Watch black conservatives gather for rally in front of the white house

I clicked the link, only a handful of Blacks.

Hahhah . well here lets give you some more reality


Adrian Norman on Twitter

and more

Anna Paulina on Twitter
Heres the thing.....

Who knew that Kanye would peel off such a significant # of blacks from the DUMS? :113:

Hey Mindwars.....lmao!
Like 15 people scoured from across the land. Like Caitlyn Jenner, they’ll soon regret supporting the treasonous dotard.

It's like the first speaker in the video was saying, Black people need to do for Black people... they need a seat at the table. It's not really about Trump, wether these people at the rally are right or wrong about Trump, thats not even the point. What they are saying is they don't need liberals like you or other blacks who would shame them ... to tell them what they need to believe, who to vote for, or who they need to be.
Like 15 people scoured from across the land. Like Caitlyn Jenner, they’ll soon regret supporting the treasonous dotard.

It's like the first speaker in the video was saying, Black people need to do for Black people... they need a seat at the table. It's not really about Trump, wether these people at the rally are right or wrong about Trump, thats not even the point. What they are saying is they don't need liberals like you or other blacks who would shame them ... to tell them what they need to believe, who to vote for, or who they need to be.

Well said and exactly right.....some blacks starting to get the ruse they've been buying for 60 years!
The fact that this is a story only shows how pathetic some Trump lovers are to be able to say "we have black people too..." -- Great!

Now lets talk about what really matters --, why are Republicans pretending they always supported protecting pre-existing conditions? Parading all the black people in the world won't change that lie...

"Parading black people"......

Wow, they can be "paraded" now. Led, like what....???

This is how they think. It's appalling. No wonder minorities are bailing on the Dems left and right. But we knew this.

Again: "Parading black people"
You can literally count the people in the “rally.” Trump’s average polling for the month, including artificially boosted Rasmussen numbers, is 44%. Still too high. America in demise
Thousands of people try to get into Trump's rallys...waiting hours in line just for a chance to get in....the people that don't get in do not leave...they stay outside listening on speakers....I've lived for a long time and have never seen that kind of support for a I said...have a nice election day....

What year does that remind you of???

Oh yeah.....


Black people are Americans and Democrats do not own them.

I learned 80% of what I know about Republicans from a black man. He really was something. Smart, he was old and didn't have good balance, but strong. He could pick up a 100-lb log. I appreciate my time with him.

The other of what I've learned comes from a cousin. Also smart.
The fact that this is a story only shows how pathetic some Trump lovers are to be able to say "we have black people too..." -- Great!

Now lets talk about what really matters --, why are Republicans pretending they always supported protecting pre-existing conditions? Parading all the black people in the world won't change that lie...
I happen to catch parts of President Obama's speech today in Wisconsin. It was like visiting with an old friend and he spoke so much truth. It's just mind boggling that simply because he's a black man, that the most ignorant of people are simply unable to accept that he's more educated, eloquent, humble and well liked than they or their hero, who is rude, crass, classless and ignorant as they come.
Obama stumps for Democrats in Wisconsin days after Trump rally -- live updates
Thousands of people try to get into Trump's rallys...waiting hours in line just for a chance to get in....the people that don't get in do not leave...they stay outside listening on speakers....I've lived for a long time and have never seen that kind of support for a I said...have a nice election day....
Cultists do the same thing
The fact that this is a story only shows how pathetic some Trump lovers are to be able to say "we have black people too..." -- Great!

Now lets talk about what really matters --, why are Republicans pretending they always supported protecting pre-existing conditions? Parading all the black people in the world won't change that lie...
I happen to catch parts of President Obama's speech today in Wisconsin. It was like visiting with an old friend and he spoke so much truth. It's just mind boggling that simply because he's a black man, that the most ignorant of people are simply unable to accept that he's more educated, eloquent, humble and well liked than they or their hero, who is rude, crass, classless and ignorant as they come.
Obama stumps for Democrats in Wisconsin days after Trump rally -- live updates

He's pretty silver-tongued. He fooled me once, he ain't fooling me again.

That Andrew Gillium can speak better than Obama. 50% better.

Not voting for either.

Obama should hang for being a traitor.
The fact that this is a story only shows how pathetic some Trump lovers are to be able to say "we have black people too..." -- Great!

Now lets talk about what really matters --, why are Republicans pretending they always supported protecting pre-existing conditions? Parading all the black people in the world won't change that lie...
I happen to catch parts of President Obama's speech today in Wisconsin. It was like visiting with an old friend and he spoke so much truth. It's just mind boggling that simply because he's a black man, that the most ignorant of people are simply unable to accept that he's more educated, eloquent, humble and well liked than they or their hero, who is rude, crass, classless and ignorant as they come.
Obama stumps for Democrats in Wisconsin days after Trump rally -- live updates

Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
I've never thought nor stated that "all" Trump supporters are racist just like I've never believed or stated that all white people are racist, that would be idiotic as well as untrue since I know better. I was however speaking of the "ignorant" individuals who believe that even when they don't have a pot to piss in, or have a criminal record, or are in fact proud racists, that in their world it's just simply impossible for a black person to ever be "better" in any respect than them. Not even when a mountain of evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face. By definition, those "ignorant" white people are racists and if they're Trump supporters then so be it. It's not like it's a secret that this particular faction exists.

And to be clear I attended college in a small city in Florida where the racists there either were ignorant of the fact that it's inappropriate to use the n-word in the presence of a black person or they just didn't care. Whichever the case, they both are indications of the level of ignorance of which I was speaking because this occured multiple times in the workplace and no one thought anything of it, except apparently me. Not all of my co-workers were racists, not even most, but the ones that were (and their spouses) were blatently so even if they were too ignorant to realize it.

President Obama, contrary to your beliefs did do something which is the reason that we now have so much in-your-face racism, bigotry and animus - he brought people together and gave the nation hope for our future, which apparently infuriated the closet racists and rocked the status quo a little bit. But all the things he said in his Wisconsin speech today were absolutely the truth. I wish you'd listen to what he had to say but understand you're not going to listen to someone whom you don't care for. I wouldn't spend any time listening to Trump speak, I've already heard more than enough and have no patience for liars.

And by the way, I just saw a few days ago one of your responses to a conversation we were maybe a few months ago and I was surprised at your generosity. I was planning on responding but it's been a rough week. In any case I just wanted you to know that I hadn't read & ignored it, I just never saw it until recently.
Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
I've never thought nor stated that "all" Trump supporters are racist just like I've never believed or stated that all white people are racist, that would be idiotic as well as untrue since I know better. I was however speaking of the "ignorant" individuals who believe that even when they don't have a pot to piss in, or have a criminal record, or are in fact proud racists, that in their world it's just simply impossible for a black person to ever be "better" in any respect than them. Not even when a mountain of evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face. By definition, those "ignorant" white people are racists and if they're Trump supporters then so be it. It's not like it's a secret that this particular faction exists.

And to be clear I attended college in a small city in Florida where the racists there either were ignorant of the fact that it's inappropriate to use the n-word in the presence of a black person or they just didn't care. Whichever the case, they both are indications of the level of ignorance of which I was speaking because this occured multiple times in the workplace and no one thought anything of it, except apparently me. Not all of my co-workers were racists, not even most, but the ones that were (and their spouses) were blatently so even if they were too ignorant to realize it.

President Obama, contrary to your beliefs did do something which is the reason that we now have so much in-your-face racism, bigotry and animus - he brought people together and gave the nation hope for our future, which apparently infuriated the closet racists and rocked the status quo a little bit. But all the things he said in his Wisconsin speech today were absolutely the truth. I wish you'd listen to what he had to say but understand you're not going to listen to someone whom you don't care for. I wouldn't spend any time listening to Trump speak, I've already heard more than enough and have no patience for liars.

And by the way, I just saw a few days ago one of your responses to a conversation we were maybe a few months ago and I was surprised at your generosity. I was planning on responding but it's been a rough week. In any case I just wanted you to know that I hadn't read & ignored it, I just never saw it until recently.

I'm sorry for your rough week. I think I have a compassionate and generous heart but I do not like injustice, and I rankle at it. It makes me both sweet and tough at the same time. If that makes sense. :)

President Obama did give the nation quite a boost in 2008...I understand that. I can't pretend to know what it's like to be black and finally have a black president. I imagine it's very powerful. I have no problem with a black president actually, and I'm guessing you believe me. One thing I always admired about the Obama's was their family ethic. He is clearly a devoted father and the Obama's have a long-standing marriage, and I think that's a fine example for all of us--I mean that sincerely.

But I think he's a bloviator, he talks more than he does. I do not, obviously, agree with his liberal ideology, and I was very leery of his stance toward apologizing for America, especially abroad. So you will see that I disagreed with him on policy, not that I hated him. Least of all for his race, which in my opinion is a really stupid reason to hate someone. People will do stupid things and I'm sorry you had to put up with that--and yes, no doubt some of them are Trump supporters. But not all. Not even most.
Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
I've never thought nor stated that "all" Trump supporters are racist just like I've never believed or stated that all white people are racist, that would be idiotic as well as untrue since I know better. I was however speaking of the "ignorant" individuals who believe that even when they don't have a pot to piss in, or have a criminal record, or are in fact proud racists, that in their world it's just simply impossible for a black person to ever be "better" in any respect than them. Not even when a mountain of evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face. By definition, those "ignorant" white people are racists and if they're Trump supporters then so be it. It's not like it's a secret that this particular faction exists.

And to be clear I attended college in a small city in Florida where the racists there either were ignorant of the fact that it's inappropriate to use the n-word in the presence of a black person or they just didn't care. Whichever the case, they both are indications of the level of ignorance of which I was speaking because this occured multiple times in the workplace and no one thought anything of it, except apparently me. Not all of my co-workers were racists, not even most, but the ones that were (and their spouses) were blatently so even if they were too ignorant to realize it.

President Obama, contrary to your beliefs did do something which is the reason that we now have so much in-your-face racism, bigotry and animus - he brought people together and gave the nation hope for our future, which apparently infuriated the closet racists and rocked the status quo a little bit. But all the things he said in his Wisconsin speech today were absolutely the truth. I wish you'd listen to what he had to say but understand you're not going to listen to someone whom you don't care for. I wouldn't spend any time listening to Trump speak, I've already heard more than enough and have no patience for liars.

And by the way, I just saw a few days ago one of your responses to a conversation we were maybe a few months ago and I was surprised at your generosity. I was planning on responding but it's been a rough week. In any case I just wanted you to know that I hadn't read & ignored it, I just never saw it until recently.

I never thought Obama anyone together, I thought he did more to divide this nation. Insurance companies bad, doctors bad, bankers bad, whites bad, gun owners bad, religious people in the Midwest bad, police bad, rich people bad, Fox bad, GOP bad. I do not see Trump uniting anyone either, so I see the hate of left and right getting worse, America has no leaders or United’s that will step up.
President Obama did give the nation quite a boost in 2008...I understand that. I can't pretend to know what it's like to be black and finally have a black president. I imagine it's very powerful.
There are not enough black people in America to have elected President Obama, not just once, but twice. That's what I meant when I said he brought our country together.

Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
I've never thought nor stated that "all" Trump supporters are racist just like I've never believed or stated that all white people are racist, that would be idiotic as well as untrue since I know better. I was however speaking of the "ignorant" individuals who believe that even when they don't have a pot to piss in, or have a criminal record, or are in fact proud racists, that in their world it's just simply impossible for a black person to ever be "better" in any respect than them. Not even when a mountain of evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face. By definition, those "ignorant" white people are racists and if they're Trump supporters then so be it. It's not like it's a secret that this particular faction exists.

And to be clear I attended college in a small city in Florida where the racists there either were ignorant of the fact that it's inappropriate to use the n-word in the presence of a black person or they just didn't care. Whichever the case, they both are indications of the level of ignorance of which I was speaking because this occured multiple times in the workplace and no one thought anything of it, except apparently me. Not all of my co-workers were racists, not even most, but the ones that were (and their spouses) were blatently so even if they were too ignorant to realize it.

President Obama, contrary to your beliefs did do something which is the reason that we now have so much in-your-face racism, bigotry and animus - he brought people together and gave the nation hope for our future, which apparently infuriated the closet racists and rocked the status quo a little bit. But all the things he said in his Wisconsin speech today were absolutely the truth. I wish you'd listen to what he had to say but understand you're not going to listen to someone whom you don't care for. I wouldn't spend any time listening to Trump speak, I've already heard more than enough and have no patience for liars.

And by the way, I just saw a few days ago one of your responses to a conversation we were maybe a few months ago and I was surprised at your generosity. I was planning on responding but it's been a rough week. In any case I just wanted you to know that I hadn't read & ignored it, I just never saw it until recently.

I never thought Obama anyone together, I thought he did more to divide this nation. Insurance companies bad, doctors bad, bankers bad, whites bad, gun owners bad, religious people in the Midwest bad, police bad, rich people bad, Fox bad, GOP bad. I do not see Trump uniting anyone either, so I see the hate of left and right getting worse, America has no leaders or United’s that will step up.
Obama put more republicans in his cabinet than other president did for an opposing party...funny how that gets overlooked...

And I never seen Obama called republicans are evil like Trump does continuously..can you give me a quote of Obama saying as much?
Oh please. "Simply because he's a black man"?

no, because he's full of hot air. Eight years of Obama and the economy was absolute crap. I don't care that he's black; I care that he loved the sound of his own voice and did NOTHING.


I repeat.


I really resent that you think all Trump supporters are racist. But I'm used to it. It's tearing the nation apart but hey, easy come, easy go is the new attitude I guess. Civil War is...if not at hand, at hand for our children I guess. It is what it is.
I've never thought nor stated that "all" Trump supporters are racist just like I've never believed or stated that all white people are racist, that would be idiotic as well as untrue since I know better. I was however speaking of the "ignorant" individuals who believe that even when they don't have a pot to piss in, or have a criminal record, or are in fact proud racists, that in their world it's just simply impossible for a black person to ever be "better" in any respect than them. Not even when a mountain of evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face. By definition, those "ignorant" white people are racists and if they're Trump supporters then so be it. It's not like it's a secret that this particular faction exists.

And to be clear I attended college in a small city in Florida where the racists there either were ignorant of the fact that it's inappropriate to use the n-word in the presence of a black person or they just didn't care. Whichever the case, they both are indications of the level of ignorance of which I was speaking because this occured multiple times in the workplace and no one thought anything of it, except apparently me. Not all of my co-workers were racists, not even most, but the ones that were (and their spouses) were blatently so even if they were too ignorant to realize it.

President Obama, contrary to your beliefs did do something which is the reason that we now have so much in-your-face racism, bigotry and animus - he brought people together and gave the nation hope for our future, which apparently infuriated the closet racists and rocked the status quo a little bit. But all the things he said in his Wisconsin speech today were absolutely the truth. I wish you'd listen to what he had to say but understand you're not going to listen to someone whom you don't care for. I wouldn't spend any time listening to Trump speak, I've already heard more than enough and have no patience for liars.

And by the way, I just saw a few days ago one of your responses to a conversation we were maybe a few months ago and I was surprised at your generosity. I was planning on responding but it's been a rough week. In any case I just wanted you to know that I hadn't read & ignored it, I just never saw it until recently.

I'm sorry for your rough week. I think I have a compassionate and generous heart but I do not like injustice, and I rankle at it. It makes me both sweet and tough at the same time. If that makes sense. :)

President Obama did give the nation quite a boost in 2008...I understand that. I can't pretend to know what it's like to be black and finally have a black president. I imagine it's very powerful. I have no problem with a black president actually, and I'm guessing you believe me. One thing I always admired about the Obama's was their family ethic. He is clearly a devoted father and the Obama's have a long-standing marriage, and I think that's a fine example for all of us--I mean that sincerely.

But I think he's a bloviator, he talks more than he does. I do not, obviously, agree with his liberal ideology, and I was very leery of his stance toward apologizing for America, especially abroad. So you will see that I disagreed with him on policy, not that I hated him. Least of all for his race, which in my opinion is a really stupid reason to hate someone. People will do stupid things and I'm sorry you had to put up with that--and yes, no doubt some of them are Trump supporters. But not all. Not even most.
So you understand if you say he is a devoted family man, good father, etc -- when the bulk of Trump supporters call him gay or call his children fake or his wife a man -- they are essentially trying to attack a quality about him that they personally know is a good quality...So when I see them doing this, I call them out...

When folks say that Obama bloviates (but can never give me any quotes of him doing so) -- yet, they openly cheer for a man whom even his own supporters admit bloviates -- they excuse it because its "their guy" -- So I call them out on it when I see it...

And, first and foremost....When Obama took office, we were experiencing the worst recession in 70 yrs.....He didn't hand over a recession to fact, he handed over an economy so strong that Trump immediately started taking credit for it -- BEFORE he even got in office...

It's ok to disagree with Obama on policy matters -- but for some Trump supporters, that is not what they dislike him for -- which is why they make the racist stupid attacks against him...they don't know enough about the policies to form an opinion on them...

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