Watch: FBI ignored warnings about Clinton server


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WATCH: FBI ignored warnings about Clinton server | One America News Network
New evidence has emerged showing Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked and monitored by the Chinese. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington.

Can't even trust the deep state FBI fkrs. there are good ones inn there but far and few they hate this country just as bad it's a network of ANTI AMERICAN C...ts who despise this nation that's why you idiots are attacking anything TRUMP you stupid fkrs are so weak.
If Comey is not prosecuted we are living in a third world hell hole....2 levels of justice one for them and one for us.....and the dems celebrate...
WATCH: FBI ignored warnings about Clinton server | One America News Network
New evidence has emerged showing Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked and monitored by the Chinese. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington.
Can't even trust the deep state FBI fkrs. there are good ones inn there but far and few they hate this country just as bad it's a network of ANTI AMERICAN C...ts who despise this nation that's why you idiots are attacking anything TRUMP you stupid fkrs are so weak.

Not sure the surprise here. Clintons have been working with the Chinese for a quarter of century taking money from them in exchange for intelligence and other technology. Or have you never heard the names Charlie Ya Lin Trie and John Huang? Meantime, Hillary was operating her private server under the full radar of Obama. You don't pull this stuff without the knowledge of a lot of top people.

Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Meh. A few Intel people got rounded up and killed by the ChiComs. More "bumps in the road" to the New World Order.

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