Was Natalie Wood murdered 30 years ago?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Everyone should know that there is no statute of limitations on murder and it is the duty of police officers to re-open a case if credible evidence calls for it. The pilot of the yacht anchored off Catalina Is with Natlie Wood and her husband RJ Wagner and Chris Walkin claims he lied 30 years ago about the details of Natalie Wood's death which was ruled an accidental drowning at the time. It must be serious because it seems Walkin has hired an attorney.
It occurred to me that the memory of the current pop-generation doesn't go back much further than Michael Jackson. Natalie was an actress married to RJ Wagner who is best known today for selling mortages on TV. Walkin is still acting.
the Cap claims Wagner refused to let him search for her when they found her missing
ahhh lots of rumours.....

she was suppose to be having an affair with walken...she was terrified of water and could not swim...why would she try to take the dingy back to shore...
A lot of stuff doesn't make sense unless you consider that they were all so drunk that they were unable to function. Walkin said he slept through it all. The pop-medical examiner to the stars made up a scenario that fit Wagner's story.
A brother of mine who has lived the California life for decades tells me that one rumor is that she got hurt in a very rough foursome with the Cap, Wak, and Rob, was having trouble breathing, so they rolled her overboard. I have no idea, but that story is marketable as any. Poor lady.
Robert Wagner is in trouble.....police are saying he is not a suspect
i can see a threesome with wagner and walken but the capt???? but hey when people are getting their freak on....

it will be interesting to see how this turns out and why after 3 decades its back
It's back because we all forgot about the only sober person aboard, the pilot of the boat. The hush money might have run out or the guy got a dose of conscience or he is lying. The more you see of this stuff the more you realize that deep down hollywood celebs are a lot like trailer trash only richer. If it had been a couple of rednecks on a houseboat somebody would be in joil.
All her old movies will be readvertised/ rereleased, books will be published, and those who inherited from her estate will make mucho bucks! Don't you just love it when a plan comes together!
I didn't like the way Wagner acted after Natalie died. To this day when he comes on tv, I change the channel, because I get a sick feeling when he shows his face.
They were fighting and all of a sudden the fighting stopped

A nearby boat heard a woman screaming for help. Best explanation is Wagner pushed her overboard and would not let her back on the boat
why would walken not help her...that is a bizarre ass theory there rw......

here is mine....she was drinking....she was flirting with walken.....wagner gets pissed ...now you must remember this was 30 years ago...wood and wagner are more old school in the realm of hollywood while walken is a new breed with new ideas...for some reason wood gets really pissed and attempts to leave..wagner claims she had used the dingy before and returned to shore....but wood was not a swimmer...she had on jammies and a down type jacket...so perhaps she dressed to go to shore....then she slips and falls into the water...she begins to scream for help....no one inside the boat hears her....that could be very possible...sound travels on water but not inside a cabin ship
(i have no fucking clue what happens inside a cabin ship but i am making this up on the fly)
walken could have been passed out cold....he said he retired early....wagner could have just been pissed ....let her scream a few times...he is drunk too....and then goes to get her and realizes he let her scream a few times too many...and the cover up begins

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