Wasserman-Schultz Calls For Trump Investigation For Election Rigging After She Rigged DNC Primary

Democrats are going to keep throwing shit at the Trump administration as long as they can before Trump's Justice Dept is complete and they will be on the receiving end and they know it. Trump was a freaking civilian when he ran for President. He had no power to rig anything but we know the DNC rigged the primaries and Obama used the IRS to punish political enemies and Hillary lied and Americans died.
Laugh Of The Day:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz calls for investigation into Trump — it immediately blows up in her face

"Many found Wasserman Schultz’s call for an investigation into Trump’s administration sort of ironic. After all, Wasserman Schultz herself was found to be behind an alleged conspiracy that rigged last year’s Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton became the DNC’s nominee."

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Like she has any credibility!

Laugh Of The Day:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz calls for investigation into Trump — it immediately blows up in her face

"Many found Wasserman Schultz’s call for an investigation into Trump’s administration sort of ironic. After all, Wasserman Schultz herself was found to be behind an alleged conspiracy that rigged last year’s Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton became the DNC’s nominee."

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Nothing Schultz did or didn't do makes Trump any less or more guilty.

Its from their playbook. Just accuse the people of doing what you were doing to take the focus off of them. Add in a sprinkle of forced laughter and they think thats enough.

Notice he never denies Trump and company rigged the election. He just says "They want to investigate it har har. But they should investigate everyone else before they investigate Trump! Why? Why not!"

For crying out loud intel has even gone after Jared Kushner's freaking MOTHERS bank records and found nothing.

But Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group can be paid by the Kremlin's bank to lobby for Russia.

Thats a lie. Also we KNOW that Flynn got HALF a Mill to be a foreign agent, TRUMP KNEW and then invited him in to take a look at our secrets. Yet here you are complaining about Podesta?

Thats the game I spoke about. Just blame the other people as doing the same thing they are accused of. Flynn is a fact that you cant defend. At all.
You uh, do realize that one is a national election and the other is a party primary, right?
So you have no problem with Democrats cheating - rigging their Primaries, engaging in Voter Fraud during their Primaries, and feeding their preferred candidate debate questions in advance to help her win, all because she couldn't bean a 100yo Socialist Party member on her own for the DNC Nomination?


As a Bernie supporter I find it amusing that you would lump me in with those who supported Hillary Clinton.
Just pointing out how great a job Trump did of rigging the system.

Please explain how playing by the rules and campaining for the Electoral College vote was election rigging.

Take your time. We will wait...

I'll try to make this easy for you...

DWS claims Trump rigged the election,

Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million,

WORST job of rigging in history.

My apologies. I totally misunderstood what you were saying. I sure wish the usmb had a sarcasm font fr times like these.

Srry again.
The OP literally cracks me up because he cannot understand the fallacy of false comparison. What the DNC did has nothing to do with Trump rigging the national election. Send her to jail. But let's take care of the bigger problem, Trump.

Proof that Trump rigged the system. Seems the only proof we have is democrats rigging the system.

Even more proof...

He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million.

ON a scale of 1-10, just how stupid is DWS?
The electoral college worked as it was planned. Get over it.

So did Hitler's election in 1933. 'Working' doesn't make something right.
A political party picks its candies however it wants. There's no law requiring it to follow primaries or even hold them, or if it does hold them to abide by their results.
So, again, you have no problem with the Democrats rigging their Primary to ensure what THEY want is what happens rather than what their party members want....that's what I said. Why are you so hostile about me repeating what you just said?

Is feeding Hillary debate questions in advance part of the 'method Democrats pick their Nominees? It must be - they didn't do it for Bernie.
You uh, do realize that one is a national election and the other is a party primary, right?
So you have no problem with Democrats cheating - rigging their Primaries, engaging in Voter Fraud during their Primaries, and feeding their preferred candidate debate questions in advance to help her win, all because she couldn't bean a 100yo Socialist Party member on her own for the DNC Nomination?


As a Bernie supporter I find it amusing that you would lump me in with those who supported Hillary Clinton.

I find the same amusement for the same reason. Clearly the OP's strong suit is not reading.
As a Bernie supporter I find it amusing that you would lump me in with those who supported Hillary Clinton.
As a Bernie supporter you should be livid with how Democrats screwed Bernie, you, and every other Sanders supporter. The truth was they were NEVER going to let Bernie win.
A political party picks its candies however it wants. There's no law requiring it to follow primaries or even hold them, or if it does hold them to abide by their results.
So, again, you have no problem with the Democrats rigging their Primary to ensure what THEY want is what happens rather than what their party members want....that's what I said. Why are you so hostile about me repeating what you just said?

Is feeding Hillary debate questions in advance part of the 'method Democrats pick their Nominees? It must be - they didn't do it for Bernie.

Number one, that's not even WillHaftawaite's quote. I recognize it because I WROTE IT.

Again, just amplifying the point that you can't read --- or apparently write either.

Number two, there continues to be no citation in any of my posts --- regardless whose name you pin on it ---- of "no problem". Again I just got done explaining to your illiterate dimness that a political party does what it wants. That's how an entrenched political party WORKS. And again --- DUH.

Go learn how to read. Seriously.
I find the same amusement for the same reason. Clearly the OP's strong suit is not reading.
No, my strong suit is pissing off snowflakes (unintentionally, of course) who fight to deny that the DNC's and DWS's calling for an investigation of Trump for DOING what they ACCUSED Trump of doing is pathetic. (They unfairly affected the outcome of an election - Primary or not.)

I don't blame them - it must suck to be embarrassingly caught rigging an election for an old crone who couldn't beat Sanders on her own. :p
Democrats are going to keep throwing shit at the Trump administration as long as they can before Trump's Justice Dept is complete and they will be on the receiving end and they know it. Trump was a freaking civilian when he ran for President. He had no power to rig anything but we know the DNC rigged the primaries and Obama used the IRS to punish political enemies and Hillary lied and Americans died.

How do you know the RNC didn't try to rig the election?
I find the same amusement for the same reason. Clearly the OP's strong suit is not reading.
No, my strong suit is pissing off snowflakes (unintentionally, of course) who fight to deny that the DNC's and DWS's calling for an investigation of Trump for DOING what they ACCUSED Trump of doing is pathetic. (They unfairly affected the outcome of an election - Primary or not.)

I don't blame them - it must suck to be embarrassingly caught rigging an election for an old crone who couldn't beat Sanders on her own. :p

The first guy to call the election "rigged" was Rump. Are you calling Bigly Him a liar?

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Do you have evidence to backup your assertion or is that your opinion?

Flynn's lawyers told Trump and his squad. So now that you know that your next play is to what? Call me stupid or ask more bullshit questions.

Flynn was not let go for speaking with the Russians. He was fired for lying to VP Pence about. Would he have eventually been fired for the Russian, or Turkish, contact? Possibly. But the fact is he was forced to resign so it's all moot.

Flynn was fired? False:

President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation letter and appointed Keith Kellogg, a decorated retired Army lieutenant general, as acting national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Now that you are saying he was fired then saying resigned then saying forced to resign shows you know its a moving target
Nothing Schultz did or didn't do makes Trump any less or more guilty.

I stand corrected - I thought DWS's comment / story was the Laugh of the Day - turns out YOUR comment is.

'Guilty' of WHAT?

The FBI said they found no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.
Nothing illegal was found between Flynn and Russia.
Nothing illegal was found between Sessions and Russia.

To date, all liberals have is UN-SUBSTANTIATED accusations....unless while I was sleeping last night someone finally produced some evidence to the contrary. :p

You investigate to FIND evidence, not because you already have it.

and then there's this:


After 4 years and 8 investigations WITHOUT EVIDENCE, the Benghazers finally quit and admitted there was no evidence of wrongdoing.

Let's spend 4 years investigating Trump's Russian connection,

and then we'll call it even.
Some of the Trump cult here have forgotten that Trump claimed the GOP PRIMARIES were rigged against him.

He also said he would only accept the election results if he won it.

And true to his word, he didn't. When he lost the popular vote by three million votes, he came up with the fantasy of "three million illegal voters". Because when you live on Planet Self-Delusion, anything that doesn't serve Numero Uno must be "illegal".

Like the rain on inauguration day, the billions who didn't show up for it and the non-existence of having the biggest electoral vote margin since Reagan. All those are "illegal" too. Therefore they cannot have existed.

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