WATCH Kamala Harris STRUGGLE to answer: "Should folks stand for the National Anthem?"


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And you will vote for this?

The horrifying thing about Harris is that, not only is she a far left-winger, she is also hopelessly stupid. I have tried to be charitable and give her the benefit of the doubt, but we have seen it over and over: she is as dumb as Joe Biden is senile. I tremble for our country if she wins the election, which she very well might.


Should folks stand for the National Anthem?​

Tough question. Almost as hard to answer as "what is a woman?"

The easy answer is: "I would hope so if they can, and have pride in their country as I do, knowing it is the shining city on the hill, the beacon of freedom for all others which is why so many come here!"

Instead, Kammy's answer was: "We are a nation of choices. Like the choice to stand proudly or give the finger to America, to stand for democracy or to try to ban people, censor people, or to shoot at presidents because you don't agree with their views." According to Kammy, that includes the freedom of shooting your teacher, stealing an election, or even running for president when you are not qualified by birth nor have even won a single primary vote from a single person in the last two elections.

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