Watch how easy these Liberals sign to Repeal the FIRST amendment

Lying about the very definitions of words shows jsut how bankrupt you people are

We are a republic with democratically elected representatives.

It's not a difficult concept for most people to understand

If we were a democracy every law would be up for a popular vote.

Tell me would you really want the Civil Rights act to have been voted on by the populace?
But you would sign a petition to outlaw the first amendment?

why not?

the founders gave us the power in the system they constructed.

You see they set up a system that would work for humans and situations they could not forsee in the future.

They were really smart people
I cannot fathom wasting my time responding to an idiot like you..But....Here goes..
Those rights, sweetie pie, are not given by men. They are our God given rights from BIRTH.. They are not to be removed or abridged.
Quite a bit of hypocrisy rolling off your keyboard. You take no prisoners criticizing people and ideas YOU don't like. But when offered the opportunity to prevent public discourse contrary to your side, you believe the right to freedom of speech is no longer acceptable.
What a crock of shit.
Commentary such as yours is expected from a person with the mind of a child.

So you are saying that before the United States existed, people already had the rights enumerated in the U.S. Constitution?
They are born with rights. Yes.

See that's the difference between statists and the rest of us. Statists believe a person only exists via permission from the state.

The rest of us believe the state exists to protect the rights we're born with.
Look at all of you saying voters cant make the right decision.

exactly how would you all constitutiony right wing idiots deside our governments actions?
Its time for the American people to face the cold hard fact that the right in this country wants our democracy DEAD.

just like grover told them he wanted to do
Lying about the very definitions of words shows jsut how bankrupt you people are

We are a republic with democratically elected representatives.

It's not a difficult concept for most people to understand

If we were a democracy every law would be up for a popular vote.

Tell me would you really want the Civil Rights act to have been voted on by the populace?

and by the very definition of the word we are a democracy.

why do you people just keep LYING about this realtiy?
They hate democracy so much they refuse the very definition of the word to hate on it
what kind of brain dead idiots insults all voters and then expects to get their votes?
why not?

the founders gave us the power in the system they constructed.

You see they set up a system that would work for humans and situations they could not forsee in the future.

They were really smart people
I cannot fathom wasting my time responding to an idiot like you..But....Here goes..
Those rights, sweetie pie, are not given by men. They are our God given rights from BIRTH.. They are not to be removed or abridged.
Quite a bit of hypocrisy rolling off your keyboard. You take no prisoners criticizing people and ideas YOU don't like. But when offered the opportunity to prevent public discourse contrary to your side, you believe the right to freedom of speech is no longer acceptable.
What a crock of shit.
Commentary such as yours is expected from a person with the mind of a child.

So you are saying that before the United States existed, people already had the rights enumerated in the U.S. Constitution?

What part of God given from birth do you not understand?
It took these wise individuals forming a new nation to put these words to paper.
yes we already know you prefer kings ruling the people.

that makes you one loney fool

Hey stupid..last time... This is not a democracy. The USA is a representative republic.
Absolute democracy is tyranny.

Every dictionary and encyclopedia in the world disagrees with your lies

Lies? Stop making jokes.
Tell ya what....Let's do i this way..
You tell me what a democracy is. Then you will explain how our system of government functions under the US Constitution and requisite election laws and regulations.
Then explain the function of the three branches of the federal government.
Oh, use you OWN words. Do NOT copy and paste.
Your replies indicate you are very sure of yourself. Given that, this little test above should be no problem at all.
Oh...BTW I already know the answers. I paid attention in class and I do my OWN research.
why does the right hate Democracy?

Any sane person would grow to despise pure democracy.
Here's an example.
In downstate NY, there is a school district which has a large population of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews. The Jeish people do not use the public schools. Their kids go to special private religious schools. So their incentive is to keep taxes as low as possible. They being residents and property owners, have just as much right to vote as anyone else.
This is an example of pure democracy.
According to NYS law, all school budgets are to be put to the voters with the decision of the vote going 50%+1 as the deciding vote.
For the last 25 or so years, this school district has struggled with funding because the Jewish people vote as a bloc. They reject any above the rate of inflation increase in each year's school budget. So extra curricular activities have been cut as well as other expenses.
There are howls of protest from the parents who use the public schools. They want the school board to get the power to write the budget. However, the people of NY decided they wanted true democracy.
In order for this school district to be permitted to change the manner in which their budgets are approved, State Law and the state constitution would have to be changed.
The founders gave us a democracy you dumb brainwashed right wing clones
No they did not, they were held at gun point, and told this & that will be on the Bill of Rights along with your signatures, if you refuse to sign then your BRAIN will go on the contract in your signatures sted. :evil:
(This tough-guy nonsense make the Bill of Rights null and void)

They are born with rights. Yes.

See that's the difference between statists and the rest of us. Statists believe a person only exists via permission from the state.

The rest of us believe the state exists to protect the rights we're born with.
:eusa_hand: No............ the only rights you are born with is to provide your leaders with possession.

The tyranny of the armed registered voter will soon end, all dictatorships end sooner or later.
Look at all of you saying voters cant make the right decision.

exactly how would you all constitutiony right wing idiots deside our governments actions?

Sometimes they do make the right decision, but it's shear accident when they do. More commonly they make the wrong decision, and the results are catastrophic and irreversible.

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