Washington Redskins!

My shirts came in the mail today!

I am a Redskins fan now. Living in Florida, I'm still a Dolphins and Bucs fan but my favorite team is now the Redskins. There are three reasons for this:

1. Their coach is Jay Gruden. He was the quarterback and coach for the Orlando Predators of the Arena Football League (which is where I got my name). He's a better coach than his brother, imo.

2. Of course it's to rub the name in the faces of the left wing nut jobs who just have to control everything.

3. The 'Skins quarterback is a black conservative.

Well, maybe there is a fourth reason too: the Dolphins and the Bucs suck.

Those shirts will be worth big bucks soon as they're obselete. Maybe you can pawn them to make bail?

Oh. And what about the best team in Florida? The Jaguars with Orlando's very own Blake Bortles!

What would I need bail money for dumbass?
Oh, and there was never decrees to kill Vikings?
Not in this country.
Keep up with the BS, dude. Bottom line is the name isn't disparaging; nor is it meant to be disparaging.
I just provided historical evidence of the word being used to dehumanize and encourage violence against the native population. In what reality do you live in which that is not disparaging?

Wow, that is some epic spin there dude.
Oh, and there was never decrees to kill Vikings?
Not in this country.
Keep up with the BS, dude. Bottom line is the name isn't disparaging; nor is it meant to be disparaging.
I just provided historical evidence of the word being used to dehumanize and encourage violence against the native population. In what reality do you live in which that is not disparaging?

Wow, that is some epic spin there dude.

Reality has a liberal bias.
History says otherwise. Here is a bounty on 'red-skins' in 1863
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Oh, and there was never decrees to kill Vikings? Keep up with the BS, dude. Bottom line is the name isn't disparaging; nor is it meant to be disparaging.

I didn't know of one. Next time I see a native American Viking I'll ask him. Did we take their land and rape and kill their wife's and children too?

So because bad stuff happened to some of the Indians' ancestors, a team can't be named after them? Never mind the fact that that was undoubtedly not even why the team was named that in the first place. Nice try, soldier.
The irreversible mental and moral decline and decay of a once great country is clearly obvious, when grown-ups in responsible positions are too stupid and too politically correct to know or remember what a kindergarten kid knows: Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

It's not even a name. It's basically an innocuous term at this point. Stuff like this is chosen so that we don't have to focus on real matters like how the politicians are bleeding us dry. Anybody picking up this sword is truly a useful idiot.
Native American group plans to file federal lawsuit against Cleveland Indians over Chief Wahoo logo

newsnet5.com ^

CLEVELAND - The red block letter C for Cleveland seems to be replacing Chief Wahoo outside Progressive Field. But not everyone sees it that way. Robert Roche is the director of the American Indian Education Center and one of the plaintiffs planing to file a federal lawsuit in late July against the Cleveland Indians. The group says the team's name and the Chief Wahoo logo are racist. The group wants a lot of money to help Native Americans with education, job training and housing. "We're going to be asking for $9 billion and we're basing it on a hundred years...
I believe that the term "Redskins" may have separately evolved meanings. I do not believe that it was ever meant as a slight; who would name their own team a derogatory and disparaging slur?

That would make zero sense.
I have always known "redskins" as a type of peanut.

Maybe the Washington Redskins can put a peanut on the sides of their helmets and the PC liberals will SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Equating Vikings to Redskins, is like equating British to the "N"word.

Actually, the equation is perfect. Both teams were named for a savage period of both races. Yet, nobody is up in arms for the Nordic people.

That's because Vikings is the correct terminology and not a colloquialism (slur) for the aboriginal people of the Americas. Also there is no history of violence against Nordic people in the US like there is for Native Americans. Why are you so insistent on this false equivalency? There are far better ones; Norde Dame's the fighting Irish, Boston Celtics, etc.
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Equating Vikings to Redskins, is like equating British to the "N"word.

Actually, the equation is perfect. Both teams were named for a savage period of both races. Yet, nobody is up in arms for the Nordic people.

That's because Vikings is the correct terminology and not a colloquialism (slur) for the aboriginal people of the Americas. Also there is no history of violence against Nordic people in the US like there is for Native Americans. Why are you so insistent on this false equivalency? There are far better ones; Norde Dame's the fighting Irish, Boston Celtics, etc.

You call it a slur based on your interpretation of an alleged poster from 1863. I've never once heard one person use the name as a slur. In fact, there are many Indians who are proud of the name.
Redskin, if it ever was a slur (which is COMPLETELY undocumented) is no longer a slur. A bunch of whiny pussies are trying to make it into one.

I'm sure this has been mentioned on this thread before but there's a reason why several Native American high schools have voted to keep the name.
99.9% of native Americans don't care. It's just a power mad few. I say fuck them.

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