Wash Times - Obama completely overhauled health care to insure 4 million people.

So... single payer is looking pretty good right about now isn't it.

HAHAHA What a silly thing to say. Obamacare has failed so libs want to expand it !!!! What looks good is repealing it and going back to what we had.
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Look it up, you've been supplied with answers many times.

Who cancelled them?

The ACA law did.

Did every person who had a plan cancelled end up with a more expensive plan?

Of course not. That was never the claim. I sure feel bad for the million more that signed up for Medi-Cal in California.

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.

Hang on! The ride won't be boring for long!

You think the law cancelled plans?
Silly talking point nutters.

How many people had their plans cancelled?

Look it up, you've been supplied with answers many times.

The ACA law did.

Of course not. That was never the claim. I sure feel bad for the million more that signed up for Medi-Cal in California.

Please......get some new stuff. This is boring.

Hang on! The ride won't be boring for long!

You think the law cancelled plans?
You can call it whatever you want, ll. It was the mandate from the ACA.
Insurance companies cancelled policies. It is free enterprise.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies

Even with it....they did not have to cancel policies.


That's true. The government isn't the rapist here. They're just pinning us down so we can't get away while the insurance companies do their 'business'.
How many Democrats are going to run this year on Obamacare?

That is the real answer of how successful Obamacare has been.

I bet Democrats run from Obamacare, why would they run away from a successful program...they wouldn't it is a huge failure...otherwise they'd run with it, not from it.
Insurance companies cancelled policies. It is free enterprise.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!
Insurance companies cancelled policies. It is free enterprise.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

Only when it's shored up with idiotic state policy. The insurance companies couldn't have done this without ACA. You do understand that, right?
Insurance companies cancelled policies. It is free enterprise.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies. So stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, ed. Now roll along
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies. So stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, ed. Now roll along
That is more GOP BULLSHIT! They were free to grandfather the old plans, and you know it or you wouldn't lower yourself to insults.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

Only when it's shored up with idiotic state policy. The insurance companies couldn't have done this without ACA. You do understand that, right?
The insurance companies can do anything they want. They couldn't have a patsy without the GOP lying about the ACA and stupid Right-wingers dumb enough to believe them.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies. So stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, ed. Now roll along
That is more GOP BULLSHIT! They were free to grandfather the old plans, and you know it or you wouldn't lower yourself to insults.

Reading comprehension is not your friend, ed.
You are amusing talking about somebody throwing insults. You live and breath with them.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, BULLSHIT, every cancelled plan could have been grandfathered. The greedy insurence companies saw an opportunity to take advantage of the suckers stupid enough to believe the GOP. Ain't Capitalism great!

Only when it's shored up with idiotic state policy. The insurance companies couldn't have done this without ACA. You do understand that, right?
The insurance companies can do anything they want. They couldn't have a patsy without the GOP lying about the ACA and stupid Right-wingers dumb enough to believe them.

Ah... so you don't understand. Well, I can explain it. It's fairly simple. Thanks to the ACA, insurance companies aren't allowed to write any new policies to replace those that don't meet the new minimum requirements. They can grandfather the old policies, so technically they could let people keep those, but they make a lot more money from the policies that do meet the new guidelines. So they're cancelling the old policies and people are then forced onto the more expensive policies.

They could have still tried the same thing, I suppose, without ACA, but competing companies would have been happy to write policies to replace those that were cancelled - scooping up their former customers. But with regulatory capture, other companies aren't allowed to do that. So they have us by the balls, thanks to Congress selling us out.

Does that clear things up?
Only when it's shored up with idiotic state policy. The insurance companies couldn't have done this without ACA. You do understand that, right?
The insurance companies can do anything they want. They couldn't have a patsy without the GOP lying about the ACA and stupid Right-wingers dumb enough to believe them.

Ah... so you don't understand. Well, I can explain it. It's fairly simple. Thanks to the ACA, insurance companies aren't allowed to write any new policies to replace those that don't meet the new minimum requirements. They can grandfather the old policies, so technically they could let people keep those, but they make a lot more money from the policies that do meet the new guidelines. So they're cancelling the old policies and people are then forced onto the more expensive policies.

They could have still tried the same thing, I suppose, without ACA, but competing companies would have been happy to write policies to replace those that were cancelled - scooping up their former customers. But with regulatory capture, other companies aren't allowed to do that. So they have us by the balls, thanks to Congress selling us out.

Does that clear things up?
At least you admit the policies were not grandfathered because the insurance companies saw a way to abuse the law to maximize their profit. Three cheers for Capitalism! But I would call that corporate greed, not Congress selling you out. Now regarding Congress, if the GOP were a little more honest they could work with the Dems to remedy that problem by requiring them to grandfather the old plans, but they had a shit fit when Obama did it with his pen. Obama is also allowing cancelled plans that are a hardship to replace to be replaced with catastrophic coverage, again with his pen and again the GOP Congress are having a shit fit.

What I find hard to believe is there is no insurance company offering compliant plans at a price competitive with the old plans.

So I can accept your summary as quite accurate with one exception, I don't put the blame on Obama or ALL of Congress. I blame the insurance company greed and the GOP's pigheaded demand to eliminate rather than to improve the ACA.

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