Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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See here is where we come to the point, as miss peach, (I'm sorry I don't know if your married) said, the word had a specific meaning two centuries ago. but my question is what does the team name symbolize now? the Washington Redskins, a team of players who go out onto the field every season to battle their opponents for the top slot in the NFL.
To me this symbolizes, Today, a warrior spirit best personified by the native american peoples. The tribal warriors of the native american tribes are an amazing people. This concept i believe is upheld in todays world.

I mean look at the fact that Geronimo one of the most famous of the Native american warriors to stand against the military of the new formed united states lies at rest in a private cemetary along with all the members of his family since him, around a monument in his honor on the grounds of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

people focus too much on the past and what something meant 200 years ago is not really indicative of what it means today. take the long pointed caps of the klu klux klan, 400 years ago similar styles of hats were worn by certain orders of monks, yet today no one remembers what the style meant 400 years ago, they just associate it with something evil.

Five of the First Nations disagree, and the history of the term is part of its meaning. Few today think of those with Italian heritage as "without papers" yet the slur lives on.
like the term paddy wagon.....

Oh, them Irish.
if some really want to fix a baseball team's name it aught to be the angels....
the los angles angels of Anaheim.....WTF!

"City of the Angels Angels"

to the great majority of the Angel fans in this City its still either the Anaheim Angels or California Angels.....i have never heard anyone acknowledge that ridiculous Los Angeles reference....
I lived in the oc for 30 years....in walking distance from the stadium....
Out of all the people who claim to be offended by the Redskin name what percent do you think are truly, honestly, sincerely offended by the name and how many are just on this because it's the trendy topic of the moment? I think 10 maybe 15 percent truly are the rest are not.


Any that are aren't right in the head. Including all those who defend this on usmb
i don't find trying to stop people from profitting off a racial slur (which it is) is such a bad thing or the death of america.

Fighting irish isn't a racial slur. Redskins is.

many disagree, but many have no clue what the common usage of the word has been.

How many times in your entire life have you or anyone you know referenced a native american to a redskin?

The Redskins have been around for quite some time.
And all of a sudden there's a problem.
Some people seem to thrive on being the victim.

It's one thing if the team was making fun of American Indians.
But this team is worshipped by their fans.
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I don't find trying to stop people from profitting off a racial slur (which it is) is such a bad thing or the death of America.

Fighting Irish isn't a racial slur. Redskins is.

Many disagree, but many have no clue what the common usage of the word has been.

How many times in your entire life have you or anyone you know referenced a Native American to a Redskin?

I'm part Iroquois. I'm not offended.
I don't know what the fuss is about but I haven't been picked on ethnically.
However, the government has no fucking business interfering in property rights in such a manner.:mad:

Like this administration gives a shit about anyone's rights.
now that IS FUNNY!
YOU ASSHATS WOULD BE rioting if someone named their team the crucifiers or the Satanists because you find THAT OFFENSIVE......this place wreaks of double standards!
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However, the government has no fucking business interfering in property rights in such a manner.:mad:

Like this administration gives a shit about anyone's rights.
now that IS FUNNY!
YOU ASSHATS WOULD BE rioting if someone named their team the crucifiers or the Satanists because you find THAT OFFENSIVE......this place wreaks of double standards!

Actually...wouldn't give a shit.

But hey, you mean teams like the New Jersey Devils? The Arizona State Sun Devils? Dude...you are dumb as a rock.
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