Watch: Free Tommy Robinson rally at London parliament

Robinson is in fact a bigot and racist.

His detention is perfectly appropriate according the British law, having nothing to do with his being a bigot and racist – the notion that he’s a ‘political prisoner’ is a ridiculous lie.
Why is he in prison?

He is in prison because he reported on the Pakistani Gang Raping Paedophiles that the Cucked British Government allow to Groom and Rape for up to 16 years without doing anything because to do anything would be racist or whatever.

So Tommy Robinson reported on a case AFTER years of the British Government doing zero, finally the Kebab Gang Raping Paedophiles in one situation were in court, he reported on that AFTER the Cucked Judge did a Media Black Out, so he was put in prison he is a Political Prisoner. There was a massive thread on this, The Usual Suspects INSISTED there NEVER was a Media Black Out but read to the end of the below thread where you will see via a link and a Screen Shot of The Independent of London journalist Lizzie Dearden where SHE says there WAS a Media Black Out and SHE and a few other journalist filed a law suit against the Judge to get the Media Black Out Over Turned:

Report about activist Tommy Robinson's arrest are being scrubbed from the internet after the British
Watch: Free Tommy Robinson Rally at London Parliament
Supporters of activist Tommy Robinson are protesting in London to demand his release from jail over exposing Muslim grooming gangs............


HOpefully they get this guy free. He should in no way be jailed. They put him there to shut him up .

A Republican Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona who I have not heard of but he is speaking at this Tommy Robinson Rally in London today.

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S.

How strange. The BBC, along with the world’s networks, were in love with demonstrations yesterday. It was blanket coverage of every last incoherent banner in all corners of the kingdom. Strangely, they’ve missed this beautiful, patriotic demonstration in London today, in support of Tommy Robinson.


Not a word, not one peep. Not even on the BBC London News page. It’s as if the BBC has a political agenda.

Posted in ATW
Robinson is in fact a bigot and racist.

His detention is perfectly appropriate according the British law, having nothing to do with his being a bigot and racist – the notion that he’s a ‘political prisoner’ is a ridiculous lie.

The government will find secondary reasons to get him out of the way.
Robinson is in fact a bigot and racist.

His detention is perfectly appropriate according the British law, having nothing to do with his being a bigot and racist – the notion that he’s a ‘political prisoner’ is a ridiculous lie.
Robinson is neither a bigot, nor a racist. He was part founder of the EDL, which aside from drawing large numbers of like-minded, decent citizens, which included Indian Hindus, drew in some unsavory neo-Nazi types, so he dropped his involvement with the EDL, instead, working independently to continue bringing to light, the violence that is Islam and its followers, which by the way, per a PEW research poll estimates that about 320,000,000 Muslims, want you and other non-Muslims.....very dead, if not willing to convert.
Robinson is in fact a bigot and racist.

His detention is perfectly appropriate according the British law, having nothing to do with his being a bigot and racist – the notion that he’s a ‘political prisoner’ is a ridiculous lie.
Ah, yes.

Only a BIGOT and a RACIST opposes the rape of children.

That means, in order to avoid such accusations as yours, any right, proper regressive is required to support such child rape.

There are just no two ways about it.
Robinson is in fact a bigot and racist.

His detention is perfectly appropriate according the British law, having nothing to do with his being a bigot and racist – the notion that he’s a ‘political prisoner’ is a ridiculous lie.
Robinson is neither a bigot, nor a racist. He was part founder of the EDL, which aside from drawing large numbers of like-minded, decent citizens, which included Indian Hindus, drew in some unsavory neo-Nazi types, so he dropped his involvement with the EDL, instead, working independently to continue bringing to light, the violence that is Islam and its followers, which by the way, per a PEW research poll estimates that about 320,000,000 Muslims, want you and other non-Muslims.....very dead, if not willing to convert.

You need to know where Clayton is coming from, though. By indulging in these scurrilous accusations, he is hoping to intimidate people into silence who would otherwise oppose the rape of children.

The leftists in this forum play this game quite intentionally.

How strange. The BBC, along with the world’s networks, were in love with demonstrations yesterday. It was blanket coverage of every last incoherent banner in all corners of the kingdom. Strangely, they’ve missed this beautiful, patriotic demonstration in London today, in support of Tommy Robinson.


Not a word, not one peep. Not even on the BBC London News page. It’s as if the BBC has a political agenda.

Posted in ATW

I hear not anything also on the BBC World Service, Tommy T insists the BBC is Right Wing or is sympathetic to the Right Wing or whatever so of course he is incorrect but if he thinks the BBC are Right Wing this illustrates how Far Leftist Tommy T is.

He is good that gentleman Michael Black from Glasgow, you should Follow his YouTube he has many excellent broadcasts.

Also that European Patriots consider him on Our Team this also illustrates that we are NOT the racists because as you can see Michael Black is NOT a White man, we support AND accept ANY who share Our Philosophy regardless of skin colour.
So the question is. How can one who is live-streaming be in breach of peace? And, why such a severe penalty? Has England become Nazi?
So the question is. How can one who is live-streaming be in breach of peace? And, why such a severe penalty? Has England become Nazi?
It wasnt breach of the peace. It was contempt of court. He jeopardised a trial that involved multiple defendants.He had already been convicted of a similar offence and given a suspended sentence.

He pled guilty.

Fuck him.

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