Washington officials: Chaos and ineptitude of Trump White House is like nothing we’ve ever seen

We need to make sure someone's noting when Trump is or isn't at the White House doing his job. So far it looks like he still needs to ask one of the downstairs maids where the Oval Office is. Ridiculous.

~After the fastest, most furious week yet for the Trump administration, America’s elder statesmen say they have never seen such turmoil or ineptitude

Chaos in the White House: 'There's never been anything like this'
Our elder statesmen?...lol...I look forward to your posts now

great, and maybe read the link, could help ya make some sense
is it just as funny?

has hannity brought up Cheetolini's gold bricking yet or is that still verbotten by Comrade Murdoch?
reads like a script from an opera sac

the maniac is up there yelling he's already delivered on all his campaign promises after 3-4 weeks partying at Mara Lago, freakin supercheeto
All we have to do is watch him. Watch past videos of him. He's a Russian operative and an enemy of the US.

Its not for nothing that Pooting calls him

Agent Orange.

/---- last year Libtards said Trump was Hillary's operative and was running their help her win. Now libtards claim he's a Russian operative. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Our elder statesmen?...lol...I look forward to your posts now

great, and maybe read the link, could help ya make some sense
is it just as funny?

has hannity brought up Cheetolini's gold bricking yet or is that still verbotten by Comrade Murdoch?
reads like a script from an opera sac

the maniac is up there yelling he's already delivered on all his campaign promises after 3-4 weeks partying at Mara Lago, freakin supercheeto
You all think that your little jabs in your supposed super nerd lingo is going to change the course of history ? :lame2:
the libs want to believe it's chaos, but they're not really coming from a platform of success, being organized, or winning.
and the media, the democrat party's media... is pretty much eviscerated..
Its not the libs telling us these things, furthermore do you wonder why Trump can't find a national security advisor? No one wants to work for him
Yep, that's why he will never amount to much. Nobody is willing to work for him. :cuckoo:
What do you believe he has "amounted" to?
he the new community organiser.
we should be so lucky....
Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil," Gen Tony Thomas, head of the military's special operations command, told a conference last week. "I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war."

Some of the malaise can be attributed to the growing pains that plague any new administration. Some is said to be down to the factional struggles, imported to the White House from Trump's businesses. And much is believed to be on the shoulders of the capricious, egocentric, volatile president, the first in US history to have been elected with no political or military experience.

Don't sweat it, soon Trump will purge Obama's Generals.
And that is a strategy with a long and proud tradition....

you're quite the mark for the Cult of Personality, aren't you?
Washington officials: Chaos and ineptitude of Trump White House is like nothing we’ve ever seen

Liberal fanatics' definition of "chaos":
"It's not working the way WE want it to work! And we hate it! But we can't change it, they're not listening to us!"

In other words, it's going just the way it should.

Elections have consequences.
When is the last time we heard about transgender bathrooms, shooting of Innocent black men, bakers refusing to bake cakes? And the liberals call this chaos, lol bitches.
There doesn't have to be actual chaos for liberals to say there is chaos. Once the lies start it's easier and easier to tell them. The white house is in chaos, Melania is unhappy. Barron is autistic. The more lies, the more fantasylike they can be. No one at the white house knows how to turn on the lights so they wander around with flashlights. President Trump is all alone and walks the halls in his bathrobe.

No one has to have anything to do with the white house to make up a story.
the libs want to believe it's chaos, but they're not really coming from a platform of success, being organized, or winning.
and the media, the democrat party's media... is pretty much eviscerated..
furthermore do you wonder why Trump can't find a national security advisor? No one wants to work for him
Not true!
I do believe that Admiral Harward refused the job with the words, " I don't want that shit sandwich". LOL
LOL oh no the DC establishment is pissed that Trump won I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. /sarcasm
The people in government have never seen the level of incompetence and sheer ignorance that the orange clown and his admin have displayed thus far. And he has not even been President a month.
There doesn't have to be actual chaos for liberals to say there is chaos. Once the lies start it's easier and easier to tell them. The white house is in chaos, Melania is unhappy. Barron is autistic. The more lies, the more fantasylike they can be. No one at the white house knows how to turn on the lights so they wander around with flashlights. President Trump is all alone and walks the halls in his bathrobe.

No one has to have anything to do with the white house to make up a story.
LOL All the 'leaks' coming out of this admin state that the whole admin is in chaos. No one trusts anybody, and the bossman is a psycho. LOL
There's no chaos in the white house.
LOL Oh sure, that is why we have one senior adviser stating that the President has full confidence in Flynn, just a couple of hours before he gets fired. LOL Ever time and issue comes up, we get three or four different stories from this admin. And then the President spends most of his time telling lies about the tremendous landslide that put him in the White House. LOL
the libs want to believe it's chaos, but they're not really coming from a platform of success, being organized, or winning.
and the media, the democrat party's media... is pretty much eviscerated..
furthermore do you wonder why Trump can't find a national security advisor? No one wants to work for him
Not true!
I do believe that Admiral Harward refused the job with the words, " I don't want that shit sandwich". LOL
He refused to have women on the team. That's his shit sandwich.
There doesn't have to be actual chaos for liberals to say there is chaos. Once the lies start it's easier and easier to tell them. The white house is in chaos, Melania is unhappy. Barron is autistic. The more lies, the more fantasylike they can be. No one at the white house knows how to turn on the lights so they wander around with flashlights. President Trump is all alone and walks the halls in his bathrobe.

No one has to have anything to do with the white house to make up a story.
LOL All the 'leaks' coming out of this admin state that the whole admin is in chaos. No one trusts anybody, and the bossman is a psycho. LOL
The leaks are coming from obama loyalists that remain. The entire administration should be purged of Democrats.
Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil," Gen Tony Thomas, head of the military's special operations command, told a conference last week. "I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war."

Some of the malaise can be attributed to the growing pains that plague any new administration. Some is said to be down to the factional struggles, imported to the White House from Trump's businesses. And much is believed to be on the shoulders of the capricious, egocentric, volatile president, the first in US history to have been elected with no political or military experience.

And the Trump fans believe it's because of the "liberal" fake news.

How stupid and sad they are...
Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil," Gen Tony Thomas, head of the military's special operations command, told a conference last week. "I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war."

Some of the malaise can be attributed to the growing pains that plague any new administration. Some is said to be down to the factional struggles, imported to the White House from Trump's businesses. And much is believed to be on the shoulders of the capricious, egocentric, volatile president, the first in US history to have been elected with no political or military experience.
Uh huh.

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