Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

Wow 11 pages on something that has not happened. The whole thread is bullshit.
They appealed the same ruling ten years ago and won. This one is being appealed too.

If the Redskins have to go it should be the whole team not just the name. I hope the owner has enough integrity to do it. Release the players whose contracts are up for renewal and pay off the rest. Keep the Redskins to the end and give it an end.

Exactly. It's been tried and defeated.
The people complaining have no legal standing to challenge the name.

That's why the govt took a different route and went after the patents.

Funny..Everything that is going on in the world and in this country and THIS is what the govt thinks is important.
I see there was a senate hearing on something Dr. Oz said.... Dr. Oz!?...and this merits a senate hearing?

Like Juvenal said;

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt."

He was wrong, though.

I hope the owner closes the franchise and releases all the players.
However, the government has no fucking business interfering in property rights in such a manner.:mad:

Like this administration gives a shit about anyone's rights.
now that IS FUNNY!
YOU ASSHATS WOULD BE rioting if someone named their team the crucifiers or the Satanists because you find THAT OFFENSIVE......this place wreaks of double standards!


Nope ... I'm not offended.
I wasn't comparing anything, I was staying on topic.:D
right........(cough) bullshit!

I think this is a forum where we need to stay on topic by board rules. I think you are the one that might be a low IQ'er.

Having said that...I stand behind my premise that Native Americans really aren't insulted by the term redskins.

When I was young, I was not tan so you could sometimes see red skin in my arms and legs.

Is it offensive or pride to be called "Redskin"?

It depends on whether you look at a glass half full or half empty.

I would rather be proud of what I am than take offense.

I understand it becomes political and someone feels unpredictably changeably and not like it but it doesn't bother me one bit.

It isn't a political issue with me. I'm not trying to gain market share.
I am happy with who I am even though most people can look at me today and not think I am Native American.
right........(cough) bullshit!

I think this is a forum where we need to stay on topic by board rules. I think you are the one that might be a low IQ'er.

Having said that...I stand behind my premise that Native Americans really aren't insulted by the term redskins.

When I was young, I was not tan so you could sometimes see red skin in my arms and legs.

Is it offensive or pride to be called "Redskin"?

It depends on whether you look at a glass half full or half empty.

I would rather be proud of what I am than take offense.

I understand it becomes political and someone feels unpredictably changeably and not like it but it doesn't bother me one bit.

It isn't a political issue with me. I'm not trying to gain market share.
I am happy with who I am even though most people can look at me today and not think I am Native American.

I think most Americans whose families have been here a while have Amerindian ancestry somewhere. I only have successfully researched my fathers patrilineal ancestry and found an Amerindian bride. I am told there is a 'Cherokee' on my mothers patrilineal side and my grandfather looked the part.

The PC industry built on racial guilt will always find something to keep in the news and donations flowing in, no matter how trivial, mean spirited or ludicrous their claims may be.
They appealed the same ruling ten years ago and won. This one is being appealed too.

If the Redskins have to go it should be the whole team not just the name. I hope the owner has enough integrity to do it. Release the players whose contracts are up for renewal and pay off the rest. Keep the Redskins to the end and give it an end.

Call me cynical, but I doubt any businessmen are going to destroy something that is worth well over one billion dollars.
comrade Reid says he will not attend any games. ticket sales have gone thru the roof

we're living in a third world sewer country because of him and his socialists pig storm troopers and their worried about a god damned football logo. the word Washington is offensive and needs to be changed.
I wasn't comparing anything, I was staying on topic.:D
right........(cough) bullshit!

I think this is a forum where we need to stay on topic by board rules. I think you are the one that might be a low IQ'er.

Having said that...I stand behind my premise that Native Americans really aren't insulted by the term redskins.

true if you get called something long enough it loses it sting..
Actually...wouldn't give a shit.

But hey, you mean teams like the New Jersey Devils? The Arizona State Sun Devils? Dude...you are dumb as a rock.
wrong asshat ....devil in that context is a cute euphemism not at all the same....
speaking of dumb....

Hmmmm, speaking of dumb
New Jersey Devil....
View attachment 30411

Yeah just a cute little thing.

The other poster nailed your ass to the wall. :lol:
that version is ....
it the socially acceptable watered down rendition of this
letter from president Bruce Allen to the dishonorable fuck Reid

the most chilling part of that letter is football's effect on American culture.. would you trust an organization that has the most brain injuries to make a fair and objective decision?

im sure that has something to do with the price of tomato's ???
lot'S of tomatoes are sold at NFL games...
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