Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?
Do being hungry qualify all humans to come to America?
Perhaps it's a good reason why they would like to, and NO, not all humans. Just those who pass our strict immigration requirements as always apply.
Then you agree with Trump. Did you vote for him?
No, I don't agree with Trump that those people should be sent home. They are not illegal. I think you're confused.
We were discussing immigration. You agree with Trump and those horrible right-wingers that only those who qualify should be able to emigrate to America, according to its immigration policies.

And no one has ever said to deport legal aliens. You sound exactly like Trump. You two agree completely.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
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In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

You ship sank remember

Where ever there is extreme poverty there is a shitty government.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
I think they agree it's a shithole.

But only a Democrat could live in denial so blatantly.
I have spent all my life being very careful not to say anything that might offend Black People. Have watched half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...and it seems that things have only gotten worse, particularly in the rotting cities of the north run by Democrats for those same 50 years.

Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.

Everybody doesn't know that Haiti got it independence at about the same time as the USA. One is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the whole world, the other is the greatest achievement in the history of human society.

Lots of differences between Haiti and the USA, but one of the main ones is: As soon as Haiti got its Independence, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Yes, Haiti is a shit-hole, and finally we have a president who will say so, not be cowed by the Political Correctness Nazis.

And, by the way, Detroit is a shit-hole and Baltimore is a shit-hole too...It would suit me if Trump said that too....its the Truth.

Maybe if we acknowledged that, we could talk about WHY and do something about it...something different than what we have done for the last 50 years.

There are other words that can convey the same message.

President Trump is smart, which means he uses these words on purpose, which worries me even more.
I know, right?

What's the big deal?

We all know Trump and the Republicans are racists.

The only Republicans I trust are those that admit to who they are. The ones who stand up and say, "Yea, we hate minorities and non whites". You can trust them because they aren't lying. Or dissembling.

I say put it all out there and let everyone know who you are.


^ Progressive Paradise aka: shithole

I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?


Haiti: Progressive Shithole
President Trump has denied claims he called Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries.”

Watch: Trump Says the ‘shithole countries’ Statement is Fake News!

But tards hear what they want to hear when they are easily manipulated. Once you tell tards something they take it they run with no matter how stupid they look it doesn't matter to them. They're right that's all that matters.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?

They can immigrate to a number of any other countries.
Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), the daughter of Haitian immigrants and the first black female Republican elected to Congress, called President Trump's vulgar description of Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries "divisive" and "elitist."

Trump called the nations "shitholes" during a meeting Thursday with lawmakers, and in a statement, Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

GOP Rep. Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants, tells Trump to apologize for comments

She's not going to get an apology.

he should apologize to all of us.

well, those of us who aren't white supremacists.
The funny thing of this is that Fox news made the excuse of Trump just said what you'd hear in a bar in Wisconsin.

Of course the man's an old racist. We all have them in our families, no matter what color or creed we hail from. And most of us regardless of color would say Haiti is a "shit hole," though I thing Hell Hole would be a better description. Those people have been repeatedly abused.

But the real joy in the story is the Trumpbots are literally saying "Thank God the President talks like an old man in a Wisconsin bar." Talk about living in a shithole. LOL

edit, and I'm told there are some really cool places in Africa. I'm a bit old for that though.
I have spent all my life being very careful not to say anything that might offend Black People. Have watched half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...and it seems that things have only gotten worse, particularly in the rotting cities of the north run by Democrats for those same 50 years.

Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.

Everybody doesn't know that Haiti got it independence at about the same time as the USA. One is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the whole world, the other is the greatest achievement in the history of human society.

Lots of differences between Haiti and the USA, but one of the main ones is: As soon as Haiti got its Independence, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Yes, Haiti is a shit-hole, and finally we have a president who will say so, not be cowed by the Political Correctness Nazis.

And, by the way, Detroit is a shit-hole and Baltimore is a shit-hole too...It would suit me if Trump said that too....its the Truth.

Maybe if we acknowledged that, we could talk about WHY and do something about it...something different than what we have done for the last 50 years.

There are other words that can convey the same message.

President Trump is smart, which means he uses these words on purpose, which worries me even more.
bingo, He knows his audience. He's a .... showman
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?


Haiti: Progressive Shithole
And that water has is filled with human and animal shit - which is also their drinking water.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

You ship sank remember

Where ever there is extreme poverty there is a shitty government.

Never let a good situation go to waste. =) Where there is tragedy we will find the Clintons with their oh so helpful funding charities.....going where wait for it , wait for it oh yeah going right into their pockets.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?
Do being hungry qualify all humans to come to America?
Perhaps it's a good reason why they would like to, and NO, not all humans. Just those who pass our strict immigration requirements as always apply.
So when are you going to vacation in Haiti?
President Trump has denied claims he called Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries.”

Watch: Trump Says the ‘shithole countries’ Statement is Fake News!

But tards hear what they want to hear when they are easily manipulated. Once you tell tards something they take it they run with no matter how stupid they look it doesn't matter to them. They're right that's all that matters.

Trump is fake news.

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