Washington Can Really Fowl Things Up!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On the Budget and Debt Ceiling crisis what really gets me is I hear these right-wing Republicans in Congress say I have to stop the implementation of Obamacare because that is what voters that sent me to Washington "want" they say this when explaining why they won't vote for any budget that includes funding for Obamacare. Hello, congress people have been being sent to Washington for two-hundred years with a "to do" list from their voters but it hasn't prevented them from compromising from avoiding shutting down the government, American citizens have disparate views on issues which requires their representatives to compromise this is the nature of America's Democracy. Today's right wing republicans lack the character element to discern between fundamental and non-fundamental principles. Like if you believe capital punishment is murder in violation of one of the Ten Commandments that says "Thou shall not Kill" than that opposition to capital punishment is a fundamental principle which is understandable a representative can't vote in violation of that principle. But opposition to Obamacare cannot be a fundamental principle it can be an important principle because it is bad public policy. For heavens sake, it is an entitlement program like we already have in Medicare, it insurance mandates like we already have at the state level for some states. There is no moral and ethical reason why the right wing republicans can't compromise on Obamacare at least for these current budget and debt ceiling issues and continue the fight at the polls, this intransigence is strictly a character shortcoming on these right-wing Republicans part!

The other thing that gets me about the whole Republican caucus is they want to do away with the medical device tax in Obamacare which is a very irresponsible move. This initiative epitomizes the special interest problem that our political system has, medical device manufacturers and those that have a vested interested in their prosperity are behind this. This medical device tax is extremely important because it raises money to pay for the entitlement health insurance program in Obamacare, a responsible legislator can't keep the latter and get rid of the former - this isn't peanuts this tax raises $3 billion dollars a year. Taxing medical device manufacturers to pay for this entitlement program is fair because many people don't have health insurance which this program will reverse and without Obamacare every year many people would lose their health insurance because of increasing cost and this program will give these people health insurance both these benefits resulting in a lot of business for these manufacturers which justifies requiring them to help pay for this entitlement program. It would be responsible for the Republicans to change this from a gross income tax to a net income tax (however block high compensation packages for executives as being considered valid expenses)!

One thing I find shocking is that President Obama this past week in defending his position on these fiscal issues says my critics on Obamacare need to wait and see once this law is implemented for a few years it will be a great success he seems to be thinking in his own mind that it is completely illegitimate to make any decisions on whether major elements of Obamacare are a success or failure because the law hasn't been fully implemented. Excuse my French but Mr. President your a "Bozo" even if the exchanges work out great with extremely high participation, etc. and even if the managed care initiatives and wellness program initiative are successful, the country won't escape the reality that people have genetic caused, age caused and life style caused health problems which because of the advances of health care treatments are very expensive which means even if the ACA it will leave the country with very expensive health insurance cost which is the crux of the problem. The jury is already in Obamacare with all its mandates has jacked-up the price of health insurance too high it is without a doubt the cause on why employers across America aren't hiring more and won't give their workers more hours! The success if it occurs of the exchanges won't eliminate this problem for the American worker. You know when President H.W. Bush was running for reelection against Bill Clinton there was a phrase the American people heard all the time that reflected the failure of President Bush and it was the phrase "It's the economy stupid" I wouldn't be surprised if the phrase the America people start hearing a lot of about President Obama is: "It's Obamacare killing jobs stupid". President Obama's reasonable critics don't expect him to agree to repeal Obamacare but how about improving on some of the problems. Shortly after Scott Brown won the election to fill Senator Ted Kennedy's seat President Obama essentially said maybe we should not be making as far reaching changes to the health care system that we plan in ACA maybe we do the reform in stages; truer words have never been spoken! President Obama how about going back to this wisdom and reduce the disturbance this law is creating in the country!

Some Americans behavior makes you wonder how much they love this country and their fellow man! I am referring here to Senate Democrats this past week knocking out the provision in the continuing resolution which would have prioritized the payment of the Federal governments obligations so that in the event that Congress and the President are unable to come to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling there won't be a default on the nation's debt. This provision would have saved America and the world from a cataclysmic event in the case Congress doesn't pass legislation raising the debt ceiling this year. America's debt, U.S. treasuries, are used as collateral on various types of loans they are used as reserves for banks and insurance companies if America defaults these securities will lose their triple A credit rating and then these treasury securities won't be able to fulfill these specified roles in world economies a default will send economic Sunami waves through world economies and through America's economy for these reasons stated. How could any person when they had the power to avoid such a catastrophe like these Democratic Senators had this week not take it. It is disgraceful without measure!

I don't know about the rest of America but when President Obama starts his spiel about he is not negotiating over the debt ceiling the Congress racked up these federal spending bills now they got to pay for it Congress needs to stop being a deadbeat this is a bunch of garbage! Presidents in the past agreed on legislation that raised the debt ceiling in conjunction with cutting federal spending, President Ronald Reagan did it and President George H.W. Bush did it. The American people know our country's budget system is broken American politicians are too dependent on sending money back home and special interests have too much influence on federal spending. Congress's duty to actually raise the debt ceiling to allow the federal government to borrow money when the nation's debt has risen to certain heights is a critical line of protection for the American people to protect it from accumulating to high of debt that will be an unfair burden on future generations and that endangers the American economy in other ways. President Obama here is completely ignoring these protection functions of debt ceiling legislation! This is no joke here any competent commentator on this issue knows America is on course to be another Greece one day where we won't be able to raise money in the sovereign debt markets when that day comes, no one expects President Obama and the Congress to solve this problem but at least competently do your duty which means make a dent on it!

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