The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Interesting that Mueller chose today to distract from this.

Is this the same as hearing that Lynch and Rice were being set to testify before Congress regarding what they knew about the unmasking scandal, and then suddenly, they cancel and Congress conveniently forgets to call them back?
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Speaking of that, why aren't they being interviewed, and where is Farkas, and Powers?
Why hasn't Comey been called out for leaking classified information, and why haven't we heard anything from Schultz, Her Pakistani Hacker, Clinton, Lynch, Rice and Holder?
Of course you’re all mixed up. Hannity/ Trump brought back this debunked non scandal to deflect from the upcoming indictments. Yet here you are, Rotting Tree. Still trying to deflect.
Last I heard (on Friday) it could take approx. 2 weeks to 'prep him' to go before Congress.

By 'Prep Him', from what the report said, he will be informed of the questions Congress expects to ask him so he will be ready to answer rather than expect to reflect back and dig for answers in his mind on the spot.
Speaking of that, why aren't they being interviewed, and where is Farkas, and Powers?
Why hasn't Comey been called out for leaking classified information, and why haven't we heard anything from Schultz, Her Pakistani Hacker, Clinton, Lynch, Rice and Holder?
Because only those affiliated with the most corrupt administration in history are getting indictments..
Your fantasy world is amusing though.
Last I heard (on Friday) it could take approx. 2 weeks to 'prep him' to go before Congress.

By 'Prep Him', from what the report said, he will be informed of the questions Congress expects to ask him so he will be ready to answer rather than expect to reflect back and dig for answers in his mind on the spot.
Let me guess .. from the Daily Caller? Lol
Rice and Powers already testified....

The informant could have testified was suppose to be behind closed doors so we likely will never know what the informant said....
No...two weeks before he can get his stuff together.

And FTR...he's not an informant. He was an FBI agent working
Oh corrupt Hillary is going down, along with her crime family of co-conspirators.
Year 37 of the "Hillary is going down" watch.

Whooping her ass in the election and taking the White House was step 1, just relax things are going exactly to plan. :muahaha:
The repeal humiliation and multiple Trump insider's resigning in disgrace are part of the plan? :laugh:

Hillary is shitting herself about now, wondering who's going to rat her out to save their own skin. Its going to be like Weinstein, only 10x.
Oh corrupt Hillary is going down, along with her crime family of co-conspirators.
Year 37 of the "Hillary is going down" watch.

Whooping her ass in the election and taking the White House was step 1, just relax things are going exactly to plan. :muahaha:
The repeal humiliation and multiple Trump insider's resigning in disgrace are part of the plan? :laugh:

Hillary is shitting herself about now, wondering who's going to rat her out to save their own skin. Its going to be like Weinstein, only 10x.
Nah she's at a book signing in Chicago. But I bet all the lawyers Trump and his goons had to hire are really busy today.
Oh corrupt Hillary is going down, along with her crime family of co-conspirators.
Year 37 of the "Hillary is going down" watch.

Whooping her ass in the election and taking the White House was step 1, just relax things are going exactly to plan. :muahaha:
The repeal humiliation and multiple Trump insider's resigning in disgrace are part of the plan? :laugh:

Hillary is shitting herself about now, wondering who's going to rat her out to save their own skin. Its going to be like Weinstein, only 10x.
Nah she's at a book signing in Chicago. But I bet all the lawyers Trump and his goons had to hire are really busy today.

Follow the money, $2 billion in "foundation" "donations" much from foreign countries oh her ass is in a sling now. Pay to play ridiculous speech fees. God its going to be epic watching the left's meltdown.
Year 37 of the "Hillary is going down" watch.

Whooping her ass in the election and taking the White House was step 1, just relax things are going exactly to plan. :muahaha:
The repeal humiliation and multiple Trump insider's resigning in disgrace are part of the plan? :laugh:

Hillary is shitting herself about now, wondering who's going to rat her out to save their own skin. Its going to be like Weinstein, only 10x.
Nah she's at a book signing in Chicago. But I bet all the lawyers Trump and his goons had to hire are really busy today.

Follow the money, $2 billion in "foundation" "donations" much from foreign countries oh her ass is in a sling now. Pay to play ridiculous speech fees. God its going to be epic watching the left's meltdown.
Yeah, go ahead and "follow the money." Good luck! :rofl:
Year 37 of the "Hillary is going down" watch.

Whooping her ass in the election and taking the White House was step 1, just relax things are going exactly to plan. :muahaha:
The repeal humiliation and multiple Trump insider's resigning in disgrace are part of the plan? :laugh:

Hillary is shitting herself about now, wondering who's going to rat her out to save their own skin. Its going to be like Weinstein, only 10x.
Nah she's at a book signing in Chicago. But I bet all the lawyers Trump and his goons had to hire are really busy today.

Follow the money, $2 billion in "foundation" "donations" much from foreign countries oh her ass is in a sling now. Pay to play ridiculous speech fees. God its going to be epic watching the left's meltdown.

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