Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel

Nah troll, just a Chicago guy who lives in South Carolina now, but I have been fucking up you paid trolls on here for 20 years..

Admit it you are a paid troll.
I think it is you that is the paid troll and you are projecting as all ZioShills do.


We know what bibzy's jihad is. What's yours?

Accusing me of being what you so obviously are?
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would have never heard of the Kol Nidre prayer. gee bobby------you seem to be getting a "kick" out of parroting the classic OLD TIME RELIGION----la la la la ~~~~ give me that old time religion---it's good enough for me..........<<popular klan hymn Tell us more about that VIOLIN------I am
intrigued For the good people out there in cyberspace----the Kol Nidre prayer is often
played on a violin---------because it is a sublime melody------but never on yom kippur eve. Poor bobby is confused by the plethora of jews who play the violin
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Why are people afraid of the facts about Jews?

Many people will rail against communism, but they don't like to hear that it was a Jewish movement.
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.
Let me guess boooooby

You got raped by her when you a few years ago

Damn she is good

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolts and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

Israel and India both have a sizeable contingent of criminal vermin called Muslims. If there is a viable method of liquidating those pestiferous cockroaches, the social landscape shall surely improve.
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolts and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

Israel and India both have a sizeable contingent of criminal vermin called Muslims. If there is a viable method of liquidating those pestiferous cockroaches, the social landscape shall surely improve.

How odd. How come the whole world calls the vermin in Israel "Zionist Jews"?
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolts and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

Israel and India both have a sizeable contingent of criminal vermin called Muslims. If there is a viable method of liquidating those pestiferous cockroaches, the social landscape shall surely improve.

How odd. How come the whole world calls the vermin in Israel "Zionist Jews"?

By whole world you mean Muslims and far-right fascists?

You need to get over your envy of the Juden, altar boy. Jews rule over you Christians with an iron fist and there is absolutely nothing you can do aside from grovel in front of them and cry foul on an internet forum. LOL.
All you are doing Bobby Brady is posting propaganda, dumb fuck

the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolts and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

Israel and India both have a sizeable contingent of criminal vermin called Muslims. If there is a viable method of liquidating those pestiferous cockroaches, the social landscape shall surely improve.

How odd. How come the whole world calls the vermin in Israel "Zionist Jews"?

By whole world you mean Muslims and far-right fascists?

You need to get over your envy of the Juden, altar boy. Jews rule over you Christians with an iron fist and there is absolutely nothing you can do aside from grovel in front of them and cry foul on an internet forum. LOL.

Thank you for your candid admission of being an eltist supremacist/
the islamo Nazis-----are so easily identifiable-----they have been repeating the same old shit for centuries. If not for islamo Nazi shit websites----and its literature---bobby would never had heard of the Kol Nidre prayer

It is easy enough to prove the duplicity of jews, who changed the truth of God into a lie.

The Word says, "Ye shall not… lie" (Lev. 19:11). God hates "A false witness that speaketh lies" (Prov. 6:19). "Lying lips are abomination" (Prov. 12:22).

Whereas, the Babylonian Talmud says, "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian… The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians" Baba Kama 113a, b; "Jews must always try to deceive Christians" Kohar 1 160a; "It is not permitted to imitate the customs of the Akum (Christians) nor act like them" Iore Dea 178, 1; "God rewards clever liars" Kallah 51a.

none of bobby's quotations exist in the Talmud------the word AKUM has nothing to do with
"Christians" He gets this shit from islamo Nazi websites -----traditional islamo Nazi shit.
Bobby was never in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----In fact the term "Christians" does not exist in the Talmud.... not in any language. ----there are proscriptions on imitating
the behavior of filth like bobby. If not for islamo Nazi websites and other forms of their "literature" bobby would have never known the word "Talmud"

Did you know that Superman comic books were created by jews to counter the rise of those evil “Nazis”?

Because everybody knows Hitler was the author of the "Big Lie".

The jews needed a fictional hero, because they didn't have the credibility in real life to be a hero themselves.

This is the truth of how jews lie.

Most educated Americans think they're sophisticated enough to distinguish jewish propaganda lies from the truth.

The jews told us Hitler said, "Tell people big lies often enough and they'll believe it." We've heard this propaganda a million times, right?

What we haven't been told is what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. In fact, the opposite of what jews said was true. Far from advocating the use of the "Big Lie", Hitler had warned his people that the jews use this "Big Lie" technique, and that the German people should be cautious in accepting the word of a jew.

The superman story was created by a jew-------bobby got that right------it had nothing to do with bobby's fellow Nazis. Superman was created as a hero who
countered evils such as bobby. An interesting factoid about superman is his
baby name "Kael" it is formed like the Hebrew names of angels-------
--note the "el" part. The angel Mikael is simply a longer form of the same
name it means "who is like God" -----Kael means "like God" -----ie something
GOOD ---aka not bobby

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall and daring to blame somebody else of what you yourself are guilty of. The great mass of White Christians more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since we fudge in the little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.

Our people don't have what it takes to promote the enormity of falsehoods on a grand scale. But jews are born and raised with a notorious effrontery and are thus the great masters of deceit. The sheer magnitude of their lies transcends comprehension of which they make the most treacherous use of.

you have done well, bobby-----you have managed to overcome Sid Ceasar's
(a jew) talent for DOUBLE TALK. Of course, he was a comedian. You,
seem not to grasp the fact ------that you are "comical" too----more like a

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