Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel


BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolts and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

Israel and India both have a sizeable contingent of criminal vermin called Muslims. If there is a viable method of liquidating those pestiferous cockroaches, the social landscape shall surely improve.

How odd. How come the whole world calls the vermin in Israel "Zionist Jews"?[/QUOTEhttps://Redirect Notice
It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?
none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?
Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.
The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

your point? ask me at age six-----what were the names of the ships Columbus
used in 1492? and I would have said "the pinta, the nina and the Santa maria" So----some things are common knowledge. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ------well---pluto used to be a planet-----<<<< I knew that about age 8 ask a seven year old----when I was seven years old-------"what happened to the Armenians"--------in fact ask you when you were 12-----and you did not know that they were subjected to a genocide----but I knew at age seven-----because my mom told me--------it was a fact important to her. How old were you when you "KNEW" 'da joooos killed jesus'? five
or six????? how old were you when you "knew" 'da joooos own all the banks'? six or seven?
It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

your point? ask me at age six-----what were the names of the ships Columbus
used in 1492? and I would have said "the pinta, the nina and the Santa maria" So----some things are common knowledge. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ------well---pluto used to be a planet-----<<<< I knew that about age 8 ask a seven year old----when I was seven years old-------"what happened to the Armenians"--------in fact ask you when you were 12-----and you did not know that they were subjected to a genocide----but I knew at age seven-----because my mom told me--------it was a fact important to her. How old were you when you "KNEW" 'da joooos killed jesus'? five
or six????? how old were you when you "knew" 'da joooos own all the banks'? six or seven?

What makes us so susceptible and accepting of the most absurd lies of the jews is that we are programmed early in life to believe the premise that jews are a poor persecuted minority, and that jews are an especially holy people; "chosen" of God.

This technique of deception automatically disarms our faculties of critical reasoning and garners immediate sympathy and reverence. It's wonderful humor for jews when non-jews are so easily fooled.
you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

your point? ask me at age six-----what were the names of the ships Columbus
used in 1492? and I would have said "the pinta, the nina and the Santa maria" So----some things are common knowledge. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ------well---pluto used to be a planet-----<<<< I knew that about age 8 ask a seven year old----when I was seven years old-------"what happened to the Armenians"--------in fact ask you when you were 12-----and you did not know that they were subjected to a genocide----but I knew at age seven-----because my mom told me--------it was a fact important to her. How old were you when you "KNEW" 'da joooos killed jesus'? five
or six????? how old were you when you "knew" 'da joooos own all the banks'? six or seven?

What makes us so susceptible and accepting of the most absurd lies of the jews is that we are programmed early in life to believe the premise that jews are a poor persecuted minority, and that jews are an especially holy people; "chosen" of God.

This technique of deception automatically disarms our faculties of critical reasoning and garners immediate sympathy and reverence. It's wonderful humor for jews when non-jews are so easily fooled.

how interesting------how old were you when you "knew" that jews are a persecuted people------and the "chosen of god"? do you recall how this
"knowledge" got to you?? I am just another person-----I can look back
on my life and remember when I "knew" things--------and YOU??. The very
first time I heard the term "chosen people" -----it came from a neighbor------
I believe she was a Methodist----it was sunday------she walked into my mom's kitchen--------(easy---her yard was kinda connected) She had come home from
church-------and said to my mom----"you are so lucky to be one of the chosen
people" My mom said "chosen for what"? later I asked "what did she mean" My mom said----something she heard at church----"jews are the chosen
Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

your point? ask me at age six-----what were the names of the ships Columbus
used in 1492? and I would have said "the pinta, the nina and the Santa maria" So----some things are common knowledge. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ------well---pluto used to be a planet-----<<<< I knew that about age 8 ask a seven year old----when I was seven years old-------"what happened to the Armenians"--------in fact ask you when you were 12-----and you did not know that they were subjected to a genocide----but I knew at age seven-----because my mom told me--------it was a fact important to her. How old were you when you "KNEW" 'da joooos killed jesus'? five
or six????? how old were you when you "knew" 'da joooos own all the banks'? six or seven?

What makes us so susceptible and accepting of the most absurd lies of the jews is that we are programmed early in life to believe the premise that jews are a poor persecuted minority, and that jews are an especially holy people; "chosen" of God.

This technique of deception automatically disarms our faculties of critical reasoning and garners immediate sympathy and reverence. It's wonderful humor for jews when non-jews are so easily fooled.

how interesting------how old were you when you "knew" that jews are a persecuted people------and the "chosen of god"? do you recall how this
"knowledge" got to you?? I am just another person-----I can look back
on my life and remember when I "knew" things--------and YOU??. The very
first time I heard the term "chosen people" -----it came from a neighbor------
I believe she was a Methodist----it was sunday------she walked into my mom's kitchen--------(easy---her yard was kinda connected) She had come home from
church-------and said to my mom----"you are so lucky to be one of the chosen
people" My mom said "chosen for what"? later I asked "what did she mean" My mom said----something she heard at church----"jews are the chosen

Despite the biblical admonition to "Prove all things" (I Thes. 5:21), those Christians who have most fully assimilated this brainwashing face the moral dilemma of doubting what jews tell them as somehow going against God. Anyone who is so conditioned to accept things without proof has misplaced their faith in God for the jews and is at the mercy of their lies.
When the world gets this fucked up, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!

inn ^ | 7/23/15
US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
The key word here is "indirectly" meaning he certainly did not. A detail in the agreement where all members promised to coordinate defenses against nuclear facility attacks was spun as some kind of defense commitment — a silly allegation.

Republicans invent Kerry remarks on defending Iran from Israeli attack Veterans Today
your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

your point? ask me at age six-----what were the names of the ships Columbus
used in 1492? and I would have said "the pinta, the nina and the Santa maria" So----some things are common knowledge. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ------well---pluto used to be a planet-----<<<< I knew that about age 8 ask a seven year old----when I was seven years old-------"what happened to the Armenians"--------in fact ask you when you were 12-----and you did not know that they were subjected to a genocide----but I knew at age seven-----because my mom told me--------it was a fact important to her. How old were you when you "KNEW" 'da joooos killed jesus'? five
or six????? how old were you when you "knew" 'da joooos own all the banks'? six or seven?

What makes us so susceptible and accepting of the most absurd lies of the jews is that we are programmed early in life to believe the premise that jews are a poor persecuted minority, and that jews are an especially holy people; "chosen" of God.

This technique of deception automatically disarms our faculties of critical reasoning and garners immediate sympathy and reverence. It's wonderful humor for jews when non-jews are so easily fooled.

how interesting------how old were you when you "knew" that jews are a persecuted people------and the "chosen of god"? do you recall how this
"knowledge" got to you?? I am just another person-----I can look back
on my life and remember when I "knew" things--------and YOU??. The very
first time I heard the term "chosen people" -----it came from a neighbor------
I believe she was a Methodist----it was sunday------she walked into my mom's kitchen--------(easy---her yard was kinda connected) She had come home from
church-------and said to my mom----"you are so lucky to be one of the chosen
people" My mom said "chosen for what"? later I asked "what did she mean" My mom said----something she heard at church----"jews are the chosen

Despite the biblical admonition to "Prove all things" (I Thes. 5:21), those Christians who have most fully assimilated this brainwashing face the moral dilemma of doubting what jews tell them as somehow going against God. Anyone who is so conditioned to accept things without proof has misplaced their faith in God for the jews and is at the mercy of their lies.

oh------your very own priests and church ministers have brainwashed you------gee----I am very sorry to hear that-------did anyone other than adolf ever tell you THE TRUTH?
Why are people afraid of the facts about Jews?

Many people will rail against communism, but they don't like to hear that it was a Jewish movement.

No: it was an atheistic secular movement. Do keep up, asswipe!!!

Of course, you're right!...LOLOLOL

Kerry: Israel Will Be ‘Blamed’ If Congress Rejects Iran Deal (blame the Jews)

The Washington Free Beacon ^ | 24 July 2015 | Adam Kredo
Former Israeli ambassador Oren slams Kerry comments Secretary of State John Kerry is under fire from Israeli officials for claiming on Friday that the Jewish state will be blamed if Congress rejects the recently announced Iranian nuclear deal. Kerry’s comments came during remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations. Analysts and experts on social media were quick to label the comments inappropriate. “I fear that what could happen is if Congress were to overturn it, our friends Israel could actually wind up being more isolated and more blamed,” Kerry said. Michael Oren, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel who recently...
  • Kerry Warns Israel: Strike on Iran Would Be ‘Enormous Mistake’

    INN ^ | 7/24/2015, 3:00 PM | Ari Yashar
    Less than a day after indicating in a Senate hearing that the Iran nuclear deal would have the US defend Iran from Israel, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Israel on Friday that a unilateral strike on Iran’s covert nuclear program would be a “huge mistake.” Appearing on the NBC “Today” TV show, Kerry was asked if the Iran nuclear deal sealed last Tuesday would make it more likely that Israel will either physically strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, or else launch a cyber attack against them. “That’d be an enormous mistake, a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel...
  • Kerry: Any action by Israel would provide justification for Iran’s pursuit of nukes (Video)

    Hot Air ^ | 12:01 pm | Ed Morrissey
    Secretary of State John Kerry sat down with Matt Lauer for an interview on Today earlier, defending the deal with Iran — and telling Israel to cool their jets, almost literally. In doing so, Kerry managed to turn Israel into the aggressor and Iran into a passive actor who might somehow decide they need a bomb only if Israel attacked them. It’s a strange reversal, and one that confirms the impression that the Obama administration has become the lawyers for the mullahs (via Jeff Dunetz): Lauer points out to Kerry that opposition to the Iran deal encompasses practically the whole...
  • Iran Nuclear Deal's Shortcomings Coming to Light ^ | July 24, 2015 | John Burger
    It almost sounds like Nancy Pelosi’s famous line, “We have to pass the bill first before we know what’s in the bill.” Some members of Congress are protesting that two secret “annexes” to the Iran nuclear accord are being withheld from them before they sign off on the overall agreement.
  • Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel

    inn ^ | 7/23/15 | Ari Yashar
    US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
  • John Kerry Lectures Congress: If You Don't Approve This Deal,

    Rush ^ | July 23, 2015 | Rush Limbaugh
    RUSH: Secretary of state John Kerry (who proudly served in Vietnam) is testifying before a Senate committee about the Iran deal, and I watched a little bit of it. I guess I'm getting cynical as I get older. I really thought in part, when I look at the witnesses look at Kerry and the people sitting next to him up there, I literally think I'm back watching the cantina scene in Star Wars. And then I watch the questions that Rubio is asking, even Bob Menendez is asking, and the people with John Kerry, they just appear clueless in terms...
  • Kerry calls talk of better Iran deal a ‘fantasy’

    Associated Press ^ | Jul 23, 2015 4:00 PM EDT | David Espo and Deb Riechmann
    Countering Republican criticism, Secretary of State John Kerry declared Thursday it is “fantasy plain and simple” to claim that President Barack Obama failed to insist on enough restraints on Iran’s nuclear program before agreeing to lift economic sanctions long in place. “So what’s your plan? … Totally go to war?” he challenged lawmakers who want to torpedo the deal. Republicans were unpersuaded—and said so—at an occasionally contentious Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing that marked the opening of a new phase in the administration’s drive to prevent Congress from undermining the accord. “You guys have been bamboozled,” said Sen. Jim Risch,...
  • Wait a sec: UN inspectors will be forced to rely on samples provided by … Iran?

    Hot Air ^ | July 23, 2015 | ALLAHPUNDIT
    This can’t be true, can it? Most interesting news of #Iran hearing: IAEA will have to rely on #Iran to take samples at Parchin and other sites for its PMD investigation— Jackson Diehl (@JacksonDiehl) July 23, 2015
  • Kerry ‘Nobody Has Ever Talked About Dismantling’ Iran’s Nukes, in 2013 Dismantlement ‘Whole Point’

    Washington Free Beacon ^ | Jul 23, 2015 | Andrew Kugle
    During Thursday’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Iran nuclear agreement, Secretary of State John Kerry said the goal of the negotiations was never to dismantle Iran’s entire nuclear program but rather to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons, despite saying in 2013 the “whole point” of sanctions was to get Iran to “dismantle its nuclear program.”
  • Kerry: critics of Iran deal spinning 'fantasy,' urges approval (Mega gag alert!)

    Yahoo News ^ | 07/23/15 | By Patricia Zengerle and Matt Spetalnick
    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday mounted a furious counterattack against critics of the Iran nuclear deal, telling skeptical lawmakers it would be fantasy to think the United States could simply "bomb away" Tehran's atomic know-how. Testifying before Congress for the first time since world powers reached the landmark accord with Iran last week, America's top diplomat was confronted head-on by Republican accusations that Iranian negotiators had “fleeced” and "bamboozled" him.
  • Iran vows to buy weapons 'whenever possible,' sell to 'whomever' [tr]

    Daily Mail ^ | 7/23/15 | Hall
    In the latest embarrassing blow to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who presided over the talks in Vienna, Abbas Araghchi insisted that Iran would refuse to be shackled by nuclear deal. According to the CIA's Open Source Center, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister has told state television that that he'd insisted the deal continued to allow Iran to 'buy weapons from wherever possible' as well as to 'provide weapons to whomever and whenever it considers appropriate'. Araghchi's worrying claims come just one day after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's highest religious authority, told supporters that nuclear deal would not change Iran's...

You were spewing?
The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

Until the average Joe Sixpack experiences the jew touching his life with adversity, he will not believe it. Say it ain't true Hymie!

Americans think the way they do and believe what they believe because they're the most lied-to people on the planet. Who, in their right mind, thinks they're getting the truth after jewish media-masters twist, skew and spin current events? Isn't that the point?

your only source of reality is that which JOOOOOS tell you? don't you have neighbors? relatives? ------church ministers? You do not have access to
any WRITINGS by your fellow Christians? ----is anyone other than you in your social circle or community at all literate? sober? conscious? do you have
"senses" of your own? sight? hearing? touch? that could possibly allow information to reach your brain other than that which JOOOOOS tell you?

If "They received not the love of the truth… for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (II Thes. 2:10-11).

We need to get our minds right with God, not jews. We've been sold a bill of goods.

Ask a schoolchild or your neighbor how many Americans or Frenchmen died in WWII and you'll get the deer-in-the-headlights look. But ask them how many jews died and you'll get the magic number of 6 million from even the dullest of minds.

Crikey you're a moron, IP. Do fvck off!!

When the world gets this fucked up, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!

inn ^ | 7/23/15
US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
The key word here is "indirectly" meaning he certainly did not. A detail in the agreement where all members promised to coordinate defenses against nuclear facility attacks was spun as some kind of defense commitment — a silly allegation.

Republicans invent Kerry remarks on defending Iran from Israeli attack Veterans Today

The simple fact is that Kerry is a Traitor to the US, having met with the enemies of the United States, in a foreign country and returned to the US with the enemies plan to undermine the US war effort and subsequently executing that plan. He should have been charged, tried, convicted and executed of treason at that time.

So, it follows that Kerry is again working for the enemies of the US and the evidence is that that is what he has done and is doing.

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