Was Ukraine a threat to Russia before start of Russian military operation?

Care to explain why Finland and Sweden suddenly feel the need to join NATO to protect themselves from Putin? Putin isn't "defending" Russia...he's aggressively trying to reconstitute the old Soviet empire under the Russian flag through military might.
GET INFORMED! Stop accepting propaganda and lies by the criminal state and media.
Nobody is buying your propaganda, Dissident! Ukraine wanting to take back what Russia has seized by force isn't justification for a Russian invasion. Claiming it is borders on farce! You Russians are guilty of war crimes. Under Putin you're the second coming of the Nazis. The only difference is that the Russian people seem to be coming to their senses about how evil their "leader" actually is! More and more of them are refusing to fight for him.
You know?
Care to explain why Finland and Sweden suddenly feel the need to join NATO to protect themselves from Putin? Putin isn't "defending" Russia...he's aggressively trying to reconstitute the old Soviet empire under the Russian flag through military might.
Even Tucker, a member in good standing of the establishment, knows more than you.
Get informed. Don’t allow the criminal state and it’s controlled media to keep you ignorant.

What does that even mean, Gipper? You think you're more "informed" than I am? How? What is the "criminal state"? Ukraine? It's a corrupt nation but then again most of the former Soviet bloc nations are! Does that mean we shouldn't support them when they're being invaded by a bigger neighbor? I found Kuwait to be a corrupt nation as well but understood why it was the right thing to do to aid them when they were invaded by Iraq.
As far as a "controlled media" goes...the only media I would consider more controlled than Russia's is possibly China's!
What does that even mean, Gipper? You think you're more "informed" than I am? How? What is the "criminal state"? Ukraine? It's a corrupt nation but then again most of the former Soviet bloc nations are! Does that mean we shouldn't support them when they're being invaded by a bigger neighbor? I found Kuwait to be a corrupt nation as well but understood why it was the right thing to do to aid them when they were invaded by Iraq.
As far as a "controlled media" goes...the only media I would consider more controlled than Russia's is possibly China's!
Oh I’m exponentially more informed than you.

Americans are the most propagandized people in the world. You are further evidence of this.
This isn’t news to informed people.
Well the rub is that Russia admits it is losing territory. They fired a General, one of many, to try and turn it around. Russia has activated Reserves who are angry at being sent as cannon fodder. Two of the reservists just opened fire on their fellow troops and killed 11 and wounded 22 according to TASS.

The way Russia is winning is like Wimp Lo in Kung Pow.

I am bleeding. That means I’ve won.

Another rub is Hohols don't. (Do you even use this word these days? I thought it was Hamlet who voiced it a thousand years ago.) The bleeding thing, was that about them, the Ukrs? They are lured in, conveniently slaughtered in mass and that's where the profuse bleeding commences, don't you think?
What is the "criminal state"? Ukraine? It's a corrupt nation but then again most of the former Soviet bloc nations are! Does that mean we shouldn't support them when they're being invaded by a bigger neighbor?

OK, it does not matter for the U.S. that Ukraine is a corrupt nation.

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is Nazi legislation in Ukraine (please see the first post of this thread).

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is a vast number of unresolved political murders in Ukraine (please see here).

It does not matter at all for the U.S. what kind of a country Ukraine is.

If any country “is being invaded by a bigger neighbor”, the U.S. must support this smaller country.
It’s a difficult question which nation and when had the majority in Crimea.

In English Wikipedia, in the article “Demographics of Crimea” you can read that for almost 100 last years (since 1926 census) ethnic Russians are the largest ethnic group in Crimea and for more than 60 years (since 1959 census) they are majority there.

Therefore, the Ukrainian attempt to turn them into third-grade people is utterly ridiculous.
The problem is that many of Ukraines cheerleaders at USMB don’t believe Azov are Nazis because “Zelen$ky is Jewish”
The problem is that many of Ukraines cheerleaders at USMB don’t believe Azov are Nazis because “Zelen$ky is Jewish”

I don’t know a lot about Azov.

But I know that the Ukrainian President, the Jew Zelensky signed the Law On Secondary Education in Ukraine and this Law divides ethnic minorities in Ukraine into 3 categories – first-grade people, second-grade people and third-grade people; the greatest minority - ethnic Russians – has become a third-grade people under this Law.

And Nazi Germany had the same legislation – the Danish minority was first-grade people there, Slavic minority was second-grade people and Jewish minority was third-grade people.

Therefore, the Jew Zelensky is a Nazi for me.
OK, it does not matter for the U.S. that Ukraine is a corrupt nation.

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is Nazi legislation in Ukraine (please see the first post of this thread).

It does not matter for the U.S. that there is a vast number of unresolved political murders in Ukraine (please see here).

It does not matter at all for the U.S. what kind of a country Ukraine is.

If any country “is being invaded by a bigger neighbor”, the U.S. must support this smaller country.

The problem is this. No matter how bad the Ukrainians are in your propaganda. The Russians are far worse.

Allowing them to take Ukraine would give them a strong stepping stone to attack the rest of Europe. And after the lies they told repeatedly leading up to the war and during it, there is no way to trust them if they claim to have no such designs.

The next obvious question is this. If we don’t draw the line in Ukraine, where do we draw the line? Lithuania? Poland? Germany?

Or do we just give Europe to Russia because we are afraid?

Then what? Russia has already claimed that Alaska must be returned to them. So do we give them Alaska?

What comes next is a question never answered by the Zampolit like yourself.

And no matter how bad you claim Ukraine is, Russia is far worse.

Russia is grabbing men off the street and sending them to die as little more than cannon fodder. Essentially untrained. Poorly equipped. And incompetently led these men will die needlessly. They are going up against blooded veterans. With far better equipment. Better trained. And led by successful commanders.

And what will be the outcome? General Winter will not save the Russians from people who are also experienced with the weather. If anything. The technology used by the Ukrainians will be more effective in the cold. Thermal sources will stand out like neon signs against frozen ground.

That is the truth you continue to ignore. The Ukrainians may not be perfect, but compared to the thugs in Russia. They are angels.

And Russia has been doing it during their entire existence.

No matter how bad you make the Ukrainians out to be. Compared to the brutality and the discrimination and criminality of the Russians? They are like hoodlum children compared to a drug cartel.

So again. I say screw the lying assed Russians and their Propaganda tools here.

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Allowing them (Russians) to take Ukraine would give them a strong stepping stone to attack the rest of Europe...

The next obvious question is this. If we don’t draw the line in Ukraine, where do we draw the line? Lithuania? Poland? Germany?

Or do we just give Europe to Russia because we are afraid?

Then what? Russia has already claimed that Alaska must be returned to them. So do we give them Alaska?

Almighty and Terrible Russia has not been able to defeat 40-million-strong Ukraine for almost eight months.

But after Russia defeats 40-million-strong Ukraine, Russian troops will of course seize 453-million-strong European Union, 300-million-strong U.S. and the rest of the world within a couple of weeks.

Therefore, the whole world has to help Ukraine in order not to be seized by Almighty and Terrible Russia.
The Russians are far worse (than Ukrainians).
Thank you that you don't say that Ukrainians are good.

But what are your measure units which allow you to conclude that Russians are worse than Ukrainians?

If I, for example, calculate number of unresolved political murders per one million people in Ukraine and Russia (see here), I conclude that Ukrainians are 71,5-fold worse than Russians.
You "anarchists" always amuse me. You never have answers to problems. You never want to do the hard work to fix things. You're the ass holes that think tearing it all down is the way to go!
Yeah demanding peace and a policy of nonintervention are just not solutions to our problems.
What does that even mean, Gipper? You think you're more "informed" than I am? How? What is the "criminal state"? Ukraine? It's a corrupt nation but then again most of the former Soviet bloc nations are! Does that mean we shouldn't support them when they're being invaded by a bigger neighbor? I found Kuwait to be a corrupt nation as well but understood why it was the right thing to do to aid them when they were invaded by Iraq.
As far as a "controlled media" goes...the only media I would consider more controlled than Russia's is possibly China's!
You mean in addition to not knowing anything about the war in Ukraine, you don’t know our government is a criminal enterprise. WTF? Do you get all your news from Fox News?
Thank you that you don't say that Ukrainians are good.

But what are your measure units which allow you to conclude that Russians are worse than Ukrainians?

If I, for example, calculate number of unresolved political murders per one million people in Ukraine and Russia (see here), I conclude that Ukrainians are 71,5-fold worse than Russians.

Misquoting someone is a classic sign of propaganda Zampolit.

I said that the Russians are far worse in reality than the Ukrainians are in your propaganda.

Everything you do shows you up for a pathetic sock for the Russians.

The Russians and their trolls must do that. Because truth is feared.
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What's a totally wrong comparison which shows that you have not any clue about real history. The so called "Great German Empire" has been an idea which had absolutelly nothing to do with Hitler. It meant to take back the exclusion of Austria from Germany - and so also the exclusion of Bohemia and Moravia from Germany - which the Prussians had caused. Indeed had been "Germany" a wrong name for Germany from 1870-1945. The more correct name for Germany during this time of history had been "Prussia". The homeland of Prussia had been in their Baltic homeland which is today a Russian exclave called "Oblast Kaliningrad" - after all Germans had been displaced from this area (and also from big areas which are today Poland which never had been Poland in history before). Somehow is the complete history of the whole area of this region nothing else than a big war crime which everyone is used to accept because of the wrong excuse "Hitler". This outlaw-situation explains very well why the Russians do not have any moral conception for this what they are doing there. They like to accept only the poor concept "strength". But they are more strong than the Ukraine and they have nevertheless to give up the nonsense they are doing now.
I know about the Holy Roman Empire, but according to you the Czech lands and Moravia should become Germany because they had some German speakers there? Yeah, I know, one of the emperors was Czech. So?

What about Northern Italy? It was also part of the Holy Roman Empire. So then you would think Italy should be a part of Germany, or Germany should be a part of Italy?
I said that the Russians are far worse in reality than the Ukrainians are in your propaganda.

And I asked you what are your measure units which allow you to conclude that Russians are worse than Ukrainians?

Number of unresolved political murders per one million people in Ukraine and Russia?

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