Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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Anyone who ever plays a sport where any contact of any kind is ever possible faces the risk of concussion, Mary. Even frail, uncoordinated little fops like you who never played a sport in their lives could suffer a concussion in any number of ways. It is good, important, necessary, and proper that more research is going into this type of injury, but that in no way legitimizes your illogical, pussy-boy conclusion.
why do you have to make shit up.. ....

Feel free to inform me otherwise, with specifics.
I fought tournament karate for 4 years.my sensei was Tadashi Yamashita...
WHEN YOU BUY FOOD AT THE STADUIM [sic] DO [sic] EVERY THING COME PREPACKED OR WHEN YOU BUY A BURGER /DOG / nachos you're [sic] saying that all of it come [sic] to you prepacked and you have to put it together yourself......

Holy shit, take an English class or something. :rolleyes:
So..we're back to the beginning.

nfl stadium vendors don't hand cut whole vegetables to make garnishes, ketchup, sandwiches or salads. like you alleged.

That all comes pre packaged. (I didn't ask you what they did 30 years ago.)

you haven't been to an nfl game in at least 20 years.
WRONG! WHEN YOU BUY FOOD AT THE STADUIM DO EVERY THING COME PREPACKED OR WHEN YOU BUY A BURGER /DOG / nachos you're saying that all of it come to you prepacked and you have to put it together yourself...
the answer is no
I never alleged inferred that nfl stadiums make there own ketchup you are desperately trying to say I did..
matter of facts everything you've posted is desperate..
your buddy already confirmed my facts...

I made my point.

No nfl stadium sells whole tomatoes as you originally claimed.
false I never claimed they sold whole tomatoes originally you made the assumption that is what I meant....I mentioned buying whole tomatoes at a stadium is possible...again confirmed

by your buddy...
again you're wrong...
WRONG! WHEN YOU BUY FOOD AT THE STADUIM DO EVERY THING COME PREPACKED OR WHEN YOU BUY A BURGER /DOG / nachos you're saying that all of it come to you prepacked and you have to put it together yourself...
the answer is no
I never alleged inferred that nfl stadiums make there own ketchup you are desperately trying to say I did..
matter of facts everything you've posted is desperate..
your buddy already confirmed my facts...

I made my point.

No nfl stadium sells whole tomatoes as you originally claimed.
false I never claimed they sold whole tomatoes originally you made the assumption that is what I meant....I mentioned buying whole tomatoes at a stadium is possible...again confirmed

by your buddy...
again you're wrong...

no idea who you mean by "my buddy" but the fact is that you can't buy whole tomatoes in an nfl stadium.
I made my point.

No nfl stadium sells whole tomatoes as you originally claimed.
false I never claimed they sold whole tomatoes originally you made the assumption that is what I meant....I mentioned buying whole tomatoes at a stadium is possible...again confirmed

by your buddy...
again you're wrong...

no idea who you mean by "my buddy" but the fact is that you can't buy whole tomatoes in an nfl stadium.
yes you can.....believe it or not....
that version is ....
it the socially acceptable watered down rendition of this

Wow! Can't tell if your back peddling or just moving the goal posts you set in place. :lol:
neither...all sports teams who use devils and demons are using a watered down ,fit for public consumption version. that's my point.

Let me remind you of your post that brought all of this about, daws101.

daws101 post #274:
"YOU ASSHATS WOULD BE rioting if someone named their team the crucifiers or the Satanists because you find THAT OFFENSIVE......this place wreaks of double standards!"

Who the fuck gives a rats ass if you can get a whole tomato at any stadium.

Point is simple. there is nothing racist in a Football team using the Redskins as a name, there are HS on reservations using the name.

The only people upset are a small minority. And they are full of shit......

From a Cowboys fan, Go Redskins.
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