Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030

I live in the Columbia Basin where most of the easy places for bird choppers have been installed yet there is an increasing need to get that partially built Nuclear power station at Hanford completed to keep up with demand that will grow and grow.
Libs hate nuclear power

and fossil fuel

and hydro
The Democrats want to force people to walk and take public transportation.
BTW, public transportation is a crime magnet, so that will help the Corrupt Democrat Party's criminal voter base victimize more people.
My granddaughter went to work and she could ride the bus and transfer at the downtown bus transfer station, we decided to pay for her to uber to work. The crime at the transit station is to high to risk a person's health or life.
You miss the point here is that the State government is FORCING by law to mandate Electric cars then along with the Feds subsidize EV car sales.

If EV's are truly viable then they would get a lot of buyers anyway, but instead governments are forcing them on us that is a recipe for failure.
In the ideal world, you're right. Unfortunately the real world is not so neat.
Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030, according to a newly signed bill by Gov. Jay Inslee.

The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

"On or before December 31, 2023, the interagency electric vehicle coordinating council ... shall complete a scoping plan for achieving the 2030 target," it reads.

The bill covers a lot of transportation issues in the state and is a part of a larger $16.9 billion transportation package called “Move Ahead Washington," which Inslee described as a way to create more efficient transportation options.

"Transportation is our state’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. There is no way to talk about climate change without talking about transportation," Inslee said. "This package will move us away from the transportation system our grandparents imagined and towards the transportation system our grandchildren dream of."

My Gawd, what a bunch of tards.....There's a damn good reason a U-Haul is near 5K to get out of that state.
And they're going to locate 5 new power plants.... where? :cuckoo: It costs twice as much fossil fuels as just filling up the tank with gas from the gas station. And nuclear power plants are dangerous due to extortion criminals who will be future forces at large. Don't Democrats ever think, or are they just planning their future investments unbeknownst to regular people who have to work for a living. :rolleyes-41:
IF EV's are the future, why does government have to force them on us?

Horses and Buggies weren't banned, automobiles just were better and out-competed them.
Gov't regulates lots of things in the transportation world since the free market is not always the best for society as a whole. It is thanks to gov't that our cars are safer and get better mileage than in the past.
Gov't regulates lots of things in the transportation world since the free market is not always the best for society as a whole. It is thanks to gov't that our cars are safer and get better mileage than in the past.

Making manufacturers include a seat belt isn't removing a viable form of propulsion because of AGW paranoia.

Again, if EV's are better than ICE vehicles why does these States feel the need to ban the sales of new ones?
Gov't regulates lots of things in the transportation world since the free market is not always the best for society as a whole. It is thanks to gov't that our cars are safer and get better mileage than in the past.

Actually, most of those improvements are because of racing. Nothing to do with government.
Making manufacturers include a seat belt isn't removing a viable form of propulsion because of AGW paranoia.
You may consider global warming a hoax but I bet the majority of voters in
WA don't agree.

Again, if EV's are better than ICE vehicles why does these States feel the need to ban the sales of new ones?
I'd guess they feel the advantages outweigh the negatives: less air pollution, less global warming emissions, a leg up for WA industry in a new business, etc. As I recall WA has plenty of hydroelectric power.
You may consider global warming a hoax but I bet the majority of voters in
WA don't agree.

I'd guess they feel the advantages outweigh the negatives: less air pollution, less global warming emissions, a leg up for WA industry in a new business, etc. As I recall WA has plenty of hydroelectric power.

They used to. Back when it was built it was sufficient. There are lots more people there now.
You may consider global warming a hoax but I bet the majority of voters in
WA don't agree.

I'd guess they feel the advantages outweigh the negatives: less air pollution, less global warming emissions, a leg up for WA industry in a new business, etc. As I recall WA has plenty of hydroelectric power.

I consider it an overblown exaggeration that I refuse to lower my standard of living because of.

They want to virtue signal and don't realize the consequences. Also most of the "support" probably comes from people in cities without cars or ones who drive only on weekends, rural people with 30-40 mile commutes aren't going to be as thrilled.

Neither are the rural power grids.
At least they still have a nuclear power plant.

Indeed, if they didn't have that they wouldn't be able to power what is already there. That's the point we are making.

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