Was This Just A False Flag Bomb Threat Or A Call For Freedom??

Definitely false flag then. We 'dopes' each exspouse separate opinions, whereas this FBI stooge managed to accumulate them all. Did the FBI at least scrub this one's antifa flag pictures from his social media?
That shitbird’s all MAGA and all yours.
The guy is just a mentally unstable individual going through depression due in part to his private life. Nonsense like this, isn't political but a case for a psychologist or psychiatrist.
They should’ve knelt on his neck for ten minutes or so.

"The Supreme Court, a House office building and the Library of Congress were evacuated Thursday after a North Carolina man in a truck parked outside the library said he had a bomb, according to law enforcement officials. “My negotiators are hard at work trying to have a peaceful resolution to this incident,” U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger told reporters at a briefing. The man has been making anti-government statements, according to law enforcement officials who spoke with NBC News.

Officials said the man claimed to have a propane tank inside the cab of the truck. Two law enforcement officials told NBC that the driver is communicating with authorities by writing on a dry-erase board that he had in the vehicle."

So, do you think this is an ANTIFA-Biden orchestrated false flag to take attention off of Afghanistan and the Arizona audit?? The guy is live streaming this.....here are a couple of clips..

He is basically claiming that if the Capitol police shoot him (like they shot Ashli Babbit) -- they will blow up 2 city blocks because he has the truck full of ammonium nitrate....obvious ANTIFA/BLM calling card....

So in this video he is claiming the South is here...and there are five of them spreading across DC....what does he mean by the south is here?? Is he trying to signal that he is some Neo-Confederate type?? If so, this is a very obvious sign this is a Democrat-ANTIFA-FBI false flag operation....Because the only folks who ever claimed to be from the south while threatening attacks on the US Capitol are people who call themselves Confederates....aka Democrats..

More on the way, probably. The cult is weaponized and full of misguided rage.
The guy is just a mentally unstable individual going through depression due in part to his private life. Nonsense like this, isn't political but a case for a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Yep. I read somewhere that he had just lost family members.
The weaponized FBI and stooges are all yours. The truth of it might come out, no doubt there will need to a dozen House investigations. Anything to keep our eyes off the failed Biden administration. Pretty convenient timing for folks too.
Just like 1/6. :cuckoo:
Thanks for the timely example of my point. It’s always appreciated.
Amazing that this seems to be the only thread about this.

Another deranged Trumper. And yes, I know that's redundant.
I was hoping it was because liberals were actually getting smarter and waiting for all the information before shooting themselves in the foot again. Thanks for disabusing me of that notion.
One more crazed Trumper

"The Supreme Court, a House office building and the Library of Congress were evacuated Thursday after a North Carolina man in a truck parked outside the library said he had a bomb, according to law enforcement officials. “My negotiators are hard at work trying to have a peaceful resolution to this incident,” U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger told reporters at a briefing. The man has been making anti-government statements, according to law enforcement officials who spoke with NBC News.

Officials said the man claimed to have a propane tank inside the cab of the truck. Two law enforcement officials told NBC that the driver is communicating with authorities by writing on a dry-erase board that he had in the vehicle."

So, do you think this is an ANTIFA-Biden orchestrated false flag to take attention off of Afghanistan and the Arizona audit?? The guy is live streaming this.....here are a couple of clips..

He is basically claiming that if the Capitol police shoot him (like they shot Ashli Babbit) -- they will blow up 2 city blocks because he has the truck full of ammonium nitrate....obvious ANTIFA/BLM calling card....

So in this video he is claiming the South is here...and there are five of them spreading across DC....what does he mean by the south is here?? Is he trying to signal that he is some Neo-Confederate type?? If so, this is a very obvious sign this is a Democrat-ANTIFA-FBI false flag operation....Because the only folks who ever claimed to be from the south while threatening attacks on the US Capitol are people who call themselves Confederates....aka Democrats..

Guys a lil nuts....also praising Nancy Pelosi.....cmon man
Another bomb turned up in times Square...feds hands probably all over this guy and times Square

We keep warning yas keep poking the bull and when people have nothing left to lose they're gonna build killdozers and start eviscerating commies

I always say forget DC for a reason

Wait patiently for the collapse and keep it local

You'll have plenty of time to do what needs to be done when spicy time comes.


It’s obvious the guy is a mental case, and needs professional help along with some meds.

"The Supreme Court, a House office building and the Library of Congress were evacuated Thursday after a North Carolina man in a truck parked outside the library said he had a bomb, according to law enforcement officials. “My negotiators are hard at work trying to have a peaceful resolution to this incident,” U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger told reporters at a briefing. The man has been making anti-government statements, according to law enforcement officials who spoke with NBC News.

Officials said the man claimed to have a propane tank inside the cab of the truck. Two law enforcement officials told NBC that the driver is communicating with authorities by writing on a dry-erase board that he had in the vehicle."

So, do you think this is an ANTIFA-Biden orchestrated false flag to take attention off of Afghanistan and the Arizona audit?? The guy is live streaming this.....here are a couple of clips..

He is basically claiming that if the Capitol police shoot him (like they shot Ashli Babbit) -- they will blow up 2 city blocks because he has the truck full of ammonium nitrate....obvious ANTIFA/BLM calling card....

So in this video he is claiming the South is here...and there are five of them spreading across DC....what does he mean by the south is here?? Is he trying to signal that he is some Neo-Confederate type?? If so, this is a very obvious sign this is a Democrat-ANTIFA-FBI false flag operation....Because the only folks who ever claimed to be from the south while threatening attacks on the US Capitol are people who call themselves Confederates....aka Democrats..

The evening news indicated that the police stated that his wife claims that he's merely "fed up".

With what, they didn't say but I'd love to know exactly how he feels victimized.
This is to be expected when you have a lot of inflammatory politicians trying to make their case by appealing to negative emotions like fear, anger, helplessness, and so on. People who are hanging in there such as this poor guy get pushed over the edge by all of the rhetoric. Like Roudy said, he needs a stay at a mental hospital and the attention of a psychiatrist for a good, long time.

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