WASHINGTON POST: "Pence wins, Trump loses in vice-presidential debate"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Just hilarious.

It's bad for Trump that Pence won the debate. Talk about spin.

The Daily 202: Pence wins, Trump loses in vice-presidential debate

THE BIG IDEA: Conventional wisdom gelled overnight that Mike Pence prevailed in the one and only vice-presidential debate. The Indiana governor’s background as a talk radio host helped. Bigly, one might say. He was a smooth and amiable happy warrior. Tim Kaine, embracing the attack dog role that a running-mate traditionally plays, came across poorly as he repeatedly interrupted and trained his fire on Donald Trump.

In Frank Luntz’s focus group during last week’s presidential debate, 16 participants said Hillary Clinton won and six said Trump did. In a separate focus group Luntz conducted in Ohio last night for CBS News, 22 said the Indiana governor prevailed and four said the Virginia senator did.

Mike Pence is winning because Tim Kaine cannot debate like an adult without interruptions. #VPDebate pic.twitter.com/qGEoStPhMt

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 5, 2016
In CNN/ORC’s instant poll, 48 percent of voters who watched the showdown at Longwood University in Farmville said the Republican did a better job while 42 percent said the Democrat did. “About two-thirds of debate-watchers said Pence's performance was better than they expected, just 14% said he did worse than they thought he would. Reviews of Kaine tilted toward the negative, with 43% saying he did worse than they expected,” per polling director Jennifer Agiesta.
Just hilarious.

It's bad for Trump that Pence won the debate. Talk about spin.

The Daily 202: Pence wins, Trump loses in vice-presidential debate

THE BIG IDEA: Conventional wisdom gelled overnight that Mike Pence prevailed in the one and only vice-presidential debate. The Indiana governor’s background as a talk radio host helped. Bigly, one might say. He was a smooth and amiable happy warrior. Tim Kaine, embracing the attack dog role that a running-mate traditionally plays, came across poorly as he repeatedly interrupted and trained his fire on Donald Trump.

In Frank Luntz’s focus group during last week’s presidential debate, 16 participants said Hillary Clinton won and six said Trump did. In a separate focus group Luntz conducted in Ohio last night for CBS News, 22 said the Indiana governor prevailed and four said the Virginia senator did.

Mike Pence is winning because Tim Kaine cannot debate like an adult without interruptions. #VPDebate pic.twitter.com/qGEoStPhMt

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 5, 2016
In CNN/ORC’s instant poll, 48 percent of voters who watched the showdown at Longwood University in Farmville said the Republican did a better job while 42 percent said the Democrat did. “About two-thirds of debate-watchers said Pence's performance was better than they expected, just 14% said he did worse than they thought he would. Reviews of Kaine tilted toward the negative, with 43% saying he did worse than they expected,” per polling director Jennifer Agiesta.
wow the cutting edge washington post, Trump wasn't even in the vice presidential debate. maybe this is why they get so many of their stories wrong. the washington post is to journalism as emily post is to vice presidential debates.
There's no question Pence won the debate. He was clearly the adult in the room.
It does indeed set the bar higher for Trump. The saving grace for Trump, is he's not a polished candidate and he's not expected to win in a presidential debate in the first place.
There's no question Pence won the debate. He was clearly the adult in the room.
It does indeed set the bar higher for Trump. The saving grace for Trump, is he's not a polished candidate and he's not expected to win in a presidential debate in the first place.

Yeah, and once elected he can't be expected to be presidential either.
No one (sane) cares about the VP debate.

However, the reprehensible media bias, now that is a reason to vote for Trump. Elections should not be bought.
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The Post is crap, crap tossed in my driveway every morning. I like to know what the enemy is thinking, but will cancel the hard-copy subscription after the election.

It's good for a morning chuckle, but worthless as a source of information, and not at all worth the current price.
No one (sane) cares about the debates.

However, the reprehensible media bias, now that is a reason to vote for Trump. Elections should not be bought.

And that just started didn't it.

No, but the bias is worse and worse, they almost take pride in incoherently reporting the exact opposite of reality at this point. For example, #323 richest man in the world is just not successful enough. It's the Orwellian scenario where if you take the news and interpret them the opposite way, you have the actual news. Not that they can be called news in the first place, because that would mean reporting the facts, not opinions.
No one (sane) cares about the debates.

However, the reprehensible media bias, now that is a reason to vote for Trump. Elections should not be bought.

And that just started didn't it.

No, but the bias is worse and worse, they almost take pride in incoherently reporting the exact opposite of reality at this point. For example, #323 richest man in the world is just not successful enough. It's the Orwellian scenario where if you take the news and interpret them the opposite way, you have the actual news. Not that they can be called news in the first place, because that would mean reporting the facts, not opinions.

Well it's all corporate business, what did you expect?
Rush had a montage of the drive by media spin this morning, 15 or 20 of them spewing the exact same spin it was hilarious.
Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Pence won his first 2020 debate against a 2016 VP candidate and Trump is the loser! Pretty shrewd of Pence to work it without tarnishing himself with the Trump taint for the 2020 election cycle!

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