Wasserman-Schultz Calls For Trump Investigation For Election Rigging After She Rigged DNC Primary


She is doing her part for the libtarts...
Just pointing out how great a job Trump did of rigging the system.

Please explain how playing by the rules and campaining for the Electoral College vote was election rigging.

Take your time. We will wait...

I'll try to make this easy for you...

DWS claims Trump rigged the election,

Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million,

WORST job of rigging in history.
And THAT was with the rigging, and you still want Trump as president?

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.
A political party picks its candies however it wants. There's no law requiring it to follow primaries or even hold them, or if it does hold them to abide by their results.
So, again, you have no problem with the Democrats rigging their Primary to ensure what THEY want is what happens rather than what their party members want....that's what I said. Why are you so hostile about me repeating what you just said?

Is feeding Hillary debate questions in advance part of the 'method Democrats pick their Nominees? It must be - they didn't do it for Bernie.
Fallacy of false comparison and fallacy of confirmation bias.

The issue is Trump and rigging, Trump and the Russians, Trump and false tweets about wire taps.

Your nonsense is merely a weed being scraped away.

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.

You dont get resigned fool. Trump accepted his resignation letter and not only that attacked the Press and said a good man was targeted. Dumbass
How do you know the RNC didn't try to rig the election?
Because the Democrats have offered ZERO evidence to support such a claim.

After losing close to 1,000 positions under Obama, Democrats saw Hillary as THE ONE to turn things around. So they rigged their Primary and helped her in debates.

Then an insider / the Russians hacked the DNC's e-mails...and Podesta's. The embarrassing secrets came pouring out - the sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic jokes and comments, the fact that they screwed their own party members by 'rigging' the election, and how they fed Hillary debate questions in advance. Their persona / image took a huge hit - because of their own e-mails and actions.

Damage spin consisted of ramping up the hacking of some party e-mails into a full-blown treasonous scandal-accusation (LIE) of Trump and his team. The goal was to paint Trump as a 'traitor' and themselves as 'VICTIMS' of being 'violated' (hacking) and exposing the surreptitious plot to deny Hillary the WH through collusion between Trump and Russia. Obama then used the fake scandal to conduct his own 'Watergate' on the GOP's candidate during an election 'to get to the bottom of the collusion'.

The only problem is that there was never any collusion between Trump and Russia. The FBI has already come out and said that!
- No criminal evidence the Russians ever 'hacked the ELECTION'
- No criminal evidence against Trump of collusion.
- No criminal evidence against Flynn and the Russians
- No criminal evidence against Sessions and the Russians.


Now let's look at the other side:
- McCaskill was caught LYING in her attack before Congress about Trump

- Pelosi LIED to Congress about never having met with Russians - she has an history of 'exchanging gifts' with them (Gee, if she never met with them in the line of duty, she should sure as hell be investigated for meeting with Russians socially and 'exchanging gifts with them'

- 32 Democrats met with Russians

- The Ex- President was taking $50k a pop to give speeches for Ex-KGB

- The brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the 'KGB Bank' that has close ties with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy Agency...the same Spy Agency that just so happened to reportedly hacked the DNC and Podesta (who was working for them)

- Hillary was loosely involved with the Russians getting a large quantity of our Uranium, getting a large sum of money from 1 Russian involved in the deal (The money went to the 'Clinton Foundation' of course, not to Hillary :p )

Then you have DWS:
- One of the Democrats who hired the 3 Pakistani Brothers who gained illegal/un-authorized access to classified House files and emails
- AFTER they were caught, BANNED from the House, and the investigation for crimes against them - to include espionage - began, she IGNORED the Ban and the Investigation, brought one of the brothers in to be her 'advisor', and gave him access to an IPad that contained a lt of Democrats' e-mails, their usernames, and their passwords...these, BTW, just so happened to be the e-mails that were hacked... But the Russians did that..

The 3 Brothers she and other Democrats hired? Yeah - stand-up guys:
- Owned a car dealership together, borrowed money from terrorists
- 1 had a criminal record ('Sure I will hire you to hang around classified files and documents!' Good Grief!)
- They were just reported to and be under investigation for kidnapping and holding their mother hostage. Their father is apparently DEAD, they claim he made them sole heirs of his wealth and estate but do not have any paperwork to prove that, and refuse to say where their father is / was...which pretty much means these guys probably killed their father and are taking his money - keeping the mother out of the way. If they were taking money from terrorists I would put my money on it.

Hillary lets her super-secret un-encrypted un-authorized server be stored in the un-secured bathroom of IT guys who don't have the required security clearance to have her server in their possession....

Huma downloads EVERY (classified and not) Hillary e-mail onto the laptop that was sitting on her naked pervert / pedophile ex-husband's junk...

..and DWS is rigging elections, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, and ignoring a House BAN and investigation of 3 foreign potential spies - who potentially killed their father, is stealing his money, and is/has worked with terrorists - and giving one access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords...

...but snowflakes / Democrats say it's TRUMP we can't trust, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support their accusations against him....

Nothing Schultz did or didn't do makes Trump any less or more guilty.
You investigate to FIND evidence, not because you already have it..
NOTHING 'makes' Trump guilty except for EVIDENCE...which there has been none.

You also 'investigate' when no crime has been proven to have been committed when you want to go 'fishing'. There is still no evidence the 'election was hacked'. There is still no evidence to suspect Trump had anything to do with the hacking of the DNC's e-mails. But it was a flimsy enough accusation for Obama to carry out his 'Watergate II'.

There is more evidence to create more suspicion that Tony Podesta (who worked for the Ex-KGB tied to the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly did the hacking) and / or DWS (and her Pakistani 'Spy') were involved than there is that Trump ever was. :p
Last edited:

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.

You dont get resigned fool. Trump accepted his resignation letter and not only that attacked the Press and said a good man was targeted. Dumbass
You and the cuck snowflakes are just so foolish, little one. Trump forced the resignation and then patted Flynn on the back. You don't understand how this stuff works, do you, much?

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.

You dont get resigned fool. Trump accepted his resignation letter and not only that attacked the Press and said a good man was targeted. Dumbass
You and the cuck snowflakes are just so foolish, little one. Trump forced the resignation and then patted Flynn on the back. You don't understand how this stuff works, do you, much?

While you asserting that this is true it's not born out by the facts. Flynn resigned, Trump Knew he was a foreign agent. Trump accepted his resignation then said he was a good guy who was simply demonized by the press. Not that he lied to anyone. Ever.
Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.

You dont get resigned fool. Trump accepted his resignation letter and not only that attacked the Press and said a good man was targeted. Dumbass
You and the cuck snowflakes are just so foolish, little one. Trump forced the resignation and then patted Flynn on the back. You don't understand how this stuff works, do you, much?

While you asserting that this is true it's not born out by the facts. Flynn resigned, Trump Knew he was a foreign agent. Trump accepted his resignation then said he was a good guy who was simply demonized by the press. Not that he lied to anyone. Ever.
That you won't accept the fact you got it wrong is merely Alt Fact by you. Trot along.
Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Flynn was resigned. End of story.

You dont get resigned fool. Trump accepted his resignation letter and not only that attacked the Press and said a good man was targeted. Dumbass
You and the cuck snowflakes are just so foolish, little one. Trump forced the resignation and then patted Flynn on the back. You don't understand how this stuff works, do you, much?

While you asserting that this is true it's not born out by the facts. Flynn resigned, Trump Knew he was a foreign agent. Trump accepted his resignation then said he was a good guy who was simply demonized by the press. Not that he lied to anyone. Ever.
That you won't accept the fact you got it wrong is merely Alt Fact by you. Trot along.

You stated no facts.

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