Was Ukraine a threat to Russia before start of Russian military operation?

Misquoting someone is a classic sign of propaganda Zampolit.

I said that the Russians are far worse in reality than the Ukrainians are in your propaganda.

Everything you do shows you up for a pathetic sock for the Russians.

The Russians and their trolls must do that. Because truth is feared.
Who gives a fuck who’s worse? Their war is none of the USG’s fucking business.

if only!
Almighty and Terrible Russia has not been able to defeat 40-million-strong Ukraine for almost eight months.

But after Russia defeats 40-million-strong Ukraine, Russian troops will of course seize 453-million-strong European Union, 300-million-strong U.S. and the rest of the world within a couple of weeks.

Therefore, the whole world has to help Ukraine in order not to be seized by Almighty and Terrible Russia.
Yeah they like to say Putin’s a madman, yet they also claim he’d never use nukes.
You "anarchists" always amuse me. You never have answers to problems. You never want to do the hard work to fix things. You're the ass holes that think tearing it all down is the way to go!
And you're gullible enough to think he's an anarchist because he writes that in his profile. He seems much too supportive of Russia's viewpoint to be an anarchist.
OK, it does not matter for the U.S. that Ukraine is a corrupt nation.

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is Nazi legislation in Ukraine (please see the first post of this thread).

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is a vast number of unresolved political murders in Ukraine (please see here).

It does not matter at all for the U.S. what kind of a country Ukraine is.

If any country “is being invaded by a bigger neighbor”, the U.S. must support this smaller country.
There is corruption throughout the former Soviet bloc, Dissident. Name a former Soviet territory that ISN'T corrupt!

What is "Nazi" legislation?

With all due respect, when it comes to political murder...Vladimir Putin makes almost anyone else look like a rank amateur. He's been killing off his political opposition for years.
And you're gullible enough to think he's an anarchist because he writes that in his profile. He seems much too supportive of Russia's viewpoint to be an anarchist.
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But you haven't still answered my question about Ukraine although I had asked you this question twice.

Be happy that you are still alive, Russian. And if you love life then you should perhaps try to think about wht others say to you. Russia is the criminal country and not so anyone else.

And I believe that Ukraine and human rights is a much more interesting discussion.

This discussion will be a European discussion and not a Russian discussion.

And a very interesting discussion is the U.S. attitude to human rights in Ukraine.


For example, the U.S. were deeply concerned about 9 unresolved political murders in Russia – whose population was 143-144 millions – in the period from 2004 to 2012.

Unfortunatelly I am not able to think the Russian government murdered only 9 people.

But the U.S. are not concerned at all about at least 185 unresolved political murders in Ukraine – whose population is 40-43 millions - in the last 8 years (see here).

And who did do so in the Ukraine? Russia?
Be happy that you are still alive, Russian. And if you love life then you should perhaps try to think about wht others say to you. Russia is the criminal country and not so anyone else.

This discussion will be a European discussion and not a Russian discussion.


Unfortunatelly I am not able to think the Russian government murdered only 9 people.

And who did do so in the Ukraine? Russia?
Hey, Fritz, you're German, aren't you? Shut up and cry shamefully in a corner.
I know about the Holy Roman Empire, but according to you the Czech lands and Moravia should become Germany because they had some German speakers there? Yeah, I know, one of the emperors was Czech. So?

A Czech never had been emperor of the Holy Roman empire. How should this had been able to happen - except he had been the leader of an old noble Germanic or Celtic house? And Germans lived a long time in this area before the first Czechs arrived there.

eWhat about Northern Italy? It was also part of the Holy Roman Empire.

So what? The Germans who lived there are still there - and anyway this would not make any sense in this case because the Italians lived there before Germanics came into this area. And the ancestors of the Germans had nit only been Germanics and Celts but also Romans.

So then you would think Italy should be a part of Germany, or Germany should be a part of Italy?

This would make not any sense. The name "Lombards" comes from the word "Langobards" and the Italian speaking Lombards for example are Italians mixed with Germanics. This had happenend in a similar way everywhere in the western world - in England and France for example - and even in Africa, where the "Vandals" lived and founded later in Spain (V)"Andalusia". No one would had called the inhabitants of Andalusia Germans - but indeed the Andalusians also had Germanic roots - although they had been Muslims coming from Africa.

And not to forget: Not any word of the expression "Holy Roman Empire of German Nation" has the same meaning today as it had once. "Holy" = basing on Christian values, "Roman"=Rule of [written] law, "Empire"=Union with an authoritarian but elected leader, "of German nation" =of united nations speaking a common down to earth language.
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Ukrainian legislation provides that ethnic Russians are third-grade citizens in Ukraine – compared with first-grade ethnic Crimean Tatars or second-grade ethnic Hungarians and Romanians (see Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?).

But at the same time, Ukrainian authorities demanded Russia to give back the Crimean Peninsula where most of people are ethnic Russians (Russia considers this Peninsula to be its own).

On the official web-site of the Ukrainian President you can read that Ukraine was preparing a package of measures – including military ones – for “de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea” (see here).

Please translate in Google Translator the following phrase

Cannot we conclude that Ukrainian preparation of military measures for “de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea” could provoke the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine?
That’s an interesting and credibly theory. This is the first time I’m hearing it. It adds to the narrative that Putin acted to save Russians in Donbass
Hey, Fritz, you're German, aren't you? Shut up and cry shamefully in a corner.

And others suggest to us we should think about to kill all Russians without any scruple to do so. So what do you think will be our choice? I love corners - specially the "von Neumann corner" in the USA - on the other side I heard from German and English soldiers who reported about that in war it can happen to kill enemies is able to make a lot of fun. Perhaps we should try to find out in Russia whether this hypothese is really true?
And others suggest to us we should think about to kill all Russians without any scruple to do so. So what do you think will be our choice? I love corners - specially the "von Neumann corner" in the USA - on the other side I heard from German and English soldiers who reported about that in war it can happen to kill enemies is able to make a lot of fun. Perhaps we should try to find out in Russia whether this hypothese is really true?
You tried, Fritz, several times I think. What came of it, remember? You know why I call you Fritz? You seem to have no idea, haven't you?
You tried, Fritz, several times I think. What came of it, remember? You know why I call you Fritz? You seem to have no idea, haven't you?

By the way: As far as I know Germany and Russia never had been in any war against each other - exception is only the weird "Stalin-Hitler-game" or "Nazi-Soviet-war" in which Stalin murdered much more Russians than Hitler did do - and Hitler murdered much more Germans (including the Ashkenazim = the Jews who spoke the German language Yiddish) than Stalin did do.

And I heard one of the Prussian kings had conquered once Moscow - but I do not know now who this had been. Anyway my own German tribe always had hated the Prussians so perhaps we had helped Russia if we had been able to do so. But in the end: We always had been weaker than the Prussians - they always had been much stronger. But: We are alive - they are dead. And this is not our fault nor the fault of any other German tribe.

In the orginal of this Prussian song was written "Ostseestrand" - not "Memelstrand" as it is sung today on reason of political correctness.
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With all due respect, when it comes to political murder...Vladimir Putin makes almost anyone else look like a rank amateur. He's been killing off his political opposition for years.
As a rule, the unresolved deaths of Russian opposition figures are their deaths in Western Europe or in the U.A.

And these deaths must be resolved by authorities of respective countries, not by Russia.
But, as a rule, authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. never find any culprits.
Or to be more exact, they say that they haven't found any culprits.

I am sure that most of these deaths have been resolved but it has been found that Russia had nothing to do with these deaths. However, authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. prefer to pretend to be fools who are incapable to resolve crimes on their own territories.

And who did do so (almost 200 unresolved political murders) in the Ukraine? Russia?
If somebody is shot dead, burnt alive, stabbed to death etc. on the territory, which is under control of Ukrainian rulers, it is the duty of Ukrainian rulers to find who are the culprits.

But in numerous cases Ukrainian rulers – like authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. – say that they cannot find any culprits.

In my opinion, such cases are too numerous – almost 200 unresolved political murders in the last 8 years (see here) – for a relatively small Ukraine.
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As a rule, the unresolved deaths of Russian opposition figures are their deaths in Western Europe or in the U.A.

And these deaths must be resolved by authorities of respective countries, not by Russia.
But, as a rule, authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. never find any culprits.
Or to be more exact, they say that they haven't found any culprits.

I am sure that most of these deaths have been resolved but it has been found that Russia had nothing to do with these deaths. However, authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. prefer to pretend to be fools who are incapable to resolve crimes on their own territories.

If somebody is shot dead, burnt alive, stabbed to death etc. on the territory, which is under control of Ukrainian rulers, it is the duty of Ukrainian rulers to find who are the culprits.

But in numerous cases Ukrainian rulers – like authorities of Western European countries and the U.S. – say that they cannot find any culprits.

In my opinion, such cases are too numerous – almost 200 unresolved political murders in the last 8 years (see here) – for a relatively small Ukraine.
You should do stand up comedy, Dude! You honestly think you can come here and whitewash Putin's decades long history of killing and imprisoning his political opposition? I don't know what they're paying you for this nonsense but it's a waste of money!
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