Washington state Democrats propose replacing term 'sex offender' to advance a 'person-first' approach


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Democrats just keep on getting dumber. While dragging the nation down.

Democrats in the Washington state legislature have introduced a bill that would replace the term "sex offender" in an apparent attempt to avoid defining a sex offender by their crime.

House Bill 2177, if passed, would change the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board, or SOPB, to the Sex Offense Policy Board. The bill also adds a convicted sex offender to the board, as proponents argue the offender's "lived experiences" are "invaluable."


Democrats just keep on getting dumber. While dragging the nation down.

Democrats in the Washington state legislature have introduced a bill that would replace the term "sex offender" in an apparent attempt to avoid defining a sex offender by their crime.​
House Bill 2177, if passed, would change the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board, or SOPB, to the Sex Offense Policy Board. The bill also adds a convicted sex offender to the board, as proponents argue the offender's "lived experiences" are "invaluable."


So glad to have the shithole in my rear view mirror, forever!

Welcome to Idaho.JPG

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Democrats just keep on getting dumber. While dragging the nation down.

Democrats in the Washington state legislature have introduced a bill that would replace the term "sex offender" in an apparent attempt to avoid defining a sex offender by their crime.​
House Bill 2177, if passed, would change the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board, or SOPB, to the Sex Offense Policy Board. The bill also adds a convicted sex offender to the board, as proponents argue the offender's "lived experiences" are "invaluable."

Sounds like some pervert in the legislature that just find it embarrassing to be labeled as "Sex Offender". OK. Call them "Sex Perverts".
Like calling pedophiles Minor Attracted Persons.

Takes the sting out but they're still child molesters
Or Kiddie Sex perverts. Put them in gen. pop. with it stenciled on their shirts and the back of their pants.
Or Kiddie Sex perverts. Put them in gen. pop. with it stenciled on their shirts and the back of their pants.

No. Kid diddlers should be straight out executed. They should be put down like a rabid dog.

Letting those people stay in prison is a waste of money, energy, resources and manpower. Nothing should be wasted on those love life's.
Democrats just keep on getting dumber. While dragging the nation down.

Democrats in the Washington state legislature have introduced a bill that would replace the term "sex offender" in an apparent attempt to avoid defining a sex offender by their crime.​
House Bill 2177, if passed, would change the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board, or SOPB, to the Sex Offense Policy Board. The bill also adds a convicted sex offender to the board, as proponents argue the offender's "lived experiences" are "invaluable."

What's next .. will they change pedophile to something else ... oh wait .. "minor attracted person"

or how about blacklist, blackmail, black sheep, whitelist, master (IT jargon), slave (IT jargon), spooky, grandfathered, first world problems, and many other words people use in basic language ..

Too many snowflakes out there that get butt hurt, especially with language, like pedophile or sex offender, that accurately describes the egregious actions of an individual.
Democrats just keep on getting dumber. While dragging the nation down.

Democrats in the Washington state legislature have introduced a bill that would replace the term "sex offender" in an apparent attempt to avoid defining a sex offender by their crime.​
House Bill 2177, if passed, would change the name of the Sex Offender Policy Board, or SOPB, to the Sex Offense Policy Board. The bill also adds a convicted sex offender to the board, as proponents argue the offender's "lived experiences" are "invaluable."

It's just buzzword bingo like they used to play in big corporations. Next they will say something like " We will authoritatively embrace cloud-based total linkage" or "It's time to dramatically engage collaborative quality vectors".
Sounds like some pervert in the legislature that just find it embarrassing to be labeled as "Sex Offender". OK. Call them "Sex Perverts".

The same is going on in California where one of the dems pushed through a law that basically makes child sex trafficking not illegal. Not legal, but not illegal either.

Me too. For over two years.

I did not know you used to be out there. My uncle was there, years ago, and loved it, but said he saw it change, so he sold out and moved, never looking back to TN, before settling in Florida.
Well I guess "sex offender" is better than "pedophile" because not all sex offenders are pedophiles. It's kinda sad everyone here lumps one in with the other. You can become a sex offender getting caught peeing behind a tree. All pedos are sex offenders but not all sex offenders are pedos. It gets really confusing because not all child molesters are pedophiles. And a large percentage of child molesters were sexually abused as kids. It shocks a lot of people to find out that the vast majority of adults who sexually abuse kids aren't even attracted to children. Crazy stuff.

Can we talk about something else? How 'bout dem Saints?
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I did not know you used to be out there. My uncle was there, years ago, and loved it, but said he saw it change, so he sold out and moved, never looking back to TN, before settling in Florida.

Lived there my whole adult life and loved it until it started going dystopian, after about 2005. Then it was time to go home to the Midwest.


Lived there my whole adult life and loved it until it started going dystopian, after about 2005. Then it was time to go home to the Midwest.

He got out in the late 90s. He blamed changes in politics and government, on people moving from California. I really do not know, but he was a no nonsense, straight talker, that I respected, so I go with it.

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