Watch As Pickup Plunges 70 Feet Off A Snowy, Icy Wisconsin Overpass


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It's that time of year again. Snow and ice everywhere. A storm started here yesterday afternoon. It's still snowing and isn't expected to stop until tomorrow.

We have steep hills which vehicles can and do lose control on when there's ice on the road. One bus lost control going down Capital Hill ending up coming to a stop partly hanging over Interstate 5.

The driver of this truck lived which I say is a testament to the safety features of the truck he was driving. The truck stayed pretty much in tact after landing too.

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We had three days of drizzle that was icy and then three days of light snow, tomorrow is heavy snow....Yee-haw we can have a chance to do some daredevil driving!
Any word from Al Gore on this? The Vice President has been promising Gorebal Warming for 30 years.

The driver of the pickup took Gore's word for it, and almost paid with his life when it turned out to be a lie.
Any word from Al Gore on this? The Vice President has been promising Gorebal Warming for 30 years.

The driver of the pickup took Gore's word for it, and almost paid with his life when it turned out to be a lie.
That is why it is important to say out load and plans or hypothesis because the gods will hear it and alter your plans with events that humans can't control.
We had three days of drizzle that was icy and then three days of light snow, tomorrow is heavy snow....Yee-haw we can have a chance to do some daredevil driving!

Our weather heads east along the northern states. When it gets to the mid west, such as Wisconsin, it causes a mess. Then it goes across the Great Lakes to pick up more moisture then dumps on the east coast.

We are under a winter storm warning right now so it will be a blizzard by the time it's in the mid west and then the east.

If you live in an area that doesn't have hills I'm sure it's a lot of fun to go have fun in the snow with your vehicle but here, not so much.

Everyone needs to stay safe out there. If you don't need to drive, don't drive.
We had three days of drizzle that was icy and then three days of light snow, tomorrow is heavy snow....Yee-haw we can have a chance to do some daredevil driving!

Our weather heads east along the northern states. When it gets to the mid west, such as Wisconsin, it causes a mess. Then it goes across the Great Lakes to pick up more moisture then dumps on the east coast.

We are under a winter storm warning right now so it will be a blizzard by the time it's in the mid west and then the east.

If you live in an area that doesn't have hills I'm sure it's a lot of fun to go have fun in the snow with your vehicle but here, not so much.

Everyone needs to stay safe out there. If you don't need to drive, don't drive.
I live in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains it isn't that bad really compared to further into the mountains. The last time we had a storm like this with cold weather was around fifteen years ago when we had no electric for three weeks and it dropped to -22, ruined the berry season for a decade.
From a couple days ago:

Thing is... I wouldn't be scared at all to be on those roads. But I'm not FROM Texas. If I was on those roads with people who grew up where I have... Those roads are absolutely fine. The problem is you have a ton of people who don't have any clue how to drive on them.

If I was in Texas, Florida, or the like and the roads are even snow covered... My ass is staying where I'm at. I need to trust that the people around me aren't clueless on how to drive to the conditions of the road. Don't get me wrong, it's not really their fault they don't have the experience... They might even know it's dangerous... But they still don't know what to do when even knowing that.

Hell... I'd bet dollars to pesos that most of those people hit the brakes when they started fish tailing in their rear wheeled vehicles. OIE
I was about 50 miles from the pileup in Ft Worth. I've never seen roads so completely covered in ice. It was solid ice edge to edge. I literally watched 80klb 18 wheelers sliding off the side of the road at 0mph because the road had a slight slope to the side for water drainage.

I myself happened to be in the best most "level" lane, the hammer lane, when we came to a stop. I was barely able to crawl. There were trucks that had to come to a stop on a slight hill and were not able to resume moving.

I heard about the accident on the CB from people saying they'd never seen anything like it. I spent the night parked behind a Wal Mart in a no parking area. I didn't care, I was off the road. Nobody bothered me. I was in the company of at least a dozen trucks in the same predicament.
Guy was going much too fast for the conditions
Hundreds of accidents in the Twin Cities area the last few days. Morons think they still can do 65 on black ice.
Clue for the clueless.
If the road appears wet when it is below zero, that is black ice. Slow the hell down and quit tapping the brakes.
Guy was going much too fast for the conditions
Hundreds of accidents in the Twin Cities area the last few days. Morons think they still can do 65 on black ice.
Clue for the clueless.
If the road appears wet when it is below zero, that is black ice. Slow the hell down and quit tapping the brakes.

Going around a bend in those conditions your centrifugal force will bring you right off the road which is what happened.
We had three days of drizzle that was icy and then three days of light snow, tomorrow is heavy snow....Yee-haw we can have a chance to do some daredevil driving!

Our weather heads east along the northern states. When it gets to the mid west, such as Wisconsin, it causes a mess. Then it goes across the Great Lakes to pick up more moisture then dumps on the east coast.

We are under a winter storm warning right now so it will be a blizzard by the time it's in the mid west and then the east.

If you live in an area that doesn't have hills I'm sure it's a lot of fun to go have fun in the snow with your vehicle but here, not so much.

Everyone needs to stay safe out there. If you don't need to drive, don't drive.
I live in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains it isn't that bad really compared to further into the mountains. The last time we had a storm like this with cold weather was around fifteen years ago when we had no electric for three weeks and it dropped to -22, ruined the berry season for a decade.

Oh my that is a horrible time to lose power.

I couldn't take -22 degrees without a heat source. Much less for 3 weeks.

I hope that doesn't happen again.
From a couple days ago:

Thing is... I wouldn't be scared at all to be on those roads. But I'm not FROM Texas. If I was on those roads with people who grew up where I have... Those roads are absolutely fine. The problem is you have a ton of people who don't have any clue how to drive on them.

If I was in Texas, Florida, or the like and the roads are even snow covered... My ass is staying where I'm at. I need to trust that the people around me aren't clueless on how to drive to the conditions of the road. Don't get me wrong, it's not really their fault they don't have the experience... They might even know it's dangerous... But they still don't know what to do when even knowing that.

Hell... I'd bet dollars to pesos that most of those people hit the brakes when they started fish tailing in their rear wheeled vehicles. OIE

Yes those in the south don't get snow and ice so they don't have experience driving in it. Which can and does cause huge pile ups.

I hope people didn't get hurt in that pile up.
I was about 50 miles from the pileup in Ft Worth. I've never seen roads so completely covered in ice. It was solid ice edge to edge. I literally watched 80klb 18 wheelers sliding off the side of the road at 0mph because the road had a slight slope to the side for water drainage.

I myself happened to be in the best most "level" lane, the hammer lane, when we came to a stop. I was barely able to crawl. There were trucks that had to come to a stop on a slight hill and were not able to resume moving.

I heard about the accident on the CB from people saying they'd never seen anything like it. I spent the night parked behind a Wal Mart in a no parking area. I didn't care, I was off the road. Nobody bothered me. I was in the company of at least a dozen trucks in the same predicament.

I'm so glad you were safe. That sounds horrible.

We get ice here a lot. I get frustrated with people in 4 wheel drives who think that they can drive on ice. A 4 wheel drive is useless on ice.

There is nothing that will give a vehicle traction on ice. Just have to go slow, don't hit the break hard and keep going because if you stop, sometimes you can't start again. LOL.
I was about 50 miles from the pileup in Ft Worth. I've never seen roads so completely covered in ice. It was solid ice edge to edge. I literally watched 80klb 18 wheelers sliding off the side of the road at 0mph because the road had a slight slope to the side for water drainage.

I myself happened to be in the best most "level" lane, the hammer lane, when we came to a stop. I was barely able to crawl. There were trucks that had to come to a stop on a slight hill and were not able to resume moving.

I heard about the accident on the CB from people saying they'd never seen anything like it. I spent the night parked behind a Wal Mart in a no parking area. I didn't care, I was off the road. Nobody bothered me. I was in the company of at least a dozen trucks in the same predicament.

I'm so glad you were safe. That sounds horrible.

We get ice here a lot. I get frustrated with people in 4 wheel drives who think that they can drive on ice. A 4 wheel drive is useless on ice.

There is nothing that will give a vehicle traction on ice. Just have to go slow, don't hit the break hard and keep going because if you stop, sometimes you can't start again. LOL.
I have four wheel drive and I am constantly passed by idiots in sedans with far less traction.
It's not the vehicle, but the idiot behind the wheel.

My favorite is when I see the moron in the ditch a few miles down the road.
From a couple days ago:

Thing is... I wouldn't be scared at all to be on those roads. But I'm not FROM Texas. If I was on those roads with people who grew up where I have... Those roads are absolutely fine. The problem is you have a ton of people who don't have any clue how to drive on them.

If I was in Texas, Florida, or the like and the roads are even snow covered... My ass is staying where I'm at. I need to trust that the people around me aren't clueless on how to drive to the conditions of the road. Don't get me wrong, it's not really their fault they don't have the experience... They might even know it's dangerous... But they still don't know what to do when even knowing that.

Hell... I'd bet dollars to pesos that most of those people hit the brakes when they started fish tailing in their rear wheeled vehicles. OIE

Yes those in the south don't get snow and ice so they don't have experience driving in it. Which can and does cause huge pile ups.

I hope people didn't get hurt in that pile up.

6 people were killed in that pileup with 67 admitted to the hospital and 6 in critical condition.
Yes those in the south don't get snow and ice so they don't have experience driving in it. Which can and does cause huge pile ups.

I hope people didn't get hurt in that pile up.
There was like 100 cars in that. Like nine or ten people died, 30 some odd hurt. There were casualties from people seeing the wreck up ahead, and didn't know enough about when to start slowing down.

Edit: I could be using old, or updated, information.
I was about 50 miles from the pileup in Ft Worth. I've never seen roads so completely covered in ice. It was solid ice edge to edge. I literally watched 80klb 18 wheelers sliding off the side of the road at 0mph because the road had a slight slope to the side for water drainage.

I myself happened to be in the best most "level" lane, the hammer lane, when we came to a stop. I was barely able to crawl. There were trucks that had to come to a stop on a slight hill and were not able to resume moving.

I heard about the accident on the CB from people saying they'd never seen anything like it. I spent the night parked behind a Wal Mart in a no parking area. I didn't care, I was off the road. Nobody bothered me. I was in the company of at least a dozen trucks in the same predicament.

I'm so glad you were safe. That sounds horrible.

We get ice here a lot. I get frustrated with people in 4 wheel drives who think that they can drive on ice. A 4 wheel drive is useless on ice.

There is nothing that will give a vehicle traction on ice. Just have to go slow, don't hit the break hard and keep going because if you stop, sometimes you can't start again. LOL.
I have four wheel drive and I am constantly passed by idiots in sedans with far less traction.
It's not the vehicle, but the idiot behind the wheel.

My favorite is when I see the moron in the ditch a few miles down the road.

I have had several 4 wheel drive vehicles. One of them was a Subaru sedan.

I don't know about where you live, but here, four wheel drive is very necessary. It's great in snow. I could get right through snow. No problem.

Ice is a totally different thing. There's nothing to get traction. We get the ever so much fun compact snow and ice. It's got the ice with snow compacted on top of it. So you you have to do what we call the "slippery" test. LOL.

Yes the stupid people in sedans who think that just because they have a front engine car that they can just plow right through. Those idiots learn fast as they dig themselves out of ditches.
We have steep hills which vehicles can and do lose control on when there's ice on the road. One bus lost control going down Capital Hill ending up coming to a stop partly hanging over Interstate 5.
Spread the chemicals. Grease the ice. Rake in the bucks at the body shop. Business as usual in the district.
You need a news break:
From a couple days ago:

Thing is... I wouldn't be scared at all to be on those roads. But I'm not FROM Texas. If I was on those roads with people who grew up where I have... Those roads are absolutely fine. The problem is you have a ton of people who don't have any clue how to drive on them.

If I was in Texas, Florida, or the like and the roads are even snow covered... My ass is staying where I'm at. I need to trust that the people around me aren't clueless on how to drive to the conditions of the road. Don't get me wrong, it's not really their fault they don't have the experience... They might even know it's dangerous... But they still don't know what to do when even knowing that.

Hell... I'd bet dollars to pesos that most of those people hit the brakes when they started fish tailing in their rear wheeled vehicles. OIE

Yes those in the south don't get snow and ice so they don't have experience driving in it. Which can and does cause huge pile ups.

I hope people didn't get hurt in that pile up.

6 people were killed in that pileup with 67 admitted to the hospital and 6 in critical condition.

Oh no. That's terrible. I hope all who survived recover soon.

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