Was Srebrenica a Genocide or a War attrocity?


Gold Member
In Serbia it is still mainstream to say it was not a genocide, some do say it was a genocide, but the mainstream opinion is it was a attrocity, war attrocity but not a genocide. I shared this same opinion when I was 20, purely because I was convinced it was not a genocide, because it was sort of revenge attack, and they removed females and kids, they killed only adult men, or teenager to adult men. They didnt planned and organised to exterminate all bosniaks, they wanted to punish them and thats why they executed 8000. Thats why I was convinced it was a war attrocity not a genocide, but Den Haag ruled it was a genocide and new tensions came around, as the EU official in bosnia declared serbs a genocidal people, and passed a law that it is forbidden to say srebrenica was not a genocide, now the serb officials protested there.

It was just a case of Muslims reaping what they sowed, via a practice they themselves used to take over that part of Europe in the first place. I don't really care what they classify it as, since it was a normal wartime practice for that region. I don't think they should prosecute anybody after the fact. It was just another case of self-defense by non-Muslims. The UN has no business defending Muslims from their victims. The makeup of these ICJ court judges and who decided to claim it was a genocide is worth knowing, and will also probably highlight why nobody needs to take anything the ICJ dreams up seriously; like the UN, they are usually a big joke. If they wanted to be truly objective they would have to indict every Muslim as well for genocide.
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In Serbia it is still mainstream to say it was not a genocide, some do say it was a genocide, but the mainstream opinion is it was a attrocity, war attrocity but not a genocide. I shared this same opinion when I was 20, purely because I was convinced it was not a genocide, because it was sort of revenge attack, and they removed females and kids, they killed only adult men, or teenager to adult men. They didnt planned and organised to exterminate all bosniaks, they wanted to punish them and thats why they executed 8000. Thats why I was convinced it was a war attrocity not a genocide, but Den Haag ruled it was a genocide and new tensions came around, as the EU official in bosnia declared serbs a genocidal people, and passed a law that it is forbidden to say srebrenica was not a genocide, now the serb officials protested there.

By definition, genocide is an attempt to reduce or eliminate a specific genetic line. By killing all the reproducing males, they are forcing any children to be fathered by some other genetic line. Seems to fit the genocide definition to me.
In Serbia it is still mainstream to say it was not a genocide, some do say it was a genocide, but the mainstream opinion is it was a attrocity, war attrocity but not a genocide. I shared this same opinion when I was 20, purely because I was convinced it was not a genocide, because it was sort of revenge attack, and they removed females and kids, they killed only adult men, or teenager to adult men. They didnt planned and organised to exterminate all bosniaks, they wanted to punish them and thats why they executed 8000. Thats why I was convinced it was a war attrocity not a genocide, but Den Haag ruled it was a genocide and new tensions came around, as the EU official in bosnia declared serbs a genocidal people, and passed a law that it is forbidden to say srebrenica was not a genocide, now the serb officials protested there.


It was a huge lie of the West which helped to split former great country Yugoslavia in a couple of poor dwarfs.
By the way Russians and Serbians are brothers and Russians love Serbian Chetniks!
Kosovo and all stolen Serbian territorials must be given to Serbia back!

In Serbia it is still mainstream to say it was not a genocide, some do say it was a genocide, but the mainstream opinion is it was a attrocity, war attrocity but not a genocide. I shared this same opinion when I was 20, purely because I was convinced it was not a genocide, because it was sort of revenge attack, and they removed females and kids, they killed only adult men, or teenager to adult men. They didnt planned and organised to exterminate all bosniaks, they wanted to punish them and thats why they executed 8000. Thats why I was convinced it was a war attrocity not a genocide, but Den Haag ruled it was a genocide and new tensions came around, as the EU official in bosnia declared serbs a genocidal people, and passed a law that it is forbidden to say srebrenica was not a genocide, now the serb officials protested there.

It was both a war crime and an act of Genocide. Both the ICJ and the ICTY in the Hague found this to be the case. Just as there are Holocaust deniers out there, there's no surprise that there are Serbians and others who deny any crimes were comitted there. Similarly, there are Turks who deny the Armenian Genocide never happened.
In Serbia it is still mainstream to say it was not a genocide, some do say it was a genocide, but the mainstream opinion is it was a attrocity, war attrocity but not a genocide. I shared this same opinion when I was 20, purely because I was convinced it was not a genocide, because it was sort of revenge attack, and they removed females and kids, they killed only adult men, or teenager to adult men. They didnt planned and organised to exterminate all bosniaks, they wanted to punish them and thats why they executed 8000. Thats why I was convinced it was a war attrocity not a genocide, but Den Haag ruled it was a genocide and new tensions came around, as the EU official in bosnia declared serbs a genocidal people, and passed a law that it is forbidden to say srebrenica was not a genocide, now the serb officials protested there.

Moscow supported this genocide and the criminal, imperialists Serbs in geniral , Moscow must pay for this crime
It was a huge lie of the West which helped to split former great country Yugoslavia in a couple of poor dwarfs.
By the way Russians and Serbians are brothers and Russians love Serbian Chetniks!
Kosovo and all stolen Serbian territorials must be given to Serbia back!


It was a huge lie of the West which helped to split former great country Yugoslavia in a couple of poor dwarfs.

I never saw the point of splitting up Yugoslavia; kind of a stupid idea. They didn't have another Tito in line but it would have still been better to keep it one union instead of the chaos it turned into.
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