Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Trump just needs a little polish.


The Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.

He spoke the truth.
As a political moderate, I like to think that everyone agrees that President Trump should NOT have used such a harsh term.

It only gives fuel to his opponents (enemies).


I do think, however, that many Americans (I do not know, of course, what percent) agree with his sentiment: It is preferable that more people from Europe come to the United States as immigrants.


Nevertheless, I think that current birth rates (of Caucasian people) and immigration rates (of people from Latin America, Asia, and Africa) indicate that we are in a transition from a Caucasian-majority nation to a people of color-majority nation.

Nothing, I feel, can prevent the inevitable.

(Regarding more European immigration, no one, of course, can be sure. It IS possible that sometime in the next 100 years, more Europeans may decide to leave Europe for the United States, Canada, or Australia if the situation in Europe -- ethnically speaking -- changes too drastically.)
As a political moderate, I like to think that everyone agrees that President Trump should NOT have used such a harsh term.

It only gives fuel to his opponents (enemies).


I do think, however, that many Americans (I do not know, of course, what percent) agree with his sentiment: It is preferable that more people from Europe come to the United States as immigrants.


Nevertheless, I think that current birth rates (of Caucasian people) and immigration rates (of people from Latin America, Asia, and Africa) indicate that we are in a transition from a Caucasian-majority nation to a people of color-majority nation.

Nothing, I feel, can prevent the inevitable.

(Regarding more European immigration, no one, of course, can be sure. It IS possible that sometime in the next 100 years, more Europeans may decide to leave Europe for the United States, Canada, or Australia if the situation in Europe -- ethnically speaking -- changes too drastically.)

So race matters?

Why not merit?
Let me say....


TRUMP IS A POLITICAL IDIOT, and there is no way to get around it.
Why not merit?

I agree 100%: in a perfect world, merit would be the sole criterion for everything.

All of my neighbors, colleagues, doctors, etc. could be Martians for all I care if they were the very best.


In the real world, however, things do not work that way (sadly).

As you know, American universities are trying everything to keep from having to become predominately Asian campuses. On merit, Asians sweep the entrance exams. In order to make room for other ethnicities, the universities are tweaking entrance requirements.
And..I never understood the nastiness of those countries and the people living in such conditions. Being poor does not mean you have to be a pig.
Many of those countries don't have any pride in themselves or their country.
So many who are fed up with living in a Hell hole try to come here.
They are promised streets of gold and jobs and a future.
So they discover that immigration laws make it next to impossible for them to come here legally and it's easier to just sneak in.
But the sanctuary cities they move to aren't much better than the shitholes they escaped from.
Our President has a country club mentality on immigration

Only the right people need apply
Trump calls black countries shitholes but wants more immigrants from Norway which is white.

Don’t you EVER claim this president isn’t a racist.

The whole world now knows for sure he is..

The president of the United States speaks for all Americans. Americans all over the country is saying today,” He doesn’t speak for me.”

No he want's people form stable well educated countries, that will contribute to the US and become Americans.

Well, that's obviously racist......:biggrin:
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
Behavior and language unbecoming a president of the United States.
And that’s putting it mildly.

You people have been bitching constantly about all the lies he tells. Now you’re bitching because he told the truth?
You have to be brain dead to think this is acceptable behavior for a president.
This is just the beginning of the backlash of this monumental faux pas.

Listen fuck wit ever read the 1st amendment, you do know it wasn't just written for you right?
If The LEFT would simply demand that Their Shithole Party start being honest about immigration, this wouldn't even be an issue.

Besides that, the Post lied AGAIN, about what was actually said.
Agreed. Why did her parents leave and come to the US if it was so much better in Haiti?

MORON.....why did the hordes of Irish immigrants come here, or the Italians, or the Poles???

Trump has completely lifted that thin veil of decency that you once covered yourself with,.....NOW, your racism is for ALL to see (and judge.)
my idea for the welcome sign to haiti? lets see,,,,"Welcome To Haiti,We love our island paradise,but we have no plumbing,but at least we have the greatest rates in the world for adult entertainment"
Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), the daughter of Haitian immigrants and the first black female Republican elected to Congress, called President Trump's vulgar description of Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries "divisive" and "elitist."

Trump called the nations "shitholes" during a meeting Thursday with lawmakers, and in a statement, Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

GOP Rep. Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants, tells Trump to apologize for comments

She's not going to get an apology.

Mia needs to shut her cocksucker and get her face back down in Harvy W’s lap. That and she can take her ass back to her third world shit hole.
Since the "Anonymous Sources" and The Post Lied.....AGAIN....

I think the BIGGEST SHITHOLE on the planet is THE Democrat Party!

I'm thinking about opening a hamburger shop called "FIVE WHITE GUYS".

Strange how Democrats hate America, yet they love shithole countries. So much so that they're busy turning parts of America into a total shithole. If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.


But when some unknown source claims Trump is calling Haiti a shithole we're supposed to feel insulted. Even people who live there have to admit Haiti is a shithole.

Here's a short list of other countries that are total shitholes:

  1. Venezuela
  2. Columbia
  3. Brazil
  4. Mexico
  5. Iraq
  6. Lebanon
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Somalia
  9. Uganda
  10. India
  11. Pakistan
  12. Russia



It never ceases to amaze me when I hear liberals screaming about a president that loves the country he's in charge of more than the countries that have hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring out of them spreading all over the globe.

Hillary and Obama hate America and hate Americans......but we're supposed to love them.

I just don't understand this type of mindset.
Trump is turning America into a shithole country, so you should feel right at home.
If you really believe that you're crazy.

I think you need to get out and look around once in awhile.

Strange how Democrats hate America, yet they love shithole countries. So much so that they're busy turning parts of America into a total shithole. If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.


But when some unknown source claims Trump is calling Haiti a shithole we're supposed to feel insulted. Even people who live there have to admit Haiti is a shithole.

Here's a short list of other countries that are total shitholes:

  1. Venezuela
  2. Columbia
  3. Brazil
  4. Mexico
  5. Iraq
  6. Lebanon
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Somalia
  9. Uganda
  10. India
  11. Pakistan
  12. Russia



It never ceases to amaze me when I hear liberals screaming about a president that loves the country he's in charge of more than the countries that have hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring out of them spreading all over the globe.

Hillary and Obama hate America and hate Americans......but we're supposed to love them.

I just don't understand this type of mindset.

the top picture looks like lib controlled Detroit

another shithole

Just a reminder to racist morons like Trump:

In the much lauded and often cited (by Republicans) Fraser Institute rankings of economic freedom, El Salvador nets a 7.13 out of 10 and Slovenia only nets a 7.0… i.e. El Salvadore has more economic freedom than Melania’s country of birth.


So, from the standpoint of the only metric conservatives care about (other than white skin color), Donald Trump’s wife comes from a bigger sh%thole than the one he was crying about this afternoon.

But of course Trump wasn’t talking about economic freedom or capitalism or free market opportunity… all things that Norway (7.67 out of 10) has in spades BECAUSE of its socialist policies.

He was talking about skin color.

Because he’s a racist.

Either that or I guess he thinks his wife’s home country is a sh%thole.

Sh%thole Countries... Like Slovenia?

Norway has a population of a bit over 5 million. If we had a population of 5 million and a bit we could be socialist too.

As Norway imports those from the third world shitholes they might not be able to keep socialism.

It is not really socialism. It is more liked shared services in a homogeneous society. They can do it because everybody contributes. Unlike the US where we have tens of millions of welfare queen non contributors. Let us import our welfare queens to their country and see how long their "socialism" last. They would go bankrupt in a short period of time just like it is bankrupting us.

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