Wash Times - Obama completely overhauled health care to insure 4 million people.

He overhauled it? Really? And we didn't feel a thing!

Nothing.....absolutely nothing changed with the health insurance plans that 95% of insured Americans had before the law.....except premiums didn't go up as much as usual and more preventive care services were included. Oh....and kids can stay on a few more years and preexisting conditions are now covered. Just awful!

Yes....for 95% of those who already had insurance......your outrage falls on deaf ears.

Try harder.

Try facts.
Increases in healthcare expenditures:
2003 8.6%
2004 6.9%
2005 6.5%
2006 6.7%
2007 6.1%
Compare to 10.5% in 1970 and 13% in 1980

Also: http://www.bw.edu/academics/bus/programs/hcmba/nl/costs/HealthCareCosts07-_April_2007.pdf

[Health-care costs rose about 8% in 2011 and are projected to rise by 8.5% in 2012. ]Paul Ryan: Where's Your Budget, Mr. President? - WSJ.com

ObamaCare.....the big scam.

Well, well, well. It tried to post something like a normal person. How nice! And with numbers too!

But...I was not referring to our overall health care costs. I was referring to PREMIUM increases for private health insurance plans....which have increased at a slower rate since the law went into effect.

Nice try, though.

When you take into account that some are being subsidized and others increased far more than the average.....I guess you could look at it like that....I guess. :eusa_whistle:

But.....wasn't it packaged with a $2,500.00 savings for the average family? Wasn't it?
Wasn't it also packaged with a "If you like your health insurance you can keep it" And "If you like your doctor you can keep your Dr."?

Spin it it all you like, but the lipstick you put on that pig ain't helping. Democrats running this fall don't think the lipstick helped either. :D
He overhauled it? Really? And we didn't feel a thing!

Nothing.....absolutely nothing changed with the health insurance plans that 95% of insured Americans had before the law.....except premiums didn't go up as much as usual and more preventive care services were included. Oh....and kids can stay on a few more years and preexisting conditions are now covered. Just awful!

Yes....for 95% of those who already had insurance......your outrage falls on deaf ears.

Try harder.

Try facts.
Increases in healthcare expenditures:
2003 8.6%
2004 6.9%
2005 6.5%
2006 6.7%
2007 6.1%
Compare to 10.5% in 1970 and 13% in 1980

Also: http://www.bw.edu/academics/bus/programs/hcmba/nl/costs/HealthCareCosts07-_April_2007.pdf

[Health-care costs rose about 8% in 2011 and are projected to rise by 8.5% in 2012. ]Paul Ryan: Where's Your Budget, Mr. President? - WSJ.com

ObamaCare.....the big scam.

Well, well, well. It tried to post something like a normal person. How nice! And with numbers too!

But...I was not referring to our overall health care costs. I was referring to PREMIUM increases for private health insurance plans....which have increased at a slower rate since the law went into effect.

Nice try, though.

LOL, 41% increase on average due SOLELY to the ACA.

Embrace it liar.
He overhauled it? Really? And we didn't feel a thing!

Who is 'we'? Does that mean you?

Nothing.....absolutely nothing changed with the health insurance plans that 95% of insured Americans had before the law.....except premiums didn't go up as much as usual and more preventive care services were included. Oh....and kids can stay on a few more years and preexisting conditions are now covered. Just awful!

If anyone has had their insurance plan cancelled due to the law, their premiums have doubled, their deductibles have doubled. A family of four making >$96k in California will be bankrupt in <2 years just meeting the deductibles and HI premiums.

If anyone's hours have been cut due to the mandate, so their employer can retain their employees, nothing has changed. Right!

Yes....for 95% of those who already had insurance......your outrage falls on deaf ears.

Try harder.

Very interesting statement.

Is that the "I got mine so fu" attitude?

Again, those who don't work in the health care industry have not a clue what
is happening now and what is coming down the pike.
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Who cancelled them?

Did every person who had a plan cancelled end up with a more expensive plan?

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.
He overhauled it? Really? And we didn't feel a thing!

Nothing.....absolutely nothing changed with the health insurance plans that 95% of insured Americans had before the law.....except premiums didn't go up as much as usual and more preventive care services were included. Oh....and kids can stay on a few more years and preexisting conditions are now covered. Just awful!

Yes....for 95% of those who already had insurance......your outrage falls on deaf ears.

Try harder.

Dear LoneLaugher:
In my district, the community members help each other to pay our bills.

How am i supposed to continue paying 500 a month for two car payments
(my own car to work two jobs, plus the van that the local youth director and church groups share for their after school, youth and church activities),

And pay another "300 a month" for any other volunteer
who needs to comply with this new law?

If I lose my day job and my work insurance gets cancelled, I will have to pay 300
for my own insurance when my job barely covers the expenses as it is.

Do I need to give up paying for my car, or my rent, or the community van
to help buy insurance for people in my community?

With all that we have given to save a historic community and district,
the health care we receive can be DONATED by others.

yet now with this law we are FORCED to buy INSURANCE?
When our incomes are needed to help volunteers and historic
churches keep our community from shutting down.

In writing, I earn too much money because these costs I pay
DO NOT COUNT as paying for community costs so that
others can cover health care.

the laws only regulate and count payment for INSURANCE.

it does NOT recognize people who share these other costs.

How is this fair? When we did not consent to such requirements
to pay for insurance, when LL I am already working two jobs to
pay for all kinds of costs for this historic community.

None of that counts, so i would be required to pay MORE
for insurance if my current status changes. I would not be
allowed to trade for charitable donations to cover my health care.

You may think this doesn't affect me yet because the law hasn't fully kicked in,
but LL I have been depressed and stressed out for years since this ACA was passed.
Worrying I could lose one or both jobs, and would not be able to pay for both
and meet the compliance of this new bill. I got written up at both jobs
for this stress affecting my performance at work, it has affected me
and I had to start "numbing out" and "pretending" it wasn't a problem.

Only "buying insurance" counts or
I would be fined a percent of my income that
is all going to helping save a historic district and even
borrowing money on credit to cover costs. there is
nothing to spare for health care because I am paying for other things
instead, to keep the community going.

I am constantly stressed and was very rude to people because
of this pressure on me. I kept hoping people would get that
this added tax fine or requirement is unconstitutional to impose
without representing the consent of the taxpayers,
but people don't seem to get it. They assume
it is helping people when it is forcing people to
pay for things we don't need when we have

We've lost 3 of the 10 historic houses I was trying to save
because this got to be too much, working two jobs
and already under all this pressure without more requirements
stacked on top that I didn't agree to take on either.

How can you really believe you know better and
what is good for you is good for other people?

What about people who are perfectly able to get
health care covered by donations so we can use
our funds to save national historic sites that
are irreplaceable and NO MONEY is going there.

If it weren't for my paycheck several families would
be evicted and unable to assemble as a community to function.

Why don't I have the same rights and liberty I had before
to pay for that, and have other people donate any health care I needed?

Who are YOU to tell me I need to "pay for health insurance"
when I can get free health care from other people and use my money
to save people from being evicted from their historic community?
Last edited:
Dear LoneLaugher:
In my district, the community members help each other to pay our bills.

How am i supposed to continue paying 500 a month for two car payments
(my own car to work two jobs, plus the van that the local youth director and church groups share for their after school, youth and church activities),

And pay another "300 a month" for any other volunteer
who needs to comply with this new law?

If I lose my day job and my work insurance gets cancelled, I will have to pay 300
for my own insurance when my job barely covers the expenses as it is.

Do I need to give up paying for my car, or my rent, or the community van
to help buy insurance for people in my community?

With all that we have given to save a historic community and district,
the health care we receive can be DONATED by others.

yet now with this law we are FORCED to buy INSURANCE?
When our incomes are needed to help volunteers and historic
churches keep our community from shutting down.

In writing, I earn too much money because these costs I pay
DO NOT COUNT as paying for community costs so that
others can cover health care.

the laws only regulate and count payment for INSURANCE.

it does NOT recognize people who share these other costs.

How is this fair? When we did not consent to such requirements
to pay for insurance, when LL I am already working two jobs to
pay for all kinds of costs for this historic community.

None of that counts, so i would be required to pay more
for insurance if my current status changes. I would not be
allowed to trade for charitable donations to cover my health care.

Only "buying insurance" counts or
I would be fined a percent of my income that
is all going to helping save a historic district and even
borrowing money on credit to cover costs. there is
nothing to spare for health care because I am paying for other things
instead to keep the community going.

I am sure you understand what you just wrote....but I do not. Forgive me.
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Who cancelled them?

Did every person who had a plan cancelled end up with a more expensive plan?

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.

As if the people with their plans cancelled and going through emergencies
would have the LEISURE to argue with you on this site!!!

They are likely on the phone or online trying to get help.

i guess this is like "karmic payback' from when liberals were panicked about
trillions of tax dollars spent destroying the civilian infrastructure in Iraq.

And people sat around comfortably, letting the govt do this at our expense.
because it wasn't affecting us directly.

now the shoe is on the other foot.
Liberals trust the govt to keep using this tactic to push for what they want,
and the conservatives are yelling that the health care system is being destroyed.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
Both sides get to experience what the other feels like when it happens to them.

Unfortunately for me, I felt both crises.
I believe restitution is owed to taxpayers for all misspent money
that the public didn't agree to and didn't represent our consent.

instead of yelling back and forth, the parties should unite in demanding
credits back for misspent or abused govt funds and use THAT to fund the reforms.

And NOT charge taxpayers more money or impose more mandates
requiring us to pay more than we are already paying into the system already.
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Look it up, you've been supplied with answers many times.

Who cancelled them?

The ACA law did.

Did every person who had a plan cancelled end up with a more expensive plan?

Of course not. That was never the claim. I sure feel bad for the million more that signed up for Medi-Cal in California.

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.

Hang on! The ride won't be boring for long!
He overhauled it? Really? And we didn't feel a thing!

Nothing.....absolutely nothing changed with the health insurance plans that 95% of insured Americans had before the law.....except premiums didn't go up as much as usual and more preventive care services were included. Oh....and kids can stay on a few more years and preexisting conditions are now covered. Just awful!

Yes....for 95% of those who already had insurance......your outrage falls on deaf ears.

Try harder.

Actually ... my premiums went up substantially. We can generally expect an increase in costs each year but this year it went up by twice as much as we expected. Why? Because my insurance company is now required to insure us for more than my family and I need.

Wouldn't let you settle for just catastrophic insurance?
Obama said 48 million people did not have healthcare or perhaps good coverage.
Then 5 million lose their coverage because of O'Care.

So that means 53 million maybe a little less now don't have coverage.

Then it looks like maybe 4 million sign up.

So all this was done to help 48 million then it screws over 5 million more and we are supposed to be thankful that maybe 4 million completed the process.

And the democrats answer for everything is that we need more government involvement ...

Roz, what you mean is the 5mm got better insurance because their old health insurance companies were cheating them.

And you are not counting state exchanges or the millions that now have been added to Medicaid roles.
It would be more, but Republicans want the uninsured in Red States to die.
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Who cancelled them?

Did every person who had a plan cancelled end up with a more expensive plan?

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.

Do you LIKE looking this stupid?

We both know I can shove this stuff right up your ass.
Obama said 48 million people did not have healthcare or perhaps good coverage.
Then 5 million lose their coverage because of O'Care.

So that means 53 million maybe a little less now don't have coverage.

Then it looks like maybe 4 million sign up.

So all this was done to help 48 million then it screws over 5 million more and we are supposed to be thankful that maybe 4 million completed the process.

And the democrats answer for everything is that we need more government involvement ...

Roz, what you mean is the 5mm got better insurance because their old health insurance companies were cheating them.

And you are not counting state exchanges or the millions that now have been added to Medicaid roles.

LOL, uh.......no.

The number being touted is the TOTAL number State or Federal exchange, just shut up and move on dipshit.
Obama is now saying 5 million signed up....
Sebelius said they needed 7 million by the end of March....

Still nowhere near the 48 million that Obamacare was created for.
Obama said 48 million people did not have healthcare or perhaps good coverage.
Then 5 million lose their coverage because of O'Care.

So that means 53 million maybe a little less now don't have coverage.

Then it looks like maybe 4 million sign up.

So all this was done to help 48 million then it screws over 5 million more and we are supposed to be thankful that maybe 4 million completed the process.

And the democrats answer for everything is that we need more government involvement ...

Roz, what you mean is the 5mm got better insurance because their old health insurance companies were cheating them.

And you are not counting state exchanges or the millions that now have been added to Medicaid roles.

LOL, uh.......no.

The number being touted is the TOTAL number State or Federal exchange, just shut up and move on dipshit.

You are lying, which is your problem.

When you want to tell the truth, I will pay more attention.
Obama is now saying 5 million signed up....
Sebelius said they needed 7 million by the end of March....

Still nowhere near the 48 million that Obamacare was created for.

And it took Social Security and Medicare, what? 15 years before ignorant conservatives waved signs like this:


after there were articles like this:

Obama is now saying 5 million signed up....
Sebelius said they needed 7 million by the end of March....

Still nowhere near the 48 million that Obamacare was created for.

And it took Social Security and Medicare, what? 15 years before ignorant conservatives waved signs like this:

after there were articles like this:


Hey there! Check the date in the article! 1968
Math fail.

Not sourcing print articles is a violation of what law?
Never mind!
Your photo ops come from blogs and CAN'T be sourced.


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