Wasn't the Gay Orlando Nightclub a Gun-Free Zone and a Safe Space?

Bad crisis acting........

The 1970s called...they want to know where you got that TV

Shhh, he thinks he lives in reality.

Ever looked into "Operation Gladio" and "Operation Northwoods"??

No but you've looked too long into the abyss.

"Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster - when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Nietsche -

Well, until you do, kindly STFU....flase flag events have been used since the beginning of time to steer the huddled masses into a direction that always leads to more draconian measures that favors "da gubermint". The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies so your beloved "gubermint" can legally sell you propaganda. I know more than you...fact.
Looking into Dale's eyes is looking into craziness.
The 1970s called...they want to know where you got that TV

Dry your little eyes, leftards.....looks like this was all a big staged event and none of your fellow queers actually died or were hurt.

Are you serious? So some jerk-off posts his bullshit on YouTube and you take it for fact?

Nope, just throwing out the very real possibility that this was staged and there are literally hundreds of videos by youtube sleuths and some alternative media articles and this is within 24 hours of this alleged event. I am more prone to believe that this was a "gubermint" operation and this will make at least six that I have accumulated enough evidence that leaves no room for doubt. I will be doing research on this as well and I'll be "Googling" the major players. If I can't come to a 100 percent conclusion that this wasn't fake? I will say so. It is not illegal for your beloved "gubermint" to do this because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies thanks to the Barrypuppet.

You didn't pose this as a possibility. Too bad you couldn't edit your pie hole post before I repeated it.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination backing off on MY belief that this was staged by your "gubermint" but I do suggest that people do their due diligence and look into it instead of being a mindless sheeple....which might be impossible for someone of your limited intellect.

Ok, I'll look into it. Where do I start? With that pathetic video you posted?
To my utter amazement, I just learned from a U.S. Senator on MSNBC that if someone is on the terrorist watch list - that does not prevent them from legally buying a gun.


I can't believe you are posting this stupid shit again. Getting your stupid ass handed to you once wasn't enough?
Prediction: dude was gay and took to radical Islam to cure himself/appease his homophobic father.

Also interested why more people aren't talking about how he was a registered ... wait for it ... Democrat.
I can't believe you are posting this stupid shit again. Getting your stupid ass handed to you once wasn't enough?
Agreed. It was only a few months ago that the Left Wingers wanted to do an end-run around the 14th Amendment's due process by banning anyone who was on President Obama's "no fly" list from buying a gun.
Prediction: dude was gay and took to radical Islam to cure himself/appease his homophobic father.

Also interested why more people aren't talking about how he was a registered ... wait for it ... Democrat.
While I agree, let's not forget the main common thread with all of these mass shooters: Mental Illness.

Why do LWers persist in banning guns rather than seeking help for the mentally ill? Aren't they supposed to be the "touchy feely" party?
Gee, you mean to tell me that those naughty Islamic terrorists didn't care that the Pulse nightclub in Orlando is a gun-free establishment?

Liberals, seriously, how stupid can you be? How many more people have to die before you're gonna get a clue about getting tough on domestic Islamic terrorism?

And you guys wanna let thousands more Muslims into this country? How STUPID can you be?
Terrorists and killers look for "gun free" zones... Like shooting fish in barrel. Lol
Dry your little eyes, leftards.....looks like this was all a big staged event and none of your fellow queers actually died or were hurt.

Are you serious? So some jerk-off posts his bullshit on YouTube and you take it for fact?

Nope, just throwing out the very real possibility that this was staged and there are literally hundreds of videos by youtube sleuths and some alternative media articles and this is within 24 hours of this alleged event. I am more prone to believe that this was a "gubermint" operation and this will make at least six that I have accumulated enough evidence that leaves no room for doubt. I will be doing research on this as well and I'll be "Googling" the major players. If I can't come to a 100 percent conclusion that this wasn't fake? I will say so. It is not illegal for your beloved "gubermint" to do this because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies thanks to the Barrypuppet.

You didn't pose this as a possibility. Too bad you couldn't edit your pie hole post before I repeated it.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination backing off on MY belief that this was staged by your "gubermint" but I do suggest that people do their due diligence and look into it instead of being a mindless sheeple....which might be impossible for someone of your limited intellect.

Ok, I'll look into it. Where do I start? With that pathetic video you posted?

Bear with me here and allow me to explain a few things. #1 I am not a gun owner so I am not looking at this event through the eyes of one because I have no dog in this fight. What I do have is the ability to find certain patterns and connect dots much like I did with Sandy Hook using "Google" to research the major players. People like David Wheeler that was a professional actor and also played the role of the "sloppy sniper" that was enlisted at the last moment to play the part of a swat team member...but not a convincing one. He is busted holding his semi-automatic weapon by the magazine while wearing sun glasses and trying to smash an ill-fitting helmet on his head to keep it in place while trying to dodge any frontal shots when cameras pan in. His wife, Francine is an actress and singer with fund raising ties to the demcrat party mainly as an assistant to Maureen White that raised 51 million dollars for the demcrat party in 2005 and a very "anti-gun" activist. . Both parents of one of the alleged victims are members of the CFR but their names escape me at this time and that is but a few examples. I have over 100 anomalies about Sandy Hook alone that makes the whole staged event implausible which leads me to what happened yesterday.

I am not sure because it is still early about what transpired yesterday but I have done some limited research on line about the time line of this event and have found some twitter posts from those that were allegedly there and "tweeted" two hours before this allegedly happened but this will take more investigating. I have noticed from the camera video that it seems most of the victims we saw on TV where shot in the leg because they were sporting crudely done tourniquets. How was this guy able to enter a bar with an armed guard get past the "We need to see your ID before we can let you in line while sporting an alleged assault rifle? I have questions and judging from the lack of urgency from the footage I have seen? It simply does not pass my "sniff test". There are quite a few others that I will have to keep researching because I have to have my "ducks all in a row" because leftards will try and jump on any tiny thing I may miss. The thing about false flag events like this, lies have to be told and then more lies told on top of lies to cover the lies before. So far the blogisphere has caught quite a few things that don't add up and as citizens, we should question everything and expect nothing less then complete transparency. What really sets off my bullshit detector is the same M.O is followed. The alleged family members of the victims give unconvincing performances, they blame guns and then the Barrypuppet gives a press conference talking about gun control while the alleged bodies are still warm and not even removed from the alleged building. This disturbing pattern should worry everyone and give us pause for thought.
Are you serious? So some jerk-off posts his bullshit on YouTube and you take it for fact?

Nope, just throwing out the very real possibility that this was staged and there are literally hundreds of videos by youtube sleuths and some alternative media articles and this is within 24 hours of this alleged event. I am more prone to believe that this was a "gubermint" operation and this will make at least six that I have accumulated enough evidence that leaves no room for doubt. I will be doing research on this as well and I'll be "Googling" the major players. If I can't come to a 100 percent conclusion that this wasn't fake? I will say so. It is not illegal for your beloved "gubermint" to do this because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies thanks to the Barrypuppet.

You didn't pose this as a possibility. Too bad you couldn't edit your pie hole post before I repeated it.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination backing off on MY belief that this was staged by your "gubermint" but I do suggest that people do their due diligence and look into it instead of being a mindless sheeple....which might be impossible for someone of your limited intellect.

Ok, I'll look into it. Where do I start? With that pathetic video you posted?

<snip> Sandy Hook is irrelevant except to stage the reason for your skepticism. Acknowledged.

I am not sure because it is still early about what transpired yesterday but I have done some limited research on line about the time line of this event and have found some twitter posts from those that were allegedly there and "tweeted" two hours before this allegedly happened but this will take more investigating.

It will take more investigating. There is new information coming our almost hourly.

I have noticed from the camera video that it seems most of the victims we saw on TV where shot in the leg because they were sporting crudely done tourniquets. How was this guy able to enter a bar with an armed guard get past the "We need to see your ID before we can let you in line while sporting an alleged assault rifle?

I've never been to this club, but most clubs here don't require an ID to get in. You show your ID when you try to purchase liquor.

I have questions and judging from the lack of urgency from the footage I have seen? It simply does not pass my "sniff test".

It's too early to start sniffing. As always in these things, there is a lot of rumor and speculation reported as news.

There are quite a few others that I will have to keep researching because I have to have my "ducks all in a row" because leftards will try and jump on any tiny thing I may miss. The thing about false flag events like this, lies have to be told and then more lies told on top of lies to cover the lies before.

You have no reason to assume this is a false flag event. It may yet be, but at this point you are setting yourself up for failure and ridicule.

So far the blogisphere has caught quite a few things that don't add up and as citizens, we should question everything and expect nothing less then complete transparency.

Like that video? It's really really bad my friend. All of his points are very easily shot down.

What really sets off my bullshit detector is the same M.O is followed. The alleged family members of the victims give unconvincing performances, they blame guns and then the Barrypuppet gives a press conference talking about gun control while the alleged bodies are still warm and not even removed from the alleged building. This disturbing pattern should worry everyone and give us pause for thought.

For sure, the Democrats are standing on the corpses to push their agenda but I very seriously doubt the government did this. For one thing, they would have made sure that the shooter bought his gun at a gun show.

Your Conspiracy Theory doesn't pass my sniff test. I'll admit that it's too early for me to be sniffing as well.
Nope, just throwing out the very real possibility that this was staged and there are literally hundreds of videos by youtube sleuths and some alternative media articles and this is within 24 hours of this alleged event. I am more prone to believe that this was a "gubermint" operation and this will make at least six that I have accumulated enough evidence that leaves no room for doubt. I will be doing research on this as well and I'll be "Googling" the major players. If I can't come to a 100 percent conclusion that this wasn't fake? I will say so. It is not illegal for your beloved "gubermint" to do this because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies thanks to the Barrypuppet.

You didn't pose this as a possibility. Too bad you couldn't edit your pie hole post before I repeated it.

I am not by any stretch of the imagination backing off on MY belief that this was staged by your "gubermint" but I do suggest that people do their due diligence and look into it instead of being a mindless sheeple....which might be impossible for someone of your limited intellect.

Ok, I'll look into it. Where do I start? With that pathetic video you posted?

<snip> Sandy Hook is irrelevant except to stage the reason for your skepticism. Acknowledged.

I am not sure because it is still early about what transpired yesterday but I have done some limited research on line about the time line of this event and have found some twitter posts from those that were allegedly there and "tweeted" two hours before this allegedly happened but this will take more investigating.

It will take more investigating. There is new information coming our almost hourly.

I have noticed from the camera video that it seems most of the victims we saw on TV where shot in the leg because they were sporting crudely done tourniquets. How was this guy able to enter a bar with an armed guard get past the "We need to see your ID before we can let you in line while sporting an alleged assault rifle?

I've never been to this club, but most clubs here don't require an ID to get in. You show your ID when you try to purchase liquor.

I have questions and judging from the lack of urgency from the footage I have seen? It simply does not pass my "sniff test".

It's too early to start sniffing. As always in these things, there is a lot of rumor and speculation reported as news.

There are quite a few others that I will have to keep researching because I have to have my "ducks all in a row" because leftards will try and jump on any tiny thing I may miss. The thing about false flag events like this, lies have to be told and then more lies told on top of lies to cover the lies before.

You have no reason to assume this is a false flag event. It may yet be, but at this point you are setting yourself up for failure and ridicule.

So far the blogisphere has caught quite a few things that don't add up and as citizens, we should question everything and expect nothing less then complete transparency.

Like that video? It's really really bad my friend. All of his points are very easily shot down.

What really sets off my bullshit detector is the same M.O is followed. The alleged family members of the victims give unconvincing performances, they blame guns and then the Barrypuppet gives a press conference talking about gun control while the alleged bodies are still warm and not even removed from the alleged building. This disturbing pattern should worry everyone and give us pause for thought.

For sure, the Democrats are standing on the corpses to push their agenda but I very seriously doubt the government did this. For one thing, they would have made sure that the shooter bought his gun at a gun show.

Your Conspiracy Theory doesn't pass my sniff test. I'll admit that it's too early for me to be sniffing as well.
The attack happened at closing. People were leaving so there was no one at the door checking who came in. No one would be served anything as the club was closed so no reason to check id.
Yup, the only one with the gun was the registered Democrat Terrorist nutter. Not a very 'Safe Space' after all.

A "very safe place" for him.
He was in charge he had the gun.

Bad luck for the rest and may this be a lesson for the future.

A wise observation. I would advise all Americans take steps that will make their spaces safer. Personally, i'm confident my space is pretty safe. Start shooting at me, and i'll respond swiftly and effectively. And that's not just 'Internet Tough Guy' blather either. I'm fully prepared to defend against the rabid savages.
Yup, the only one with the gun was the registered Democrat Terrorist nutter. Not a very 'Safe Space' after all.

A "very safe place" for him.
He was in charge he had the gun.

Bad luck for the rest and may this be a lesson for the future.

A wise observation. I would advise all Americans take steps that will make their spaces safer. Personally, i'm confident my space is pretty safe. Start shooting at me, and i'll respond swiftly and effectively. And that's not just 'Internet Tough Guy' blather either. I'm fully prepared to defend against the rabid savages.

One of my gay friends and I were at a restaurant with my daughter and her fiancé. He asked me out of the blue; "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."
Yup, the only one with the gun was the registered Democrat Terrorist nutter. Not a very 'Safe Space' after all.

A "very safe place" for him.
He was in charge he had the gun.

Bad luck for the rest and may this be a lesson for the future.

A wise observation. I would advise all Americans take steps that will make their spaces safer. Personally, i'm confident my space is pretty safe. Start shooting at me, and i'll respond swiftly and effectively. And that's not just 'Internet Tough Guy' blather either. I'm fully prepared to defend against the rabid savages.

One of my gay friends and I were at a restaurant with my daughter and her fiancé. He asked me out of the blue; "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

That's happening more & more often now. More are beginning to realize that they can take control of their own safety & security. And, that it's their right to do so. I tell people to hit the range with their families. It's actually a lot of fun. And it gets them prepared to defend themselves. It's vital to become comfortable and confident with the firearms. Hittin the range often is a good way to do it.

The Gun Grabbers have worked very hard to attach a dark stigma to firearms. And that's caused many to fear them like the Boogeyman. But once they hit the range and start learning, they realize firearms aren't the Boogeyman the Gun Grabbers make them out to be. With practice, you can become confident and proficient with your firearm. It really is great to see more & more Americans coming around. But the Gun Grabbers will continue trying to grab the guns. So we have to stay vigilant. Anyway, get out there and have fun. Take care.

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