Was Obama Once an Indonesian Citizen? Here’s What We Found When We Went There Looking

So what if he was an Indonesian citizen? The important part is that he has always been an American citizen.

Well it would be nice to know if our PResident had dual citizenship.

Of course, he had dual citizenship. Indonesia considered him a citizen and the U.S. considered him a citizen. Why are you acting like this is a mystery? :eusa_eh:
A bit late for this nonsense. The election is tomorrow, and it looks like a second term for the President.

No, it's not a bit late, and after tomorrow when the kenyan gets his ass kicked to the curb and he no longer has the power and protection of the office of president, he's going to be in a world of shit.

You obama worshipers will probably need some sort of sedative. You probably won't be able to take it when his ass is thrown in jail.

So, is he Kenyan or Indonesian and how did his birth announcement get into two Hawaiian newspapers? :eusa_eh:
Born in Kenya, as witnessed by his grandmother, and adopted by Lolo Soetoro, renamed Barry Soetoro, and lived in Indonesia as a legal Indonesian citizen and a muslim. Did he ever renounce his Indonesian citizenship? Well gee now... damn good question. Why don't you or any other obama supporter here find some proof that he did. I'd love to see it. Fact is there isn't any.

As far as the so called birth announcement, that has been debunked a long time ago. When someone applied for a certification of birth in Hawaii that was automatically reported to the news paper as a legal notice by the State of Hawaii, who even got the address wrong. The obama's never lived at the address given in the notice. The obama's were never even aware there was a notice. The fact is the notice wasn't a "birth announcement," it was a legal ad from the State of Hawaii indicating the obama's had applied for a "certification of birth," which in 1961 the state of Hawaii would give out to ANYONE born ANYWHERE.

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So what if he was an Indonesian citizen? The important part is that he has always been an American citizen.

Well it would be nice to know if our PResident had dual citizenship.

Of course, he had dual citizenship. Indonesia considered him a citizen and the U.S. considered him a citizen. Why are you acting like this is a mystery? :eusa_eh:

Well then he has TRIPLE citizenship, because he had dual citizenship at birth because his father was British, all of which, according to the constitution, makes it illegal for him to be president.

Can you explain why the constitution has been ignored?
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So what if he was an Indonesian citizen? The important part is that he has always been an American citizen.

Well it would be nice to know if our PResident had dual citizenship.

Of course, he had dual citizenship. Indonesia considered him a citizen and the U.S. considered him a citizen. Why are you acting like this is a mystery? :eusa_eh:

When did we know this? When did the press point this out? I love how now you're saying it was common knowledge in 2008? I dont think so
A bit late for this nonsense. The election is tomorrow, and it looks like a second term for the President.

No, it's not a bit late, and after tomorrow when the kenyan gets his ass kicked to the curb and he no longer has the power and protection of the office of president, he's going to be in a world of shit.

You obama worshipers will probably need some sort of sedative. You probably won't be able to take it when his ass is thrown in jail.

I'll bookmark this thread for you.

Also, you have no grounds to throw his ass in jail, or else you could have done it already.
Oh please do, and yes, there are grounds heaped sky high why to throw obama in prison, and he will be sooner or later. He's going to have a virtual MOUNTAIN of charges against him once he's out of office, as there are hundreds of cases pending against him in court right now, and he won't have the presidency power and privilege to hide behind. He's going to go to prison, unless he gets pardoned by President Romney.
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bullony... there would be government forms from Indonesia stating his father applied for citizenship for Obama and that the Indonesian government accepted and approved this citizenship.

there is NO PAPERWORK stating such and it would be really easy to get, if it did exist.
WARNING: Racist Conspiracy Theory Thread...

Nothing to see here, move along.
bullony... there would be government forms from Indonesia stating his father applied for citizenship for Obama and that the Indonesian government accepted and approved this citizenship.

there is NO PAPERWORK stating such and it would be really easy to get, if it did exist.

The rabid, Obama-deranged compulsive liars can't help themselves
and 007....the only way for the department of health would list Obama's birth is if Obama was born there in one of the hospitals, who report such births.

Obama was born on the 4th of august, this was in the newspapers in about a week....do you honestly believe that his mother was able to get the 4 international flights right after he was born and able to get back to Hawaii when it was common for any woman delivering a child to be hospitalized for a 7 day protocol at the time....where is the record for Obama's mother's reentry in to the United states? Where is the passport stamp showing such? Where are the airline records showing such? where is the record that Obama's mother petitioned the hospital to list her child as being born in Honolulu?

Please, stop with this ridiculous and stupid, ignorant stuff....use your brain, pretty please....not the part that is brain dead, but the part that is working...think this through...
Yeah, let's talk about his busted policy instead of where he came from since that actually affects us more,.
and 007....the only way for the department of health would list Obama's birth is if Obama was born there in one of the hospitals, who report such births.

Obama was born on the 4th of august, this was in the newspapers in about a week....do you honestly believe that his mother was able to get the 4 international flights right after he was born and able to get back to Hawaii when it was common for any woman delivering a child to be hospitalized for a 7 day protocol at the time....where is the record for Obama's mother's reentry in to the United states? Where is the passport stamp showing such? Where are the airline records showing such? where is the record that Obama's mother petitioned the hospital to list her child as being born in Honolulu?

Please, stop with this ridiculous and stupid, ignorant stuff....use your brain, pretty please....not the part that is brain dead, but the part that is working...think this through...
Sorry Care, but you're really sounding stupid now. The small ad was an automatic notice put there when ANYONE who applied for a "certification of birth" did so. The ad does NOT list a hospital, a time of birth or ANYTHING else. It is a small automatic legal notice. Had that been a LEGITIMATE notice of BIRTH put there by the obama's, then HOW IN THE HELL DID THEY GET THEIR OWN DAMN ADDRESS WRONG? Good God woman, use your freakin' brain.

Babies fly every day. This ridiculous argument that obama couldn't haven't have flown back to the states with his mother is moronic. Of course they flew back, because obama's father was a total piece of shit who abandoned his mother and him because he was a drunk, a womanizer and a communist. obama and his mother flew back to Hawaii to shack up with their grandmother and grandfather who were also piece of shit commies, and that's when obama's mother applied for the "certification of birth" from Hawaii. Those are the facts, and there is a mountain of proof behind it, and it will land obama in PRISON. It's just a matter of time.
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bullony... there would be government forms from Indonesia stating his father applied for citizenship for Obama and that the Indonesian government accepted and approved this citizenship.

there is NO PAPERWORK stating such and it would be really easy to get, if it did exist.

The rabid, Obama-deranged compulsive liars can't help themselves

Sure jilly baby... sure... how's the kool aide taste this morning?




Yeah, let's talk about his busted policy instead of where he came from since that actually affects us more,.

So you prefer to ignore the law and constitution because it will make you feel better?

Should we also ignore the murderers and rapists because they don't affect us?

If someone defrauding our laws and constitution doesn't affect you, then what does?

You do realize that everything obama has singed will be illegal, null and void. You don't think that will affect you?

C'mon, really... NOTHING is more important.
Freewill....did you even look at the form you are linking to?

the reason I ask, is because right there on the form it says that Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii....

Do you believe this form? If so, do you believe that Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii?

Also, on the part that you are saying it says that Obama is a Muslim or claims islam as his religion....WHERE does it say Islam is Obama's religion? If you look to the left of where Islam is writen, it does not show what that line is for....it tells you for all other lines on that form but for some reason, there is nothing for the line that says Islam....you can't tell if this is for his step father's religion or for the child's religion....you see that, right?

Also, Obama is an American Citizen, and no matter what any parent of any US citizen under 18 claims or says, that child born in the USA is a citizen of the United States...their parents can not revoke their child's citizenship....when the child reaches 18 or older, the child can then petition the United States government to revoke their own citizenship if they like, but it is still no guarantee the US Gvt will accept the revocation application and do such.

It's not easy to get rid of ones citizenship.

BTW- If Sotero applied to India for a dual citizenship for Obama, there would be a record for it....he doesn't become a citizen of India just by a step father saying so....there would be a lengthy process with a record of doing such.

Please, for the love of God, use the brain He gave you and think this through and do some research on your own.

First of all the link and myself never said he was born in anywhere else then Hawaii. I am not sure where you get that notion other then your response is a canned response put in the wrong thread.

What was questioned is if Obama was a citizen of Indonesia, the answer to that seem to be a very definite yes. Did Barry live under and assumed name? The answer again is a definite yes.

I am not saying Obama was born anywhere other then where he said he was, after 12 years of claiming Kenyan birth. See link in my signature line.

Could you imagine if a Republican had such a history?????
How can the answer be a definite yes? where does it state that he is a citizen of Indonesia and where is the Indonesian government's paperwork showing such? this Catholic School that he went to doesn't say such and can not legally make such a determination either....

It is a government process to beconme a citizen of a country that you were not born in....show us the paperwork for such, and YOU MAY have a point....other than that, you are just full of crapola dear...

and the reason I mentioned his citizenship and being born in the USA is because this form you are showing us for the Catholic School that he attended while in Indonesia has been a part of the "birther" evidence for 4 years.... (yet the form itself says he was born in Hawaii???)

so, where does it say on the form that "Islam" is Obama's religion and not his step father's religion??? and if Obama was a Muslim, why in Heaven's name would they send him to Catholic School? Why not a Muslim School?

The form says he was an Indonesian citizen it also said he was born in Hawaii. Are both true or are both false? Being a citizen of Indonesia doesn't not necessarily disqualify him for POTUS. But he himself claimed to be born in Kenya, do you have any problem with that?
Was Obama Once an Indonesian Citizen? Here’s What We Found When We Went There Looking.

Remember for 12 years that is what Obama claimed.

Obama’s Indonesian School Records Show He Claimed to Be Citizen, Muslim | Bart Janssen | TheBlaze.com
Freewill....did you even look at the form you are linking to?

the reason I ask, is because right there on the form it says that Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii....

Do you believe this form? If so, do you believe that Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii?

Also, on the part that you are saying it says that Obama is a Muslim or claims islam as his religion....WHERE does it say Islam is Obama's religion? If you look to the left of where Islam is writen, it does not show what that line is for....it tells you for all other lines on that form but for some reason, there is nothing for the line that says Islam....you can't tell if this is for his step father's religion or for the child's religion....you see that, right?

Also, Obama is an American Citizen, and no matter what any parent of any US citizen under 18 claims or says, that child born in the USA is a citizen of the United States...their parents can not revoke their child's citizenship....when the child reaches 18 or older, the child can then petition the United States government to revoke their own citizenship if they like, but it is still no guarantee the US Gvt will accept the revocation application and do such.

It's not easy to get rid of ones citizenship.

BTW- If Sotero applied to India for a dual citizenship for Obama, there would be a record for it....he doesn't become a citizen of India just by a step father saying so....there would be a lengthy process with a record of doing such.

Please, for the love of God, use the brain He gave you and think this through and do some research on your own.

First of all the link and myself never said he was born in anywhere else then Hawaii. I am not sure where you get that notion other then your response is a canned response put in the wrong thread.

What was questioned is if Obama was a citizen of Indonesia, the answer to that seem to be a very definite yes. Did Barry live under and assumed name? The answer again is a definite yes.

I am not saying Obama was born anywhere other then where he said he was, after 12 years of claiming Kenyan birth. See link in my signature line.

Could you imagine if a Republican had such a history?????

Well at least Obama doesn't believe god lives on a planet named kolob and when he dies he is going to be made god of his own planet

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