said in a statement.

Allred said she sent letters to the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics requesting that they hold hearings on recent accusations against Moore "within the next two weeks."

"I formally requested that those committees conduct a hearing within the next two weeks regarding the accusations made by the five women who alleged that they were victims of Roy Moore when they were teenagers," Allred said in a statement.

"In the event that either or both Committees agree to conduct our requested hearing, then we would agree to have the original yearbook examined by an independent expert or experts who would obtain exemplars of Mr. Moore’s handwriting during the period in question and compare that handwriting to that contained in the yearbook."

Lawyer: Congress can examine yearbook if hearings are held on Moore accusations

In addition, the woman has agreed to testify under oath. Hell of a lot Moore....than Moore.

Allred knows damn well that there would be no hearing before the election. She's obviously stalling. If she cared to truly put the nail in the coffin of Roy Moore she would turn over that yearbook immediately for analysis.

But it's not about anything but smear politics by that **** Gloria.

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