Wash Times - Obama completely overhauled health care to insure 4 million people.

The insurance companies can do anything they want. They couldn't have a patsy without the GOP lying about the ACA and stupid Right-wingers dumb enough to believe them.

Ah... so you don't understand. Well, I can explain it. It's fairly simple. Thanks to the ACA, insurance companies aren't allowed to write any new policies to replace those that don't meet the new minimum requirements. They can grandfather the old policies, so technically they could let people keep those, but they make a lot more money from the policies that do meet the new guidelines. So they're cancelling the old policies and people are then forced onto the more expensive policies.

They could have still tried the same thing, I suppose, without ACA, but competing companies would have been happy to write policies to replace those that were cancelled - scooping up their former customers. But with regulatory capture, other companies aren't allowed to do that. So they have us by the balls, thanks to Congress selling us out.

Does that clear things up?
At least you admit the policies were not grandfathered because the insurance companies saw a way to abuse the law to maximize their profit. Three cheers for Capitalism! But I would call that corporate greed, not Congress selling you out.

Call it what you like. It wouldn't have happened without ACA.

What I find hard to believe is there is no insurance company offering compliant plans at a price competitive with the old plans.

The new plans have greater benefits. Why would you expect them to be the same price?

So I can accept your summary as quite accurate with one exception, I don't put the blame on Obama or ALL of Congress. I blame the insurance company greed and the GOP's pigheaded demand to eliminate rather than to improve the ACA.

I'm not a fan of the insurance companies, or the GOP. But they didn't pass ACA. The Democrats in Congress did that. If they hadn't done that, the insurance companies would be able to get away with this shit.

That's a hell of a blind spot you got there, but it's not helping. I'm sorry, I realize you really don't want to admit it. But they sold you down they river. Time to wake up and help us fix it.
And a lot of those 4 million never paid their premium. Real number insured is prolly more like 3 million - 1% of america!!!

CURL: We completely overhauled American health care ? to insure 4.2 million people? - Washington Times

Thursday, March 13, 2014,
President Obama said it in August 2009: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

So, he created Obamacare. The crux of the biscuit: The United States would completely change its entire health care system to make sure those 46 million got insured. Well, at least that’s what every rational American thought.

But last week came word that with just 15 days left for people to enroll for federal coverage, just 4.2 million had.
Another retard thread from Annoyingly Slow Driver.

And a lie to boot!

EVERYONE in America is now safe from being dropped for a pre-existing condition.

You lose again, America wins. Suck it, dope! :lol:
Ah... so you don't understand. Well, I can explain it. It's fairly simple. Thanks to the ACA, insurance companies aren't allowed to write any new policies to replace those that don't meet the new minimum requirements. They can grandfather the old policies, so technically they could let people keep those, but they make a lot more money from the policies that do meet the new guidelines. So they're cancelling the old policies and people are then forced onto the more expensive policies.

They could have still tried the same thing, I suppose, without ACA, but competing companies would have been happy to write policies to replace those that were cancelled - scooping up their former customers. But with regulatory capture, other companies aren't allowed to do that. So they have us by the balls, thanks to Congress selling us out.

Does that clear things up?
At least you admit the policies were not grandfathered because the insurance companies saw a way to abuse the law to maximize their profit. Three cheers for Capitalism! But I would call that corporate greed, not Congress selling you out.

Call it what you like. It wouldn't have happened without ACA.

What I find hard to believe is there is no insurance company offering compliant plans at a price competitive with the old plans.
The new plans have greater benefits. Why would you expect them to be the same price?

So I can accept your summary as quite accurate with one exception, I don't put the blame on Obama or ALL of Congress. I blame the insurance company greed and the GOP's pigheaded demand to eliminate rather than to improve the ACA.
I'm not a fan of the insurance companies, or the GOP. But they didn't pass ACA. The Democrats in Congress did that. If they hadn't done that, the insurance companies would be able to get away with this shit.

That's a hell of a blind spot you got there, but it's not helping. I'm sorry, I realize you really don't want to admit it. But they sold you down they river. Time to wake up and help us fix it.
I never said at the same price, I clearly said a competitive price.

I'm all for fixing it, but the GOP are not.
At least you admit the policies were not grandfathered because the insurance companies saw a way to abuse the law to maximize their profit. Three cheers for Capitalism! But I would call that corporate greed, not Congress selling you out.

Call it what you like. It wouldn't have happened without ACA.

The new plans have greater benefits. Why would you expect them to be the same price?

So I can accept your summary as quite accurate with one exception, I don't put the blame on Obama or ALL of Congress. I blame the insurance company greed and the GOP's pigheaded demand to eliminate rather than to improve the ACA.
I'm not a fan of the insurance companies, or the GOP. But they didn't pass ACA. The Democrats in Congress did that. If they hadn't done that, the insurance companies would be able to get away with this shit.

That's a hell of a blind spot you got there, but it's not helping. I'm sorry, I realize you really don't want to admit it. But they sold you down they river. Time to wake up and help us fix it.
I never said at the same price, I clearly said a competitive price.

I'm all for fixing it, but the GOP are not.

What do you propose?
Call it what you like. It wouldn't have happened without ACA.

The new plans have greater benefits. Why would you expect them to be the same price?

I'm not a fan of the insurance companies, or the GOP. But they didn't pass ACA. The Democrats in Congress did that. If they hadn't done that, the insurance companies would be able to get away with this shit.

That's a hell of a blind spot you got there, but it's not helping. I'm sorry, I realize you really don't want to admit it. But they sold you down they river. Time to wake up and help us fix it.
I never said at the same price, I clearly said a competitive price.

I'm all for fixing it, but the GOP are not.

What do you propose?
Well, to start with, prevent the insurance companies from cancelling the old policies.
The Moonie Times sure can slant a story for their targeted readers.

What exactly was the point of Obamacare again? Americans, including 60 percent of independents, say the bill isn't about healthcare, but about controlling their lives.

By a 16 percentage-point margin, people think the health care law is more about the government “controlling our lives” (56 percent) than about “helping individual Americans get the health care they want” (40 percent).

Most Republicans (80 percent) and independents (60 percent) think the health care law is about government controlling our lives. A third of Democrats agree (33 percent).​

And who exactly are Americans, including Democrats, holding responsible for the Obamacare disaster? Not Republicans.

Fully 76 percent of voters overall and 61 percent of Democrats blame the Obama administration for mismanagement of the roll-out and implementation of the new health care system.​

Poll: Majority Believe Purpose of Obamacare Is For Government to "Control Our Lives" - Katie Pavlich
Well, to start with, prevent the insurance companies from cancelling the old policies.

So, cancel the requirement that people migrate to the new policies?
Yes, for a start. New enrollees only must buy compliant plans.

Uh.. so they can't cancel any old plans? Ever? Can they raise the prices on the old plans??

Surely you see where this is leading. Are you just going to micromanage all the insurance companies pricing policies for them? What's the point of have private companies providing policies when all the decisions are made by regulators?
So, cancel the requirement that people migrate to the new policies?
Yes, for a start. New enrollees only must buy compliant plans.

Uh.. so they can't cancel any old plans? Ever? Can they raise the prices on the old plans??

Surely you see where this is leading. Are you just going to micromanage all the insurance companies pricing policies for them? What's the point of have private companies providing policies when all the decisions are made by regulators?
That is already allowed within limits in the ACA with grandfathered plans. Only the grandfathered plans are "micromanaged."
Yes, for a start. New enrollees only must buy compliant plans.

Uh.. so they can't cancel any old plans? Ever? Can they raise the prices on the old plans??

Surely you see where this is leading. Are you just going to micromanage all the insurance companies pricing policies for them? What's the point of have private companies providing policies when all the decisions are made by regulators?
That is already allowed within limits in the ACA with grandfathered plans. Only the grandfathered plans are "micromanaged."

I see. Why do you suppose Obama didn't do that?
Uh.. so they can't cancel any old plans? Ever? Can they raise the prices on the old plans??

Surely you see where this is leading. Are you just going to micromanage all the insurance companies pricing policies for them? What's the point of have private companies providing policies when all the decisions are made by regulators?
That is already allowed within limits in the ACA with grandfathered plans. Only the grandfathered plans are "micromanaged."

I see. Why do you suppose Obama didn't do that?
Didn't do what? As I said, increases and their limits for grandfathered plans are already in the ACA. The insurance companies were not being honest when they claimed they could not raise prices on grandfathered plans as their costs increased.
That is already allowed within limits in the ACA with grandfathered plans. Only the grandfathered plans are "micromanaged."

I see. Why do you suppose Obama didn't do that?
Didn't do what? As I said, increases and their limits for grandfathered plans are already in the ACA. The insurance companies were not being honest when they claimed they could not raise prices on grandfathered plans as their costs increased.

I'm saying why didn't Obama or the Democrats make the law so they couldn't drop the old plans? Why don't they change it now?
And a lot of those 4 million never paid their premium. Real number insured is prolly more like 3 million - 1% of america!!!

CURL: We completely overhauled American health care ? to insure 4.2 million people? - Washington Times

Thursday, March 13, 2014,
President Obama said it in August 2009: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

So, he created Obamacare. The crux of the biscuit: The United States would completely change its entire health care system to make sure those 46 million got insured. Well, at least that’s what every rational American thought.

But last week came word that with just 15 days left for people to enroll for federal coverage, just 4.2 million had.
Another retard thread from Annoyingly Slow Driver.

And a lie to boot!

EVERYONE in America is now safe from being dropped for a pre-existing condition.

You lose again, America wins. Suck it, dope! :lol:

Yeah, and who cares if we give up our ownership of government and, instead, become subjects of Obama's decrees and executive actions?

That's a sucker's bet and Obama is playing us for suckers so it looks like he has some of your numbers.

Give up your control over government and let government be your boss.

And do it in exchange for affordable health care...except it's more expensive.

Oh well, you don't care.

You're safe from being dropped due to pre-existing conditions.

How much would you want if someone wanted to buy your daughter?

Hey, if you will sell your liberties for health care, you'll sell anything.
So... single payer is looking pretty good right about now isn't it.

HAHAHA What a silly thing to say. Obamacare has failed so libs want to expand it !!!! What looks good is repealing it and going back to what we had.

What we had was a mess too. I don't see how people can deny that.

It was definitely better than obozocare though. Govt can't do anything right. An affirmative action baby who's never had a real job in his life tried to overhaul our $2 trillion health care system with predictable results.
Let me make so simple that even you will understand it, ll. IF NOT FOR THE ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have canceled the policies

Even with it....they did not have to cancel policies.


According to the law, they did have to cancel. Obozocare mandates all policies have certain features such as ER coverage. If not then the plan is illegal.

Of course, after public outrage, obozo told the companies to go ahead and break the law and continue the illegal policies and the govt will look the other way!!!

EVERYONE in America is now safe from being dropped for a pre-existing condition.

That's why so few poor people are signing up for obozocare. They're gonna wait till some health problem crops up and THEN get coverage. Everyone predicted it and yet obozo went ahead with this idiotic feature.
So... single payer is looking pretty good right about now isn't it.

HAHAHA What a silly thing to say. Obamacare has failed so libs want to expand it !!!! What looks good is repealing it and going back to what we had.

The problems with Obamacare are a result of expanding the private insurance market. A market that is fundamentally broken.
So... single payer is looking pretty good right about now isn't it.

HAHAHA What a silly thing to say. Obamacare has failed so libs want to expand it !!!! What looks good is repealing it and going back to what we had.

The problems with Obamacare are a result of expanding the private insurance market. A market that is fundamentally broken.

It needed to be tweaked, not overhauled. It never was about insuring the uninsured, it was about redistributing the wealth.
HAHAHA What a silly thing to say. Obamacare has failed so libs want to expand it !!!! What looks good is repealing it and going back to what we had.

The problems with Obamacare are a result of expanding the private insurance market. A market that is fundamentally broken.

It needed to be tweaked, not overhauled. It never was about insuring the uninsured, it was about redistributing the wealth.

The shift is towards the sick and the poor. Has anyone argued otherwise?

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