Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

QU Poll Release Detail

anyone over the age of 30 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian.

Holy shit! It's my favorite fucking pinhead! Where you been?

avoiding asshats like you

unsuccessfully it would appear

That's ok, cupcake. :itsok:

I may have some pre-election quotes from you.

Does "Hillary is a lock" sound familiar?

yup- i forgot to factor in the stupidity of the average voter

does i didn't vote for her ring a bell?

Then it's your fault! :poke:

did you take an extra stupid pill today?
Holy shit! It's my favorite fucking pinhead! Where you been?

avoiding asshats like you

unsuccessfully it would appear

That's ok, cupcake. :itsok:

I may have some pre-election quotes from you.

Does "Hillary is a lock" sound familiar?

yup- i forgot to factor in the stupidity of the average voter

does i didn't vote for her ring a bell?

Then it's your fault! :poke:

did you take an extra stupid pill today?

Lemme guess, you can't find your medication?
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

You ship sank remember

This President is flat out awesome...Now he’s teaching life lessons. He knows that America has to stop being pussies, people have to learn to hear and process the candid truth without rolling up in the fetal position and screaming at the sky.

WTF...why spoil the fun.
Trump said it many many times during the campaign.....PC America must end...If you expected a soft speaking do nothing bullshit artist like Obama you were not paying attention...this is called speaking truth to power...speaking clearly and being honest...
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?
Do being hungry qualify all humans to come to America?
Trump was right. Diversity sucks. We need to stop importing welfare queens from shithole countries.
Agree, but he cannot give his political opponents such an easy pitch to hit out of the ballpark.

Now, they have what they wanted. They can chant racism racism racism and the world will be justified.

Regardless of right or wrong, it is about perception. We know the left wing hypocrites will pretend that they dont think the same thing about Haiti. They obviously did not give one shit about what the clinton foundation did to Haiti. They are worthless piles and we know it.

However, this is NOT about that. Trump gives his enemies too much amo and he is a political moron.

Trump is going to be attacked from the assholes on the Left no matter what he does. They are scumbags like that.

I like him telling the politically incorrect truth. We need more of that.

Political correctness has done a lot of damage to this country and we need somebody like him with the courage to call it like it is.

Good for Trump. He was right. Piss on the pink pussy hat snowflake Moon Bats that don't like it.
Sorry, but you are wrong here. Again, the left are losers, mainly because they are hypocrites about EVERYTHING.

Somehow what Trump (allegedly) said, is faaaar more offensive than what their clinton kuuuunt and criminal husband did.

That reported by msnbc of all things. Haiti was scammed and left high and dry. Like I said, the left really dont give a shit they did, but only about what Trump said. It is the epitome of hypocrisy and they are barely worth addressing.

However, Trump CANNOT give his opponents constant ammunition. He does. He is a political fool. Now, they have what they want and the world is going nuts.

Sorry, he is a fool to say it like that.

I understand the point you are making. However, as we have seen on numerous occasions, if Trump doesn't give the Libtards "ammunition" then they will just make up their own like we constantly see with fake news.

We are never going to win over these Moon Bat jackasses. They are hell bent on turning this country into a socialist shithole and no amount of reasoning is going to persuade them.

They will do their mindless hate Trump bullshit no matter what he says. At least in this case he was telling the truth. We do not need to be importing more worthless third world welfare queens from shithole countries. Kudos for him for doing and saying the right thing.

Piss on any of these Moon Bats that don't like it. They don't like anything that will make this country great again. Importing those assholes from the shithole countries has made this country worse off. All they do is come over here, get on welfare, commit crimes and vote Democrat. Despicable. It is about time somebody with courage had the balls to say it.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
Shitholes always have hungry people.
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?
You going to vacation there this summer?
Question answered.
Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?
Do being hungry qualify all humans to come to America?
Perhaps it's a good reason why they would like to, and NO, not all humans. Just those who pass our strict immigration requirements as always apply.





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.
Agreed. Do you see any reason for us to have more shithole people in the US?
Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), the daughter of Haitian immigrants and the first black female Republican elected to Congress, called President Trump's vulgar description of Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries "divisive" and "elitist."

Trump called the nations "shitholes" during a meeting Thursday with lawmakers, and in a statement, Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

GOP Rep. Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants, tells Trump to apologize for comments

She's not going to get an apology.
Everyone in the US is a descended from immigrants, unless we're native American. And very few people immigrating here came because they liked where they were before.

But Trump voters especially see an America where people are pitted against one another. Someone is taking their shit. The other view, the Reagan-Kennedy liberalism America is made up of people with shared beliefs of individualism and community.

But probably, Trump was just trying to show "strength" when the immigration hardliners were telling not to compromise on DACA. And calling places "shit holes" is "strength" in the Trumpworld.
Because they think it's racist to tell the truth.

They BELIEVE it's racist, they have no capacity to think.
I can't get over the irony here.....usually when a new president takes over a shithole country they take the old leaders and some of the press out back and put a bullet in their heads just to make a point.
Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), the daughter of Haitian immigrants and the first black female Republican elected to Congress, called President Trump's vulgar description of Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries "divisive" and "elitist."

Trump called the nations "shitholes" during a meeting Thursday with lawmakers, and in a statement, Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

GOP Rep. Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants, tells Trump to apologize for comments

She's not going to get an apology.
Everyone in the US is a descended from immigrants, unless we're native American. And very few people immigrating here came because they liked where they were before.

But Trump voters especially see an America where people are pitted against one another. Someone is taking their shit. The other view, the Reagan-Kennedy liberalism America is made up of people with shared beliefs of individualism and community.

But probably, Trump was just trying to show "strength" when the immigration hardliners were telling not to compromise on DACA. And calling places "shit holes" is "strength" in the Trumpworld.
Or simply another case of fraud by Democrats.
I've lost count on how many this makes.
Every President has said the word "shithole" in private conversations. Most have said a lot worse. Big deal. Grow the hell up people.

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