Was Ukraine a threat to Russia before start of Russian military operation?

Do you really want me to start listing the names of political opponents of Putin that have been murdered?

Please read the blue text below

I repeat once again – if “there is a long list of political opponents that Putin has had killed” there must be a long list of NAMES of these victims...
If you cannot make such a list of names of “Putin’s victims” yourself, please give a link to a source where these names are listed. But please check this list beforehand. It will be YOUR evidence and YOU will be responsible for its correctness.
I was listening to Jeffy Sachs talking about the end of the Soviet Union today and he said that the US never felt friendly towards Russia and never wanted to help them.

Not true.

I was in the 82nd Airborne when the wall fell. Almost immediately we had Russian Soldiers there to learn how we trained our Army. There was even a Russian sent to NTC, the premier Army training base.

We did this to help them make their Army better. Because we wanted them to succeed.

That isn’t all we did. We funded their scalping of their nuclear fleet that was obsolete and rusting at the piers. This helped the Russians avoid a catastrophe.

Want more? You got it. We bought rocket engines from Russia. They were pound for pound better than our own. Helping fund their space program and giving jobs to the Russian technicians who built and maintained the engines.

How about more. American Farming experts went to help the Russians maximize their production of food. For the first time in more than a century Russia was able to feed themselves.

These are examples. Certainly not a complete list.

We wanted a strong trading partner. Someone we could work with. And this lasted until Russia began fighting with and conquering their neighbors. Chechnya. Georgia. You know the rest.

The more aggressive the Russians got. The less we helped them.
Not true.

Oh it was true.
I was in the 82nd Airborne when the wall fell. Almost immediately we had Russian Soldiers there to learn how we trained our Army. There was even a Russian sent to NTC, the premier Army training base.

We did this to help them make their Army better. Because we wanted them to succeed.

That isn’t all we did. We funded their scalping of their nuclear fleet that was obsolete and rusting at the piers. This helped the Russians avoid a catastrophe.

Want more? You got it. We bought rocket engines from Russia. They were pound for pound better than our own. Helping fund their space program and giving jobs to the Russian technicians who built and maintained the engines.

How about more. American Farming experts went to help the Russians maximize their production of food. For the first time in more than a century Russia was able to feed themselves.

These are examples. Certainly not a complete list.

We wanted a strong trading partner. Someone we could work with. And this lasted until Russia began fighting with and conquering their neighbors. Chechnya. Georgia. You know the rest.

The more aggressive the Russians got. The less we helped them.
Means nothing. He was the economist and he said they did not want to help Russia. We are all aware that Russia really suffered economically when the Soviet Union ended. You may have liked them, other people will have been nosy and want to help them. At the time I though everyone wanted to help them. Then I got the idea they were being looted but what he was saying sounded very plausible and about helping Russia economically he said the US did not want to help Russia at all.
You seem to be missing the first few years when Russia could have been helped.
What does that drivel even mean? You believe that at some point I "liked" Adolf Hitler? What do you base that nonsense on?
The more I interact with you the more I'm assured every other american is an idiot. Is there a hope that the non-idiot half will overcome some day?
Not true.

I was in the 82nd Airborne when the wall fell. Almost immediately we had Russian Soldiers there to learn how we trained our Army. There was even a Russian sent to NTC, the premier Army training base.

We did this to help them make their Army better. Because we wanted them to succeed.

That isn’t all we did. We funded their scalping of their nuclear fleet that was obsolete and rusting at the piers. This helped the Russians avoid a catastrophe.

Want more? You got it. We bought rocket engines from Russia. They were pound for pound better than our own. Helping fund their space program and giving jobs to the Russian technicians who built and maintained the engines.

How about more. American Farming experts went to help the Russians maximize their production of food. For the first time in more than a century Russia was able to feed themselves.

These are examples. Certainly not a complete list.

We wanted a strong trading partner. Someone we could work with. And this lasted until Russia began fighting with and conquering their neighbors. Chechnya. Georgia. You know the rest.

The more aggressive the Russians got. The less we helped them.
Where do you hide those wings I wonder? I bet they are huge, judging by the list of angelical deeds you've bestowed upon us.
Ukrainian legislation provides that ethnic Russians are third-grade citizens in Ukraine – compared with first-grade ethnic Crimean Tatars or second-grade ethnic Hungarians and Romanians (see Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?).

But at the same time, Ukrainian authorities demanded Russia to give back the Crimean Peninsula where most of people are ethnic Russians (Russia considers this Peninsula to be its own).

On the official web-site of the Ukrainian President you can read that Ukraine was preparing a package of measures – including military ones – for “de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea” (see here).

Please translate in Google Translator the following phrase

Cannot we conclude that Ukrainian preparation of military measures for “de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea” could provoke the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine?
Or — and follow along here - we might just ask, “which nation’s military invaded the other sovereign nation despite zero military actions against the invader before that invasion?”

If you said “Russia,” then we have the answer. Yes indeed. Ukraine didn’t invade any part of Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine.
Yes indeed. Ukraine didn’t invade any part of Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine.
Iraq did not invade any part of the U.S. in 2003.
The U.S. invaded Iraq because Iraq allegedly had weapons of mass destruction.
However, after the U.S. occupied Iraq, they never found any weapons of mass destruction there.
Iraq did not invade any part of the U.S. in 2003.
The U.S. invaded Iraq because Iraq allegedly had weapons of mass destruction.
However, after the U.S. occupied Iraq, they never found any weapons of mass destruction there.
Zzzz. Thanks for the unasked for and irrelevant history lesson.
I was listening to Jeffy Sachs talking about the end of the Soviet Union today and he said that the US never felt friendly towards Russia and never wanted to help them.
The MIC needs a bogieman to keep the enormous wealth coming in. It‘s Russia and China now, but just a few years ago it was radical Islam and before that the Cold War.

The US is warlike nation. For nearly its entire existence, it’s been at war. Somehow the Founders vision of cooperation with all nations and a policy of nonintervention has been ignored.
With all due respect...Russia's military HAS been exposed!
Yet Putin intends to conquer all of Europe. So we must give billions in weapons to Ukraine to fight him over there rather than here. He’s a mad man too, but we’re assured he’d NEVER use nukes.

Do you see a pattern YET?
Is that how you lull yourself into thinking that Russia will lose? By watching CNN, BBC and other bullshitters you have plenty of and bandying about that with your equally delusional assholes of forummites? You know it'll never happen. Ukraine have lost and "progressive" world's help will just prolong its agony a little, nothing more. You better address that part of your brain that's still adjustable and warm it up to the fact so that the final demise of your beloved Banderastan does not hurt that much.

Alexander, do you know how to do basic math?

Take the number of Russian (poorly motivated) soldiers going to Ukraine and compare it to number of Ukranian (highly motivated) soldiers.
Then take the number of Russian weapon production and compare it to NATO weapon production.

Russia had the initiative on it's side when they invaded, but all that is long gone and Russian forces have done nothing but lost ground in the last two months.


The end game is not very complicated - IT'S BASIC MATH.
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Very suspicious no?
No dummy, when Russia has nothing acceptable to offer negotiating with them is a waste of time.

Ukraine needs to deal with Putin the only way he understands being dealt with. His army needs to be broken in the east, then maybe there would be something to talk about.
Alexander, do you know how to do basic math?

Take the number of Russian (poorly motivated) soldiers going to Ukraine and compare it to number of Ukranian (highly motivated) soldiers.
Then take the number of Russian weapon production and compare it to NATO weapon production.

Russia had the initiative on it's side when they invaded, but all that is long gone and Russian forces have done nothing but lost ground in the last two months.

The end game is not very complicated - IT BASIC MATH.
If Russia did decide to wave the white flag, what will happen to them. (They have said they never will) xso it will have to be if Russia clearly cannot fight any more and is not trying to, what will happen to them?
If Russia did decide to wave the white flag, what will happen to them. (They have said they never will) xso it will have to be if Russia clearly cannot fight any more and is not trying to, what will happen to them?
They tuck their tail in, roll up whats left of their army and go do some thinking and cleaning at home.
Alexander, do you know how to do basic math?

Take the number of Russian (poorly motivated) soldiers going to Ukraine and compare it to number of Ukranian (highly motivated) soldiers.
Then take the number of Russian weapon production and compare it to NATO weapon production.

Russia had the initiative on it's side when they invaded, but all that is long gone and Russian forces have done nothing but lost ground in the last two months.


The end game is not very complicated - IT BASIC MATH.
Funny seeing an idiot palavoring about math. I bet you use your calculator when asked to multiply two by two.
Umm yea.

The west would love nothing more than to never hear of Russia again. Had enough of their bullshit for a lifetime.
'The West' is going to be very different in a few years and it is more than possible that Europe will be integrated with China and Russia. Your time is up. This is your Suez.

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