Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Trump calls black countries shitholes but wants more immigrants from Norway which is white.

Don’t you EVER claim this president isn’t a racist.

The whole world now knows for sure he is..

The president of the United States speaks for all Americans. Americans all over the country is saying today,” He doesn’t speak for me.”

No he want's people form stable well educated countries, that will contribute to the US and become Americans.

Well, that's obviously racist......:biggrin:

Yeah, I heard on the news yesterday that 17% of Asian immigrants receive welfare, 73% of hispanic immigrants receive it. Oh, 30% of natives receive welfare. Sounds to me we need to trade 30% of natives for more Asians. LOL

Bingo.......lets see the breakdown on that 30%
Behavior and language unbecoming a president of the United States.
You complained about this.

Then you brag about this:

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox, who said Trump's mouth is "the foulest shithole in the world."

Funny that you have such low expectations for the leaders of these Turd World shitholes.
You idiot Deplorables come out of your holes at night like cockroaches.

Fox is not the president of the country I live in. But he gave the pussygrabber a smack in the head he deserved.
To that... I'm eternally grateful.

put your pussyhat away it's racist and sexist.....
But What country do you live in?
Companies are going under from what happened in the 0bama regime. A large company doesn't decide to reorganize overnight. It takes years of bad business results.
Because Clinton committed a crime.....Trump has not......and the Senate did not convict him.....
you are talking HORSE SHIT ...Clinton was accused by Impeachment but prevailed on the verdict LOL

Only because commiecrats refused to do their sworn duty.


How you guys equate lying about a few hummers and conspiracy with the Russians shows your partisanship and ineptitude! If Obama had colluded with Putin for anything, his impeachment would have been the least of things you'd want! It was enough for you losers to believe Trump's accusation of him being Kenyan and a Muslim! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing! It's so very sad and pathetic for us all! :9: :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :fu:

Clinton committed perjury, he was a fucking lawyer who committed a felony. How about you show evidence Trump conspired with the Russians, no one in congress says they have seen any. So I guess you're one of the privileged few that has so how about sharing.


That's more than a little funny with people defending the biggest liar in the world! Last I heard, he's up to 2000 in the past year! Stay on that hypocritical horse of yours; keep maligning the Clintons who aren't in power, while Trump's destroying lives around the world! :9: :ahole-1:
and 90% of all statistics are made up....care to source your claim?
you are talking HORSE SHIT ...Clinton was accused by Impeachment but prevailed on the verdict LOL

Only because commiecrats refused to do their sworn duty.


How you guys equate lying about a few hummers and conspiracy with the Russians shows your partisanship and ineptitude! If Obama had colluded with Putin for anything, his impeachment would have been the least of things you'd want! It was enough for you losers to believe Trump's accusation of him being Kenyan and a Muslim! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing! It's so very sad and pathetic for us all! :9: :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :fu:

Clinton committed perjury, he was a fucking lawyer who committed a felony. How about you show evidence conspired with the Russians, no one in congress says they have seen any. So I guess you're one of the privileged few that has so how about sharing.

No one in Congress is part of Mueller's team so obviously they're not privy to the evidence.
I see you know zilch about the Russian investigations. You probably don't even know there are 4 of them.
You always make me chuckle of how clueless you are.

They don't care about the truth of things! Under the leadership of Trump, they only acknowledge LIES and their own fake news! I keep saying with people like this, Hillary dodged a fuckin' bullet! Why she'd want to be bothered trying to lead these idiots is beyond me! They obviously like being lied to, taken advantage of, and being conned into tax cuts that will only benefit people who spit on them in passing! :beer: :rolleyes: :p

you talk about the truth and then say Haiti isn't a shithole.......uh........so you're saying it's not?
Just read that fiat Chrysler is bringing back jobs to the USA and investing a billion bucks. Gotta suck being you! Go president Trump!
Trump calls black countries shitholes but wants more immigrants from Norway which is white.

Don’t you EVER claim this president isn’t a racist.

The whole world now knows for sure he is..

The president of the United States speaks for all Americans. Americans all over the country is saying today,” He doesn’t speak for me.”

No he want's people form stable well educated countries, that will contribute to the US and become Americans.

Well, that's obviously racist......:biggrin:

Yeah, I heard on the news yesterday that 17% of Asian immigrants receive welfare, 73% of hispanic immigrants receive it. Oh, 30% of natives receive welfare. Sounds to me we need to trade 30% of natives for more Asians. LOL

Bingo.......lets see the breakdown on that 30%

You'd have to look it up, they didn't get into that much detail on the report I saw.

Agreed. Why did her parents leave and come to the US if it was so much better in Haiti?

MORON.....why did the hordes of Irish immigrants come here, or the Italians, or the Poles???

Trump has completely lifted that thin veil of decency that you once covered yourself with,.....NOW, your racism is for ALL to see (and judge.)

They were attacked too........it's not just that they're from shitholes...it's the fact there are so many of them....why do many....because their country sucks balls
Just read that fiat Chrysler is bringing back jobs to the USA and investing a billion bucks. Gotta suck being you! Go president Trump!
/----/ Save us from good news.jpg
Nothing is funnier than when someone like the OP who has absolutely no understanding of economics tries to explain the party line that the economy is falling apart. Her words make about as much sense as a kitten walking on a computer keyboard.

This Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


Oh please you guys say this with every republican....snooooze

I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass clown the Poster Boy of the Republican party. I have over 16k posts on this board to prove that, and have been on here since 2008. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. This party no longer represents me. It no longer represents millions of moderate Republicans.

You have effectively killed the grand ol' party of Lincoln & Reagan. There will be no coming back from Donald Trump.



Believe me...America is embarassed by you.

Trump is fab. The fact that scum like you freak out every time he speaks the truth is proif that he is doing what we elected him to do.

Trump is a Shithole President

Trump is the Haiti of Presidents

HAHA so atleast you admit he's right.......that's a good first step
This Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


Oh please you guys say this with every republican....snooooze

I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass clown the Poster Boy of the Republican party. I have over 16k posts on this board to prove that, and have been on here since 2008. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. This party no longer represents me. It no longer represents millions of moderate Republicans.

You have effectively killed the grand ol' party of Lincoln & Reagan. There will be no coming back from Donald Trump.



Believe me...America is embarassed by you.

Trump is fab. The fact that scum like you freak out every time he speaks the truth is proif that he is doing what we elected him to do.

Trump is a Shithole President

Trump is the Haiti of Presidents

HAHA so atleast you admit he's right.......that's a good first step

What a fucking retard liewinger is lolol.

Strange how Democrats hate America, yet they love shithole countries. So much so that they're busy turning parts of America into a total shithole. If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.


But when some unknown source claims Trump is calling Haiti a shithole we're supposed to feel insulted. Even people who live there have to admit Haiti is a shithole.

Here's a short list of other countries that are total shitholes:

  1. Venezuela
  2. Columbia
  3. Brazil
  4. Mexico
  5. Iraq
  6. Lebanon
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Somalia
  9. Uganda
  10. India
  11. Pakistan
  12. Russia



It never ceases to amaze me when I hear liberals screaming about a president that loves the country he's in charge of more than the countries that have hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring out of them spreading all over the globe.

Hillary and Obama hate America and hate Americans......but we're supposed to love them.

I just don't understand this type of mindset.
Trump is turning America into a shithole country, so you should feel right at home.
please prove that
I'm a little disturbed at President Trump for calling Hati a "shithole". I've been to Hati and, believe me, it's far, far worse than being a mere "shithole".
Every where you look, companies all over the nation are laying off people, ATT, Sam's Club, Carrier, etc....not Trumps fault, Amazon is now the new Walmart craze.....however, one must note, that since this clown has taken office, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing positive and good has occured in this country....the guy is jinx and a shit hole maker....the only thing I pray God occurs, is that those who support this mad man, feel the sting the worse...white america!!!
Not Trump's fault but totally Trump's fault sounds like a reasonable argument, for a 3 year old.

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