WATCH: 5 Worst Pundit FAILS Of 2012


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Every year, America’s political pundits provide endless commentary on the 24-hour cable news networks. And while it may be fun to watch their bloviations, they have about as much chance of being right as a magic 8-Ball.

With a Republican primary and presidential election, 2012 was a particular fertile year for poor political soothsaying. Above are five failed predictions that we found to be particularly outrageous this year. And while the triumph of Nate Silver and the freak out from Karl Rove were both heartwarming, we still have faith that 2013 will be another good year for bad predictions.

FAILED Pundit Predictions of 2012 (VIDEO)
Yeah, well all you who love thinkprogress ask them about their lie and ridiculous prediction they spread around that they were BUSTED over..

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