Was the DOD following orders?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.
In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.

I am also ashamed how this administration has used our Military as pawns in all this.

Bad enough that they close monuments to our Hero's, but to withhold funds from the families of the war dead is despicable.

Yes, they should be ashamed of themselves
In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.

Good question...

Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party?

This whole ordeal was indeed shameful. He should have stepped in.
In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.

Good question...

Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party?

This whole ordeal was indeed shameful. He should have stepped in.
Who says Obama didnt step in?
More Rightwing outrage over the impact of their shutdown

What do you mean people would be hurt?
It should be more than obvious that this would ultimately be eric holder's action. Some attorney ferretted out this obscure law that could, by a stretch, be misinterpreted to deprive the military of death benefits. The order to find something to increase the pain came from obama. It had to.
In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.

Good question...

Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party?

This whole ordeal was indeed shameful. He should have stepped in.

The republicans wanted to shut down the government.
The republicans were warned that people would be hurt if the government shut down.
The republicans shut the government down in spite of being warned.
Now the republicans are blaming Obama for the problems THEY caused.

Maybe you should pick up a copy of "The Constitution for Dummies." THERE IS NOTHING PRESIDENT OBAMA CAN DO ABOUT THE FUNDS FOR DEAD AMERICAN SOLDIERS. Any bill involving money MUST come from the Congress. Once the bill is on his desk President Obama can sign the bill. Until that happens his hands are tied.
However, the bottom line is this, those military funds are not being disbursed because of the republicans refusing to fund the government with a clean CR. Obama warned them people would be hurt and they ignored the warning.
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In any rational time in American history the Secretary of Defense would be on the hot seat for withdrawing funds to bury the courageous best of the best in the Military who were killed in action. Was DOD secretary Chuck Hagel following orders when he decided not to pay the survivors of the families who paid the ultimate sacrifice? Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party? He had the power to make things right for the families of the Soldiers and Marines who paid the ultimate price but he chose not to console the families in favor of punishing Americans for the shutdown. Did the DOD really authorize the shoddy treatment of America's honored dead by picking up the caskets with a forklift rather than the honored guard? As a Vet I am more ashamed than angry.

Good question...

Is Barry Obama the president of the whole Country or just the president of the democrat party?

This whole ordeal was indeed shameful. He should have stepped in.

The republicans wanted to shut down the government.
The republicans were warned that people would be hurt if the government shut down.
The republicans shut the government down in spite of being warned.
Now the republicans are blaming Obama for the problems THEY caused.

Maybe you should pick up a copy of "The Constitution for Dummies." THERE IS NOTHING PRESIDENT OBAMA CAN DO ABOUT THE FUNDS FOR DEAD AMERICAN SOLDIERS. Any bill involving money MUST come from the Congress. Once the bill is on his desk President Obama can sign the bill. Until that happens his hands are tied.
However, the bottom line is this, those military funds are not being disbursed because of the republicans refusing to fund the government with a clean CR. Obama warned them people would be hurt and they ignored the warning.

Chump: Laws were passed (which means signed by the President.) that funded the civilian employees of the DoD AND Veteran death benefits.

The administration is too blame here.

Happy I could help you out? What's that tattoo I see on ya?

"Member - Moonbat society"

How nice
I surmise that a blanket order came from Obama to instill as much pain as possible for his shutdown, and to blame it on the GOP without appreciating the backlash this most poignant issue would create - he probably overlooked the death benefits all together. His yes man, the nutless Hagle was just following orders, and did not realize that action though seemenly opposed to his chief was mandatory.

From benghazi to this tremendous embarrasment, there is a pattern of a disconnect, or the fabricated apperance of one between Obama, and his menions. From gun running, the IRS, to this crap, there is always this deniability. He has Jay Carney sounding worse than the worst used car salesman ever.

I think that years after this administration is past, it will come out how he micro manages every aspect of his cabinet, and further. I think he is an absolute controll freak that does not realize that our government is too big to community organize.

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