Washington State Gets Woke, Goes Broke

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
This is absolutely Hillaryous.

Boeing has had enough of the libtardedness that has infested the State of Washington. They're moving out and consolidating 787 production in South Carolina.

Now the Governor is freaking out.

Jay Inslee, the left wing governor of Washington State, is freaking out because Boeing has decided to move production of its 787 airplane to the more conservative and business friendly South Carolina.

Who can blame Boeing for making such a move, especially if it benefits them financially?"

And can you believe how stupid he sounds twatting about it. The backlash is also Hillaryous.

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Governor Jay Inslee


Let me be clear - when the market for airplanes comes back, Boeing must bring these jobs back to Washington state.
3:54 PM · Oct 1, 2020


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Shashi Galore


Replying to @GovInslee
Let me be clear. You don't get to order Boeing to do anything.
2:29 PM · Oct 2, 2020

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Elizabeth Gomez


Replying to @GovInslee
What’s with Dems and their “Let me be clear” speeches like they are authoritarian parents?
7:48 PM · Oct 1, 2020

Great news!

But don't forget: The rot has even spread to South Carolina. For example, Senator Graham is said to be in trouble when it comes to reelection.
Great news!

But don't forget: The rot has even spread to South Carolina. For example, Senator Graham is said to be in trouble when it comes to reelection.

That may be true but the numbers and sentiment are conflicting. The polling shows a tight race but the same polling shows a 5% advantage to those who want a Republican controlled Senate.

“There hasn’t been a Democrat elected to the Senate from South Carolina since 1998. Outspent and labeled by critics as an apologist for President Trump, Lindsey Graham is facing the fight of his political life,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy. In general, 49 percent of likely voters want to see the Republican Party win control of the U.S. Senate, while 44 percent want the Democratic Party. "
This is absolutely Hillaryous.

Boeing has had enough of the libtardedness that has infested the State of Washington. They're moving out and consolidating 787 production in South Carolina.

Now the Governor is freaking out.

Jay Inslee, the left wing governor of Washington State, is freaking out because Boeing has decided to move production of its 787 airplane to the more conservative and business friendly South Carolina.

Who can blame Boeing for making such a move, especially if it benefits them financially?"

And can you believe how stupid he sounds twatting about it. The backlash is also Hillaryous.

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Governor Jay Inslee

Let me be clear - when the market for airplanes comes back, Boeing must bring these jobs back to Washington state.
3:54 PM · Oct 1, 2020
3.8K people are Tweeting about this

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Shashi Galore

Replying to @GovInslee
Let me be clear. You don't get to order Boeing to do anything.
2:29 PM · Oct 2, 2020

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Elizabeth Gomez

Replying to @GovInslee
What’s with Dems and their “Let me be clear” speeches like they are authoritarian parents?
7:48 PM · Oct 1, 2020
I would not say it sounds like he is freaking out, but he should be. " when the market for airplanes comes back, Boeing must bring these jobs back"? Republicans, basically got it rule that corporations are like people. They only have to live, die and pay taxes, er.., uh.., they may not have to pay taxes. They definitely don't have to come back, to benefit the state of Washington.
If it wasn't for Uncle Sam Boeing would be kaput.
So would GM and Chrysler for that matter. What's your point, Slick?

Seems like Jay Inslee seems to think Boeing is worth pursuing.
We'll just chalk this up to another senseless post from the guy with the Bart Simpson fetish.
Socialism at it's worse. Boeing keeps on failing and the government keeps on bailing it out.
Yeah...Boeing keeps failing. Same as Home Depot or American Express.
That's why their stocks are leaders right now.
This is you scrambling to cover you idiotic claims.
Last edited:
Great news!

But don't forget: The rot has even spread to South Carolina. For example, Senator Graham is said to be in trouble when it comes to reelection.
Leftists think that if the race is within 8 points that Republicans are in trouble.
Trump is withing that much in Red battleground states and they claim the race isn't even close.
Socialism at it's worse. Boeing keeps on failing and the government keeps on bailing it out.
Yeah...Boeing keeps failing.

Stocks will do well when investors understand that the government will do anything it has to in keeping that business solvent.

Does that really dispute my point? This is "capitalism" to you?
Socialism at it's worse. Boeing keeps on failing and the government keeps on bailing it out.
Yeah...Boeing keeps failing.
I remember in the 80s when General Dynamics lost their government contracts in San Diego.....and the city was crushed by a recession.
The economy is doing great.
It would be even better if it wasn't for the destructive Democrats running Democrat cities.
Great news!

But don't forget: The rot has even spread to South Carolina. For example, Senator Graham is said to be in trouble when it comes to reelection.
Leftists think that if the race is within 8 points that Republicans are in trouble.
Trump is withing that much in Red battleground states and they claim the race isn't even close.
Republicans are notoriously under reported in these polls i.e. the 2016 election.
Look at republican rallies vs. Joe-fests. All I'm saying is there is a tremendous gap between what's reported
and what's actually going on.

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