Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel

QUOTE from irosie91:
try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, fewer than 30,000 Jews remain in Iran, down from a historic peak of 100,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Try again yourself, Herr Kol Nidre hasbarat.

We're not doing Kol Nidre right now, you ignorant oaf. Don't you know anything?

Zio Nazi hasbarats ALWAYS do Kol Nidre.

Two things are always consistent with you guys. Kol Nidre and the law of Moserim.

QUOTE from irosie91:
try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, fewer than 30,000 Jews remain in Iran, down from a historic peak of 100,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Try again yourself, Herr Kol Nidre hasbarat.

We're not doing Kol Nidre right now, you ignorant oaf. Don't you know anything?

Zio Nazi hasbarats ALWAYS do Kol Nidre.

Two things are always consistent with you guys. Kol Nidre and the law of Moserim.


Have you always been a dimwit?
QUOTE from irosie91:
try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, fewer than 30,000 Jews remain in Iran, down from a historic peak of 100,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Try again yourself, Herr Kol Nidre hasbarat.

We're not doing Kol Nidre right now, you ignorant oaf. Don't you know anything?

Zio Nazi hasbarats ALWAYS do Kol Nidre.

Two things are always consistent with you guys. Kol Nidre and the law of Moserim.


Have you always been a dimwit?

Have you always projected your failings onto others?
QUOTE from irosie91:
try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, fewer than 30,000 Jews remain in Iran, down from a historic peak of 100,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Try again yourself, Herr Kol Nidre hasbarat.

We're not doing Kol Nidre right now, you ignorant oaf. Don't you know anything?

Zio Nazi hasbarats ALWAYS do Kol Nidre.

Two things are always consistent with you guys. Kol Nidre and the law of Moserim.


Have you always been a dimwit?

Have you always projected your failings onto others?

That won't work either.
New poll: U.S. Jews support Iran deal, despite misgivings


The LA Jewish Journal Survey found that 49% of American Jews support the Iranian nuclear deal. Information from LA Jewish Journal Survey – July 16-20, 2015.

New poll U.S. Jews support Iran deal despite misgivings Nation Jewish Journal

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the zionists who AREN'T supporting the Iran deal AREN'T U.S. Jews.

Well, well, well. the Israeli propaganda machine here came on full press against this article. Love to see them scramble the eggs in their head which never come out right because they've been "Hard boiled" so long they've atrophied. ANY and ALL criticism brings them out. J street is not to be believed. Polls are not to be believed,. Jews in Iran are not to b e believed.

The ONLY people to be believed are the Israeli right wing propaganda machine or you are "anti-Semitic!"

Hmmm that doesn't work any more so then you are, "Anti-Jew!"

That's losing its grip, so all that's left are insults. Poor old propagandists. They have been in denial so long they actually believe the lies they make up. Too bad because when you ignore reality it tends to kick you in the pants and the longer you deny, the harder the kick back. Iran picked a moderate. Israel picked a war hawk. Israel wants us to make war again. Iran wants to make treaties with us. Israel demands more money form us. Iran demands respect from us. You know, the more I thin about all this, the more I like Iran. Maybe Iran would make a better ally than Israel.....

Something to think about. If you still can think.
This is treason. Iran is an enemy state which has waged proxy wars against the U.S. for well over a decade now.

This is even more insane than the U.S. striking Iran on Israel's behalf. Let the Juden and the Aryan Farsis duke it out and keep American lives out of this entanglement.
QUOTE from irosie91:
try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, fewer than 30,000 Jews remain in Iran, down from a historic peak of 100,000 prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Try again yourself, Herr Kol Nidre hasbarat.

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolescents and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolescents and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.

Oh gee------try something new-----the OLD KOL NIDRE libel is something like more than 400 years old-------as logical as your blood libels-----how old was the old inebriated bitch who told you about it? You like to hang little black kids for winking at your white sluts too?

libel, huh? LOL

Are you claiming you don't sing the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies you tell to Gentiles for the following year?

Just like all the REST of the Zio Nazis?

KOL NIDRE has nothing to do with "lies to gentiles" just as the ten year old black kids your filthy kin hanged had no desire to rape your white slut bitches .

the word GENTILE does not even show up in the entire prayer-------once. you still selling your bitches in the gutter?
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.

Oh gee------try something new-----the OLD KOL NIDRE libel is something like more than 400 years old-------as logical as your blood libels-----how old was the old inebriated bitch who told you about it? You like to hang little black kids for winking at your white sluts too?

libel, huh? LOL

Are you claiming you don't sing the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies you tell to Gentiles for the following year?

Just like all the REST of the Zio Nazis?

KOL NIDRE has nothing to do with "lies to gentiles" just as the ten year old black kids your filthy kin hanged had no desire to rape your white slut bitches .

the word GENTILE does not even show up in the entire prayer-------once. you still selling your bitches in the gutter?


BTW----jews were fleeing Iran LONG before 1979 --so your HISTORIC PEAK of 100,000 is nonsense. I was a teen in the mid 1960s-----when Iranian parents were shipping their children out of Iran as FAST AS THEY COULD-----thus I encountered them at that time-----they came without their parents who tried to save their lands and stuff from confiscation-----which took place later when the AYOTOILETS grabbed power. -------In fact years before 1979----one of my MUSLIM IRANIAN FRIENDS------a colleague------showed me a picture of his Iranian muslim family One of his many brothers was seated on the ground---
in white robes looking a bit distracted. The rest of the family looked normal.
I asked "what's with him"?-------"FANATIC"---said the young doc. "there are lots of FANATICS in Iran now" -----that was about 1970-----lots of Jewish Iranians
had reached my part of the US by then-----lots and lots---young adolescents and
young men and women----PARENTS still back there holding onto their
lands and houses. so now you know ------but you will continue your islamo Nazi party-line

Using the "I was there" gambit, I see. Just like your uncle/Grandfather was at Auschwitz and "saw" the gas chambers, right Moshe?

On the “Stability and Social Cohesion” indicator:

“Here Israel ranks at the bottom of the list in all indicators. The turnover in governments is more frequent than in other democracies, and only India ranks lower in social tensions and rifts between the various segments of society.

“If we look at developments in Israel over the last decade, we note deterioration in many indicators of Israeli democracy while in others there has been no improvement. For example, there has been a decrease in participation in elections, corruption has increased, freedom of the press is on the decline, the number of prisoners has gone up, and the inequality in wages is worsening.

where do you see an "I WAS THERE" in my post, islamo Nazi dog?. My grandfather did not die in Auschwitz-----you fellow scum killed his brothers
there. --------and his nieces and the wives of his brothers -------you are shit. and typical of your ilk-----a shit mouthed liar. I do know that your sluts giggled when your kin grabbed my mom's little girl cousins by the ankles and smashed their heads against a stone wall. ----------
Piece of shit ------are you still shy about the dung heap from which you were spawned?
In jewish synagogues transpires one of the most amazing and disgusting liturgies in the name of religion that most Christians are blissfully oblivious to. It's called the Kol Nidre. It's popularly regarded by jews as the most holy and solemn occasion of the jewish year, on the eve of Yom Kippur, attended even by great numbers of jews who are otherwise far from religion.

The Kol Nidre is a chanting prayer, recited several times, and also sung by the cantor (jewish singer) accompanied with a violin, by which all vows made in the following year are declared, in advance, to be null and void. It goes like this: "All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for in happiness) we repent, aforementioned, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths."
QUOTE from irosie91:
where do you see an "I WAS THERE" in my post, islamo Nazi dog?. My grandfather did not die in Auschwitz-----you fellow scum killed his brothers
there. --------and his nieces and the wives of his brothers -------you are shit. and typical of your ilk-----a shit mouthed liar. I do know that your sluts giggled when your kin grabbed my mom's little girl cousins by the ankles and smashed their heads against a stone wall. ----------

The Kol Nidre is a holy advance notice, given behind closed doors that no promise whatsoever shall be binding; and above and beyond that is not to be trusted because it was violated before it was ever made. A Christian's word is expected to be as good as his bond; however a jew makes provision to drop below that level of morality. In fact, within the framework of the Zionist influenced U.S. government, there is a foreign and domestic policy to dishonor any agreement when it becomes disadvantageous to jews. This has been typified in broken treaties as the Kol Nidre mentality anticipates a futuristic perspective of deliberate deceptions.

Can any person or people with this kind of mentality be trusted? It's this kind of mindset that gives cause for normal decent people to hate jews down through the centuries. Has this license to lie, which is glorified in a holy ritual every year, ever been renounced by any jewish group? Why should vows be annulled at all by the jews? Why not just lie and go about their crimes? Well obviously, it goes back to Babylon and their need to do things in the name of religion.
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.

Oh gee------try something new-----the OLD KOL NIDRE libel is something like more than 400 years old-------as logical as your blood libels-----how old was the old inebriated bitch who told you about it? You like to hang little black kids for winking at your white sluts too?

libel, huh? LOL

Are you claiming you don't sing the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies you tell to Gentiles for the following year?

Just like all the REST of the Zio Nazis?

KOL NIDRE has nothing to do with "lies to gentiles" just as the ten year old black kids your filthy kin hanged had no desire to rape your white slut bitches .

the word GENTILE does not even show up in the entire prayer-------once. you still selling your bitches in the gutter?

So how much they pay you troll?

No fucking dumb ass is on here for 9 hrs straight defending Iran if they were not paid to troll.
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.

Oh gee------try something new-----the OLD KOL NIDRE libel is something like more than 400 years old-------as logical as your blood libels-----how old was the old inebriated bitch who told you about it? You like to hang little black kids for winking at your white sluts too?

libel, huh? LOL

Are you claiming you don't sing the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies you tell to Gentiles for the following year?

Just like all the REST of the Zio Nazis?

KOL NIDRE has nothing to do with "lies to gentiles" just as the ten year old black kids your filthy kin hanged had no desire to rape your white slut bitches .

the word GENTILE does not even show up in the entire prayer-------once. you still selling your bitches in the gutter?

So how much they pay you troll?

No fucking dumb ass is on here for 9 hrs straight defending Iran if they were not paid to troll.

Project much?

9 straight hours, huh?

Ever consider this website is just ONE tab that is open on my PC? lmao

Nah, why use logic when slander comes more naturally to you?

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