Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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the most chilling part of that letter is football's effect on American culture.. would you trust an organization that has the most brain injuries to make a fair and objective decision?

im sure that has something to do with the price of tomato's ???
lot'S of tomatoes are sold at NFL games...

List all the stadiums in the nfl where you can buy whole tomatoes?
Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

Wow 11 pages on something that has not happened. The whole thread is bullshit.

The trademark rights have been cancelled.
That is a fact.
That is what this thread is about.

No what has happened is a ruling was passed down that cannot be enforced until the appeal process is over. The result will be the same as it was in 99. Read up on the rules before you correct people.
Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

Wow 11 pages on something that has not happened. The whole thread is bullshit.

The trademark rights have been cancelled.
That is a fact.
That is what this thread is about.

No what has happened is a ruling was passed down that cannot be enforced until the appeal process is over. The result will be the same as it was in 99. Read up on the rules before you correct people.

You are so presumptive.

In 99 we didn't have a neoMarxist nut-case in the White House.

This President will get his way by hook or crook, just like in Shitcago.

Nope ... I'm not offended.
another false comparison...

It isn't a false comparison just because you don't like it, shit-for-brains.

The difference is the natives are kept angry and offended at all times to be a special victim group. These assholes don't want us getting along and letting water run over our backs.

Can't have that! The racist fucking assholes.
Another case folks where the liberals pretend to care about an issue that they could not care any less about. They act like it is such a major issue too. Funny stuff. Here is a case that many would not know. In Arizona, there is a high school that is virtually 100% native American (Navajo) and guess what their team nickname is. Go ahead......take a guess. You bet. It has been the Redskins for a long time. You would think they would be so offended, considering how offended the 20% of Native Americans that claim they are so offended by it. Ironic how it was a Navajo group that launched the official complaint. Is this one of those cases where they can call themselves whatever they want, even if they claim the term is so offensive?

Lets look at this blog shall we?


Will Harry Reid Tell This 100% Navajo Indian High School Their ‘Redskins’ Mascot is Racist?

The “Redskins.”

Yes, that’s right, the eeeevil and raaaacist term, the “Redskins.” It’s exactly the same name the Washington football team, the Redskins, have called themselves for seven decades.

The high school’s website even has a a tab titled “Redskins News” and features this logo:


Oh my, how “racist” is this Harry! How could this be Harry?

Why would a 100% Native American school name use as their own mascot a “racist” term?

Maybe Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should be asked this important question of the day.

Harry Greed and other white elitist communists latest distraction/obsession is with forcing the Washington Redskins to change their name because they’ve determined, after decades of being silent on the word, that the term “Redskins,” a term that was chosen to HONOR Native Americans, must now be banned.

As the Middle East implodes, Obama’s restocking enemy terrorists, more Americans are dependent upon government handouts and out of the work force than ever before, Americans are being targeted by the Obama IRS for their political beliefs, and a plethora of other important issues of the day, changing the name of an NFL team is the focus of anti–free speech Democrats.


So, it comes down to 20% of people being offended by the name of a product or company? BTW, there is a real case study that can be studied on how the liberal media shapes thoughts. 10 years ago, 95% of all Native Americans surveyed said they were not offended by the term redskins.

Now, after 10 years of the liberal media (pushed by Bob Costas and ESPN types) telling us how we are suppose to think, that number has went from 95% who did not care to around 70% of Natives that do not care.

You would think though, just by the sheer hype of the liberals insisting on how we are suppose to think, that nearly 95% of natives and others are deeply offended by it. You would think.


To further illustrate how hypocritical the pathetic blobs on the left are, lets look at this.

Here are twelve other trademarked names that apparently didn’t come up on anyone’s offense radar.

Figgas over Niggas: This pending trademark seeks to cover a line of “Apparel for dancers, namely, tee shirts, sweatshirts, pants, leggings, shorts and jackets.” “Niggas,” of course, is a slang version of the word “******,” a term considered highly offensive towards black Americans.

Kraut Kap: Another recently-filed trademark, this one for a line of plastic lids. “Kraut” was made famous in World War II as a derogatory term for opposing German soldiers, as well as Germans in general.

Dago Swagg: A label created for a line of clothing. ”Dago” is a corruption of the common name Diego, and is used in English-speaking countries as an offensive term for those of Italian descent, and occasionally people from other Mediterranean countries as well.

Cracka Azz Skateboards: Unsurprisingly, this trademark was taken out for a line of skateboards and longboards, as well as associated clothing such as bandannas. While the USPTO helpfully notes that “The wording ‘cracka azz’ has no meaning in a foreign language,” “cracka” is a slang version of “cracker,” which in this context is a term of derision for whites, used primarily within the black community.

You Can’t Make A Housewife Out Of A Whore: This trademark for T-shirts and hats appears to imply that women involved in prostitution can never transition into the domestic role of a housewife. Such an accusation would certainly “bring them into contempt or disrepute,” the stated reasoning for eliminating the Redskins trademark.

Blanco Basura: A seemingly innocuous phrase, Blanco Basura, rendered into English, is actually the highly offensive slur “white trash.” White trash is a derogatory insult that typically refers to poor, white Americans, who have a penchant for crime and a patent disrespect for authority. Apparently, they thought they could go unnoticed designing a hateful beer.

Home Cookin Biscuit Head: Intentionality, as we well know, is not required in order for something to be highly, highly offensive. They should’ve done their due diligence before designing this logo for the restaurant industry. The term “biscuit head” has its origins in the Korean War, when American GIs picked this unseemly term to describe the shape of Koreans’ heads.

‘teensdoporn.com’: This is a classic example (Safe For Work) of a harmful stereotype used to justify condescension toward teens in the form of countless hours of sex-ed in high school. It wrongfully supposes that all teens are sex-crazed maniacs, who given the chance, will opt for trading their sexuality on a website for fame and fortune.

Gypsy Soule Women Who Live By Their Own Rules: This line of makeup containers and tote bags is a double whammy. “Gypsy” is a term for the itinerant Romani people that derives from the erroneous belief they originated from Egypt, rather than India. In addition, the “Live by their own rules” component hearkens to the common stereotype that Romani routinely ignore the law and engage in criminality.

Mammy Jamia’s: A company going by the name of A & S Cairns Limited has decided to attach its good name to an antebellum slur used to refer to an enslaved black woman who was in charge of household affairs, particularly caring for white children. The product? Frozen fruits and vegetables. Was it really worth it, A &S?

Uppity Negro: Intended to be imprinted on mugs and apparel, this trademark references the frequently used adjective “uppity” to describe blacks who agitated for greater respect and civil rights in the Jim Crow-era South.

All Natural My Dadz Nutz Carmelized Jumbo Redskins: Available at MyDadzNutz.com, this line of savory peanuts is unlikely to run into trouble for applying “redskin” to a line of peanuts. One might argue the two terms describe different things, and so the overlap does not matter, but that hasn’t stopped the old name for Brazil nuts from fading away. Kaffir limes, meanwhile, are a discouraged name in the Oxford Companion to Food, as “kaffir” is a highly offensive term for blacks in South Africa.

Read more: 12 Trademarks Declared Less Offensive Than Redskins | The Daily Caller

There really is no control liberals have over themselves on how hypocritical they allow themselves to get. They are all truly about the bandwagon.

Make no mistake. They could not care less about this issue, just like they could not care less about any of their issues. Afterall, they do not protest Obama killing mythical terrorists with drones (regardless of the collateral damage that has been documented) and yet they claim to be peaceniks when a republican carries out any military operation.

The list is long with their hypocrisy. The point is this yet another issue they feign outrage over. This.....complete bullshit issue.
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another false comparison...

It isn't a false comparison just because you don't like it, shit-for-brains.

The difference is the natives are kept angry and offended at all times to be a special victim group. These assholes don't want us getting along and letting water run over our backs.

Can't have that! The racist fucking assholes.

A bunch of white liberals are the main drivers of the Redskins "racial slur".

Might want to catch up
wrong asshat ....devil in that context is a cute euphemism not at all the same....
speaking of dumb....

Hmmmm, speaking of dumb
New Jersey Devil....
View attachment 30411

Yeah just a cute little thing.

The other poster nailed your ass to the wall. :lol:
that version is ....
it the socially acceptable watered down rendition of this

Wow! Can't tell if your back peddling or just moving the goal posts you set in place. :lol:
It isn't a false comparison just because you don't like it, shit-for-brains.

The difference is the natives are kept angry and offended at all times to be a special victim group. These assholes don't want us getting along and letting water run over our backs.

Can't have that! The racist fucking assholes.

A bunch of white liberals are the main drivers of the Redskins "racial slur".

Might want to catch up
Too 'kornspiracy theory' -like for my tastes, ordinarily, however...

The more I think about parties fomenting discontent, the more I begin to think you guys might be on to something there.

I have no long-running party loyalty - voting Republican sometimes, Democrat sometimes, and even Independent from time to time, just for shits and giggles.

But I do enjoy walking through life believing that neither party is intentionally setting the stage to keep a sizable chunk of the American People discontented, in order for their party to sustain that loyalty and to profit by it.

Sometimes, though, at times like this, in connection with things like this friggin' dumb-ass manufactured hyper-sensitivity, I find myself thinking: "Shit, these guys may be right, after all, about the Libs djinning this up. Dayyyuummmm!"
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Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

Wow 11 pages on something that has not happened. The whole thread is bullshit.

The trademark rights have been cancelled.
That is a fact.
That is what this thread is about.

No what has happened is a ruling was passed down that cannot be enforced until the appeal process is over. The result will be the same as it was in 99. Read up on the rules before you correct people.

I addressed that specifically in post #302 this thread.

You might want to try to focus and actually know what you're talking about before you try to correct people.
Isn't it funny watching the liberals get worked up into a lather about all of their little issues when all of us know they could not care less about them?
Isn't it funny watching the liberals get worked up into a lather about all of their little issues when all of us know they could not care less about them?

It's a calculated tactic to manipulate people and gain "power" by pretending to be more moral and upright than the opponent.

The only ones who don't (want to) see it are the ones being manipulated.
Hmmmm, speaking of dumb
New Jersey Devil....
View attachment 30411

Yeah just a cute little thing.

The other poster nailed your ass to the wall. :lol:
that version is ....
it the socially acceptable watered down rendition of this

Wow! Can't tell if your back peddling or just moving the goal posts you set in place. :lol:
neither...all sports teams who use devils and demons are using a watered down ,fit for public consumption version. that's my point.
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