Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel

Looks like somebody is uncomfy with me posting facts that can't be refuted so he wants to hijack/disrupt/derail the thread instead.

How jewish.
Leader Of Iran’s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu ‘Delusional’ Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews pray in Hebrew during a gathering of Iran’s Jewish community. Hundreds of Iranians including university students and members of the country’s Jewish community rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic’s disputed nuclear program in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. (Image too large to post)

Haroun Yashayaei, leader of Iran’s Jewish community, took to the local media to strongly criticize the Israeli leader and voice his support for the Iran deal.

The opinion piece, titled “Your Time Is Over, Mr. Netanyahu,” was originally published in Iran’s Shargh Daily shortly after the nuclear deal was announced and appeared last Thursday in an English translation on Yashayaei, who is chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee, was blunt about his views on Netanyahu:

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews DESPISE Bibzy Satanyahoo. Gee, I wonder why none of the hasbara agents and the shabbos goys are ever willing to discuss that?

FFS: Stalinist Tactics as gotta love the Totaliarian purveyors of filth!! It worked in the fifties and sixties.......why not now??

For those who never met Iranian jews-------they are VERY IRANIAN with a twist-----
Iranians are convinced that they are the BESTEST OF THE BEST------the best muslims are IRANIAN MUSLIMS-----muslims on either side---ie in Pakistan or the Levant-----are "yuck" Iranian jews----if you ask them----are the BESTEST OF THE BEST Jews in the world too. It's all kinda cute.
Bobby ----those are the jews still living in Iran-------I have socialized with Iranian jews since the 1960s when they first started sending their kids OUTTA there---because the stink of islamicism was in the air. More than 90% of the jews of Iran have fled----
more than necessary to satisfy the accepted definition of GENOCIDE. I even have
an Iranian jewish relative (by marriage) --------keep in mind IRAN where criticism of either ISLAM or the AYATOILETS is a capital crime

How odd and here I thought the numbers of Iranian Jews was about the same since the 60's. Around 27,000 Jews.

Although I'm sure ziopedia ... er ah ... wikipedia and you would disagree with me.

I've known some Iranian Jews myself. They're great people. Totally unlike the Zio Nazis in Israel.

For one thing, Iranian Jews are actually Semites/Semitics unlike the Zio Nazi fakes in Israel.
Leader Of Iran’s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu ‘Delusional’ Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews pray in Hebrew during a gathering of Iran’s Jewish community. Hundreds of Iranians including university students and members of the country’s Jewish community rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic’s disputed nuclear program in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. (Image too large to post)

Haroun Yashayaei, leader of Iran’s Jewish community, took to the local media to strongly criticize the Israeli leader and voice his support for the Iran deal.

The opinion piece, titled “Your Time Is Over, Mr. Netanyahu,” was originally published in Iran’s Shargh Daily shortly after the nuclear deal was announced and appeared last Thursday in an English translation on Yashayaei, who is chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee, was blunt about his views on Netanyahu:

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews DESPISE Bibzy Satanyahoo. Gee, I wonder why none of the hasbara agents and the shabbos goys are ever willing to discuss that?

That is probably because those particular Iranian Jews only have concerns for their own community and well being and far less care for the security and good of Israel. Or perhaps they do not subscribe to any newspapers.

For your indefensible positions you are already running out of ideas.
For those who never met Iranian jews-------they are VERY IRANIAN with a twist-----
Iranians are convinced that they are the BESTEST OF THE BEST------the best muslims are IRANIAN MUSLIMS-----muslims on either side---ie in Pakistan or the Levant-----are "yuck" Iranian jews----if you ask them----are the BESTEST OF THE BEST Jews in the world too. It's all kinda cute.

I talked to some Iranian expats in London some years ago. Nice people...not loony at all. I was at one of those "anti-cartoon" rallies. Very interesting indeed.

Leader Of Iran’s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu ‘Delusional’ Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews pray in Hebrew during a gathering of Iran’s Jewish community. Hundreds of Iranians including university students and members of the country’s Jewish community rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic’s disputed nuclear program in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. (Image too large to post)

Haroun Yashayaei, leader of Iran’s Jewish community, took to the local media to strongly criticize the Israeli leader and voice his support for the Iran deal.

The opinion piece, titled “Your Time Is Over, Mr. Netanyahu,” was originally published in Iran’s Shargh Daily shortly after the nuclear deal was announced and appeared last Thursday in an English translation on Yashayaei, who is chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee, was blunt about his views on Netanyahu:

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews DESPISE Bibzy Satanyahoo. Gee, I wonder why none of the hasbara agents and the shabbos goys are ever willing to discuss that?

That is probably because those particular Iranian Jews only have concerns for their own community and well being and far less care for the security and good of Israel. Or perhaps they do not subscribe to any newspapers.

For your indefensible positions you are already running out of ideas.

Just a Totalitarian tactic......he "represents" the state...nothing about the Jewish Community at all!! As Rosie said; most have left.

Bobby ----those are the jews still living in Iran-------I have socialized with Iranian jews since the 1960s when they first started sending their kids OUTTA there---because the stink of islamicism was in the air. More than 90% of the jews of Iran have fled----
more than necessary to satisfy the accepted definition of GENOCIDE. I even have
an Iranian jewish relative (by marriage) --------keep in mind IRAN where criticism of either ISLAM or the AYATOILETS is a capital crime

How odd and here I thought the numbers of Iranian Jews was about the same since the 60's. Around 27,000 Jews.

Although I'm sure ziopedia ... er ah ... wikipedia and you would disagree with me.

I've known some Iranian Jews myself. They're great people. Totally unlike the Zio Nazis in Israel.

For one thing, Iranian Jews are actually Semites/Semitics unlike the Zio Nazi fakes in Israel.

try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.
Bobby ----those are the jews still living in Iran-------I have socialized with Iranian jews since the 1960s when they first started sending their kids OUTTA there---because the stink of islamicism was in the air. More than 90% of the jews of Iran have fled----
more than necessary to satisfy the accepted definition of GENOCIDE. I even have
an Iranian jewish relative (by marriage) --------keep in mind IRAN where criticism of either ISLAM or the AYATOILETS is a capital crime

How odd and here I thought the numbers of Iranian Jews was about the same since the 60's. Around 27,000 Jews.

Although I'm sure ziopedia ... er ah ... wikipedia and you would disagree with me.

I've known some Iranian Jews myself. They're great people. Totally unlike the Zio Nazis in Israel.

For one thing, Iranian Jews are actually Semites/Semitics unlike the Zio Nazi fakes in Israel.

try again-----the number of jews in Iran before 1960 approached 200,000---wiki is not a source-----the number now is more like under 20,000 and people are still
escaping. Iranian jews are simply jews from Iran------who got there via BABYLON------during the Babylonian captivity -----genetically linked to the rest of the jews in the world ---------including the jews of Europe. Having lived there for some 2500 years -----in order to get out they must leave with just the clothes on their backs-------which is why almost 20,000 are still there. They seem to be attached to their cemetaries and shrines ------etc-------which will not survive them.
They also speak English with that UNMISTAKABLE farsi twang. I should add they are also attached to Iranian cuisine----which I do admit ----is ELEGANT

Link? Source?

Guess what? Hot air isn't a source or a link.
For those who never met Iranian jews-------they are VERY IRANIAN with a twist-----
Iranians are convinced that they are the BESTEST OF THE BEST------the best muslims are IRANIAN MUSLIMS-----muslims on either side---ie in Pakistan or the Levant-----are "yuck" Iranian jews----if you ask them----are the BESTEST OF THE BEST Jews in the world too. It's all kinda cute.

I talked to some Iranian expats in London some years ago. Nice people...not loony at all. I was at one of those "anti-cartoon" rallies. Very interesting indeed.


so? did anyone here say Iranians are "loony"-----when I first encountered Iranians-----I found them the LEAST loony of all muslims. My good muslim friends use to fly home on EL AL things went south ------in 1979 when the
idiots out in the sticks voted the AYATOILETS into power. If matters had been left in the hands of the people of TEHERAN-------the ayatoilets would never have transformed Iran into a shariah shit hole
One thing we can ALWAYS count on with hasbara agents and shabbos goys.

They LIE for Israel 24/7/365

Everyone should look up KOL NIDRE to better understand this compulsive, pathological tradition of lying to Christian Gentiles.

Oh gee------try something new-----the OLD KOL NIDRE libel is something like more than 400 years old-------as logical as your blood libels-----how old was the old inebriated bitch who told you about it? You like to hang little black kids for winking at your white sluts too?

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