Was Trump's 2016 Victory an Act of Divine Intervention?

Was Trump's 2016 victory an Act of God?

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The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself. I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

If you think God is the reason that Trump was elected, it's just further proof that God doesn't exist.

Another god hating triggered marxist.

For the same reason I don't hate unicorns or purple flying hippos, I can't hate something that doesn't exist.

That would be a monumental waste of time.

It sure seemed important for you to open your post with Denying God.

If you truly didn't believe in God, you wouldn't have mentioned it, because you'd be apathetic entirely.

You don't just believe in God, you hate God.

Actually, I hate when people refer to an imaginary being in the sky who somehow has any sort of impact on the real world.

You know, kind of like you did with this thread.
The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself. I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

The entire idea that the Supreme Being, Creator, God, Goddess, is involved in U.S. politics is total horseshit. BTW: how would anyone be so stupid to think that a divine being would have a physical body such that it would be a male or a female?
Nope. Just a well run campaign and a guy who went all across the country campaigning.

He did a much better job than Hitlery. Hitlery believed the pundits, talking heads, MSM people and polls that all told her she would be our next POTUS.

Glad to see they were all full of shit.

Tramp was a predator and went for the jugular on all that ran against him, but a lot of help from Russia got him across the finish line.

Nope. Trump and his people ran a great campaign. Much better than lazy Hitlery did.

Oh and the Russians had nothing to do with his win. No collusion. No obstruction. Get your shit straight.

They did not run a great campaign. Voters hated both candidates. Utah is the most Republican state in the Union and 27% of voters voted third party while Trump won with less than 50% of the vote. Romney won 72% 4 years ago.
The choice was between a shock jock reality show talk host or a establishment corporate Washington hack.

Nobody won, the American people lost regardless of the outcome...
If we were to say God picked Trump to president, is to expose him for what he really is.i laugh so much over this crap do you really think that God wants people in cages.

You should have asked McCain that before he died.
If we were to say God picked Trump to president, is to expose him for what he really is.i laugh so much over this crap do you really think that God wants people in cages.

You should have asked McCain that before he died.

Maybe you ask God about Trump burning in hell one day.

God doesn't exist.
The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself. I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

Few if any of us who post on this forum can imagine what life is actually like from either the perspective of national media fame or as leader of the free world. That being said, from the bottom up vantage point of an average American Citizen, well—perhaps Donald J. Trump's election victory was indeed a divine gift of sorts, or more likely a divine second chance for all Americans to notice the incoming destruction of their civilization before it was too late to do anything to stop it. Donald Trump's presidency, while a definite step in the right direction for our nation, was even more so both a reaction to the damage wrought on America by the radical left, and an in-between patch job; a stay of execution of sorts. As much as I respect the man, Donald Trump is not the endgame solution or cure to the possibly fatal disease of American Radical Leftism. He's a stopgap—a "make-do" in time of emergency—intended to buy us all more time to decide, as a people, whether or not we want our nation to survive or allow it to fall into chaos. So in that regard collectively, Donald Trump was—is—a godsend.

America's real and true Deus ex Machina will either be Trump's successor or, his successor will be America's destroyer. In this way, President Trump is like a bridge between despair and either a very, very long fall or a solid foothold on a good future; he is four to eight years of hope, nothing more or less. Quite frankly, and even despite the President's best efforts, America could still collapse and die in the near future. All depends on many factors, not the least of which being who comes next—post Trump. This to me is very evident in observing the continued march of popular culture, higher education, public schools, media and the entertainment industry toward permanent Cultural Marxism. It is almost like even though we have this great leader in the White House, the fabric or guts of our nation continues to rot from within. Thus the question: will America survive the radical left's best efforts to kill it becomes harder to answer by the day. Of one thing, however, I am certain: had Donald Trump not been elected President, our America would be very close to or already gone over the edge and plunging into a new dark age.
Maybe you ask God about Trump burning in hell one day.
Tramp was a predator and went for the jugular on all that ran against him, but a lot of help from Russia got him across the finish line.

I've been wanting to ask this question to someone who thinks this -- can you please identify what specifically Russia did that changed the outcome of the election?
The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself. I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

I'd like to believe 1) there is a God and 2)God cares enough about US politics to intervene instead of some other places in the world that really, really need an intervention.

Trump was elected because the last guy promised us "Hope and Change". We didn't get that. We're tired of the same old, same old, "politics as usual", "no real difference between the two parties", "Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton". Voters realized there is no hope so we sent the baboon to Washington to shake things up. We don't want the same old same old.

Keep it up and we're sending him back.
The result of eight years of Ears

That's how I saw things throughout 2015 and most of 2016, expecting the usual change of party after 8 years. Then I got suckered in by the polls during the final 2 months and am just glad I wasn't a betting man.

Likewise I figured "ears" was a result of 8 years of double-ya, who additionally brought us a super majority for the Democrats.
The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself.

I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

I'd say it was more an act of incredible arrogance and stupidity by the corrupt DNC swamp, no divine intervention needed

'It's her turn' really isn't a slogan that wins selections...

Nope. Just a well run campaign and a guy who went all across the country campaigning.

He did a much better job than Hitlery. Hitlery believed the pundits, talking heads, MSM people and polls that all told her she would be our next POTUS.

Glad to see they were all full of shit.

Tramp was a predator and went for the jugular on all that ran against him, but a lot of help from Russia got him across the finish line.

Nope. Trump and his people ran a great campaign. Much better than lazy Hitlery did.

Oh and the Russians had nothing to do with his win. No collusion. No obstruction. Get your shit straight.

They did not run a great campaign. Voters hated both candidates. Utah is the most Republican state in the Union and 27% of voters voted third party while Trump won with less than 50% of the vote. Romney won 72% 4 years ago.

Your talking out your ass. Trump and his people ran one hell of a campaign while Hitlery just assumed she would win.

Surprise. The great campaign made the difference.

Trump and America won and you lefty loon idiots lost. Buckle up buttercup because you will have four more years to moan, groan and complain.

Enjoy. I know I will.
The Hand of Providence selected the perfect person to force the Deep State to reveal itself. I am of the belief that's Trump's 2016 victory was the an Act of God.

There is no way Odin picked a fat old man that refused to serve in the military.

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