Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War

Russia/Putin is rooting for the right and against Biden.

Sounds like you're fully indoctrinated.

What does "the right'' even mean anyway? Or "the left'' for that matter? Enlighten us, please.

They seem like empty, lazy phrases tossed around by intellectual lightweights who really have no set of principles to base their views on.

It's like you're just regurgitating empty phrases you hear on your television because ''Biden.''
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Didn't Trump have to pull in his horns when he started threatening both Nato and the UN?

I loved President Trump's 2% Lunch at the NATO Summit in London ...
He had lunch with the NATO Members that actually paid their bills ... :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see, that would be ... United States, Greece, Estonia, the United Kingdom, Romania, Poland, and Latvia.


I loved President Trump's 2% Lunch at the NATO Summit in London ...
He had lunch with the NATO Members that actually paid their bills ... :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see, that would be ... United States, Greece, Estonia, the United Kingdom, Romania, Poland, and Latvia.

But not Germany?
The only significants (new word) in that US coalition of the willing is the #1 lapdog, the UK.

Reminds of the mighty Morocco or Palau in the original coalition of the (blackmailed) willing.
Dibs there's some pipeline or port involved....


I'm in agreement with what Daniel McAdams had said. Which was, in my view, spot-on.

''The US is nearly the last country on earth that still holds to the WWII-era concept of war for territorial gain. Russia wants to "own" Ukraine like most people want to "own" a 2003 Saturn. That is why despite neocon/neo-liberal hype, magnified by the lock-step US media, Russia is not about to invade Ukraine.

This fantasy is being pushed by those who desperately need to continue to gin up enthusiasm for a thoroughly idiotic and counterproductive imperial enterprise.

Biden while vice president sowed the regime change winds in Ukraine. Now his inept Administration will reap the whirlwind of that continuing train wreck and eventual dissolution of the country. No matter what Antony Blinken peddles to the contrary.''

Biden's Ukrainian Albatross
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But not Germany?
The only significants (new word) in that US coalition of the willing is the #1 lapdog, the UK.

Reminds of the mighty Morocco or Palau in the original coalition of the (blackmailed) willing.

You are reading too much into it.

The 2% Lunch was simply a "Thanks" for the Nations that were willing to meet their obligations.
It sometimes helps to be grateful towards Members that understand those obligations.

It doesn't have to be playing politics or worrying about someone's feelings getting hurt.
There is nothing wrong about acknowledging Members doing the right thing.

If it caused a rift with other Members of NATO, then perhaps they should pay their bills.

This is the part where the electorate would do well to remember that there's not a nickle's worth of difference between em at that level of politics.


Copyright © 2022 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War - written by Ron Paul

Russia-bashing is a bi-partisan activity in Washington. Both parties think it makes them look “tough” and “pro-America.” But while Republican and Democrat politicians continue to one-up each other on “risk-free” threats to Russia, they are increasingly risking a devastating nuclear war.

It’s all fun and games until the missiles start flying. And in this case we are risking total destruction over who governs eastern Ukraine! Has so much ever been risked for so little?

The problem with all this tough talk is that politicians start to believe their own rhetoric and propaganda. As a result they don’t make sound decisions based on objective facts, but instead make rash decisions based on faulty misinformation.

When US politicians talk about Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border, for example, they leave out the fact that these troops are actually inside Russia. With US troops in some 150 countries overseas, you’d think Washington might pause before criticizing the “aggression” of troops inside a country’s own borders.

They also leave out the reasons why Russia might be concerned over its neighbor Ukraine. CNN reported recently that the Biden Administration approved another $200 million in military aid to Ukraine last month, making nearly half a billion dollars in weapons over the past year.

Imagine if China was sending half a billion dollars in weapons to Mexico to strengthen and embolden a hyper-aggressive anti-US regime. Would the US not be “massing troops near the Mexican border”?

Also there is that issue about the US-backed overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in 2014, which is the starting point of all these recent problems. And this week Yahoo News reported that the CIA is training Ukrainian paramilitaries on US soil!

Recent talks between the US and Russia failed before they even began, with the US side refusing to even consider ending useless and provocative NATO expansion eastward. NATO is a Cold War relic that should have been disbanded along with the Warsaw Pact. It serves no purpose and its constant saber-rattling puts us at risk in conflicts that have nothing to do with US national security.

How embarrassing it was to hear Blinken ridiculing Russia for coming to the aid of ally Kazakhstan as a color revolution (with likely US backing) was brewing. “I think one lesson in recent history is that once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave,” Blinken told reporters. He said this with a straight face even as the US continues to illegally occupy a large part of Syria, continues to occupy part of Iraq against the will of that country’s parliament, and occupied a good part of Afghanistan for 20 years!

Incidentally, as soon as the regime change attempt was put down in Kazakhstan, Russian and allied troops began leaving the country. But, of course, the reflexively pro-war US media doesn’t report anything outside the narrative.

What to do about Russia? Stop backing regime change along Russia’s borders, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere. Stop meddling in foreign elections. Look at how we wasted four years on false claims that the Russians meddled in ours. End weapons shipments and all aid to Ukraine. End sanctions. Re-imagine the US defense budget as a budget to actually defend the US. It’s really not that complicated: stop trying to rule the world.
Total b*******. First off, Putin did metal in our election and ever since with his hacking and social media baloney. All most indistinguishable from the GOP bologna unfortunately. Putin is causing all this trouble not the United States. He has already taken the parts of Ukraine that had a Russian majority and that is enough.

You are reading too much into it.

The 2% Lunch was simply a "Thanks" for the Nations that were willing to meet their obligations.
It sometimes helps to be grateful towards Members that understand those obligations.

It doesn't have to be playing politics or worrying about someone's feelings getting hurt.
There is nothing wrong about acknowledging Members doing the right thing.

If it caused a rift with other Members of NATO, then perhaps they should pay their bills.

They are paying exactly as they promised and approved by the United States. They have added to their amount. Change the channel and stop listening to GOP crap and Russian crap which is hard to tell the difference the last six years. Rupert Murdock Putin and Trump are scum. You are brainwashed functional scum. Change the channel for God's sake. The whole world agrees outside your tiny bubble of bologna. One TV channel and three newspapers in the entire world all owned by a proven international scumbag and pariah Rupert. May he die soon total disgrace..
They are paying exactly as they promised and approved by the United States. They have added to their amount. Change the channel and stop listening to GOP crap and Russian crap which is hard to tell the difference the last six years. Rupert Murdock Putin and Trump are scum. You are brainwashed functional scum. Change the channel for God's sake. The whole world agrees outside your tiny bubble of bologna. One TV channel and three newspapers in the entire world all owned by a proven international scumbag and pariah Rupert. May he die soon total disgrace..

I'm willing to agree the rock you live under is probably somewhere on the world I live on ...
And Thank You for Your Contributions.

This is probably one of the best piece I've seen written on the topic, particularly with regard to relevant goings-on and propaganda campaign leading up to it...

''Kazakhstan was likely the last big operation of this Neocon remnant within U.S. and/or British bureaucracies to keep the Trotsky dream alive and the Davos coalition from splintering further. I told you these are both cornered animals, facing similar but different existential threats. They will not go down without a fight.

It looks like they took their shot here, but it failed. More bloody than the Bay of Fat Pigs in Venezuela a few years ago under Pompeo and Trump, but a failure nonetheless.

The Russians have now successfully countered the last four color revolutions attempted on its border regions. Kazakhstan was the big one. Putin learned his lesson with Yanukovich and Ukraine in 2013/14. Don’t let this fester, nip it in the bud quickly.

But at the same time, without the failure in Ukraine, people like Tokayev and Lukashenko never fully get the message about the West’s intentions for them. They have to experience the betrayal personally to believe it.

There’s a lesson there for COVID-19 ninnies if they are listening.''
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This is probably one of the best piece I've seen written on the topic, particularly with regard to relevant goings-on and propaganda campaign leading up to it...

''Kazakhstan was likely the last big operation of this Neocon remnant within U.S. and/or British bureaucracies to keep the Trotsky dream alive and the Davos coalition from splintering further. I told you these are both cornered animals, facing similar but different existential threats. They will not go down without a fight.

It looks like they took their shot here, but it failed. More bloody than the Bay of Fat Pigs in Venezuela a few years ago under Pompeo and Trump, but a failure nonetheless.

The Russians have now successfully countered the last four color revolutions attempted on its border regions. Kazakhstan was the big one. Putin learned his lesson with Yanukovich and Ukraine in 2013/14. Don’t let this fester, nip it in the bud quickly.

But at the same time, without the failure in Ukraine, people like Tokayev and Lukashenko never fully get the message about the West’s intentions for them. They have to experience the betrayal personally to believe it.

There’s a lesson there for COVID-19 ninnies if they are listening.''

Betrayal stings less if you have a pocket full of money and manage to get out of town quick enough.
America can be kind of crazy with bankrolling folks too.


Betrayal stings less if you have a pocket full of money and manage to get out of town quick enough.
America can be kind of crazy with bankrolling folks too.


Yeah, sometimes. It's a heck of a thing. Heh heh.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way for the guy on the right...


Hunter and Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (left) and Kazakhstan's former prime minister, Karim Massimov (right)

Photo shows Joe Biden meeting Hunter’s alleged business partner from Kazakhstan

He got arrested for Treason....

Which kind of goes back to what the previous posting referenced about the west's intentions for useful idiots after they're usefulness has run its course.
What a bunch of pretentious bullshit.

Just don't pull that Mickey Mouse bullshit in my threads and we'll get along just fine.

You're free to turn other people's threads into a steady rotation of low-value political football smut all you want, but it'll last about thirty seconds in one of mine. You're just not gonna get fed the way you do in those other threads.

So that we're clear on that.

How's that for pretentious?
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I'm willing to agree the rock you live under is probably somewhere on the world I live on ...
And Thank You for Your Contributions.

I can watch hundreds of TV channels that agree with me and every newspaper in the world except for Rupert Murdoch's 3. Here in the United States where he is getting away with murder and ruining the country with brainwashed zombies from the Republican base. Who believe the FBI and CIA are corrupt and the elections are stolen and vaccines and global warming Are a hoax. The GOP is conspiracy nuts at this point. Poor America
You haven't offered anything of any meaningful substance whatsoever. As deep as you've been able to go is, left/right and Trump/Biden.

Can't you see how pathetic that is?
"childish attempts to insult your superiors"

Seriously? You offer critical thinking, and these folks come in here with corporate and think tank parroting of the consortium. :rolleyes:

I can watch hundreds of TV channels that agree with me and every newspaper in the world except for Rupert Murdoch's 3. Here in the United States where he is getting away with murder and ruining the country with brainwashed zombies from the Republican base. Who believe the FBI and CIA are corrupt and the elections are stolen and vaccines and global warming Are a hoax. The GOP is conspiracy nuts at this point. Poor America

Okay ... But what about the topic?

What do you think about the bi-partisan effort on Capitol Hill to act tough against Russia?
If you really don't know what to say, just tell us what they are saying on the 100 channels you can watch.

This is probably one of the best piece I've seen written on the topic, particularly with regard to relevant goings-on and propaganda campaign leading up to it...

''Kazakhstan was likely the last big operation of this Neocon remnant within U.S. and/or British bureaucracies to keep the Trotsky dream alive and the Davos coalition from splintering further. I told you these are both cornered animals, facing similar but different existential threats. They will not go down without a fight.

It looks like they took their shot here, but it failed. More bloody than the Bay of Fat Pigs in Venezuela a few years ago under Pompeo and Trump, but a failure nonetheless.

The Russians have now successfully countered the last four color revolutions attempted on its border regions. Kazakhstan was the big one. Putin learned his lesson with Yanukovich and Ukraine in 2013/14. Don’t let this fester, nip it in the bud quickly.

But at the same time, without the failure in Ukraine, people like Tokayev and Lukashenko never fully get the message about the West’s intentions for them. They have to experience the betrayal personally to believe it.

There’s a lesson there for COVID-19 ninnies if they are listening.''
I appreciate this article. Excellent information and analysis.

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