Watch hi-LIAR-y do what she does best....LIE!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Most of the LWNJ's will not bother to watch this video- their puny brains cannot be bothered to pay attention to anything for more than a few seconds. They love sound bites, slogans, and sweet lies.

But if they did watch, they'd see hiLIARy flip, flop, twist, turn, and lie like the slithering snake she is....all in her own words!! How is this disgusting, sickly, incompetent slob not in prison?

Clinton derangement syndrome.

So you watched a 37 min video in 6 min? Just proves you to be nothing but a typical regressive puke propagandist. Now run along child, wild willie needs his dick sucked and I understand it's your turn.
The camera doesn't lie. Hillary clearly does. She lies when the truth would sound better. Her first reaction to every question is to lie. I don't know who is worse, Hillary or her philandering rapist husband.
The camera doesn't lie. Hillary clearly does. She lies when the truth would sound better. Her first reaction to every question is to lie. I don't know who is worse, Hillary or her philandering rapist husband.

Equal. Made for each other....they love crime together.

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