Waste $24 BILLION - Applaud each other

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Senators Bizarrely Applaud Each Other For Resolving Crisis Senate Sparked

The 100 least self-aware people in America gathered Wednesday night on the Senate floor to applaud themselves for the work they did resolving the crisis that the Senate itself had sparked.

The manufactured crisis, which shut down the government, is estimated to have cost the economy some $24 billion in lost output. Scientific research was set back, disease control was hampered and programs that assist poor women with infants were disrupted, among many other avoidable repercussions. But Congress managed not to blow up the global economy.

What will the next Republican disaster be? How long before they come up with another way to hurt Americans and America?
I might as well cut and paste this since we will have 100 threads on this now

here it is
now they worry over cost

they could care less what this fascist government entitlement, ObamaNoCare has cost us taxpayers to just SET UP and it doesn't even WORK, hire 16,000 new gestapo to make sure you are paying your fine if you aren't bowing to Obama's wishes and buying your expensive insurance...

what a joke you people are

go get your ObamaCare and leave the rest of us alone
Poor Stephanie.

Everybody sing along,

O-h-h-h,,,She gets the gold mine,
I get the shaft.
Yes you just keep watching the left wing news and read the lefty blogs on the internet that says the Repubs shut the government down when it wasn't.
Sen. Reid and Obama shut it down because they refused to negotiate.

They would not even budge an inch on a 1 year delay of the Health Care, they could have at least countered and compromised and said we will work with you but we will delay it for 6 months.
This is the first President ever who took a stand of no negotiations period. All of our Presidents have always done some sort of a negotiation, this is also the same President who calls the Republicans the enemy.

Why does President Obama get away with a 1 year delay for just certain groups but not the rest of us?

If this Health Care Law is so great for us why does congress keep fighting to not be under it themselves?

The Dems have done plenty of damage to Americans with adding 7 Trillion in Debt and the New Health Care Law.
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Senators Bizarrely Applaud Each Other For Resolving Crisis Senate Sparked

The 100 least self-aware people in America gathered Wednesday night on the Senate floor to applaud themselves for the work they did resolving the crisis that the Senate itself had sparked.

The manufactured crisis, which shut down the government, is estimated to have cost the economy some $24 billion in lost output. Scientific research was set back, disease control was hampered and programs that assist poor women with infants were disrupted, among many other avoidable repercussions. But Congress managed not to blow up the global economy.
What will the next Republican disaster be? How long before they come up with another way to hurt Americans and America?

How much did it cost to shut down national parks that actually generate revenue?
I might as well cut and paste this since we will have 100 threads on this now

here it is
now they worry over cost

they could care less what this fascist government entitlement, ObamaNoCare has cost us taxpayers to just SET UP and it doesn't even WORK, hire 16,000 new gestapo to make sure you are paying your fine if you aren't bowing to Obama's wishes and buying your expensive insurance...

what a joke you people are

go get your ObamaCare and leave the rest of us alone

Compairing this to gestapo agents is vile and disgusting. If this were truly a facist state your ugly ass would not be able to post on this messageboard promoting your dumbass views.

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