Watch: Kerry Indicates US Will Defend Iran from Israel

Illegal acts of war against a sovereign nation should be defended against.

As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has a right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Israel does not have the right to prevent that through acts of war and sabotage.

The treaty is a path to lasting peace. Rejecting the treaty is a path to continued war.

Americans in Congress should support the American administration's efforts to peace above foreign nations' warmongering.
Kerry knows 87% of America knows Israel did 911 and wants vengeance for what the Israelis did to America on September 11, 2001.

"The freaks come out at night ..."
The freaks are in Israel.

Go spew your hate somewhere else.
Permanent Ignore.
I just removed three piles of garbage.
Now I really need a hot shower.
Kerry knows 87% of America knows Israel did 911 and wants vengeance for what the Israelis did to America on September 11, 2001.

"The freaks come out at night ..."
The freaks are in Israel.


Don't let the facts on the ground deter you. Don't let the last 100 years of history deter you. Don't let the fact Israel has been inexplicably tolerant of all their enemies since the 40's. Tolerant where they could have wiped them off the planet in all 5 wars but they are not evil like their Arab adversaries. They are tolerant because so is their G-d. They are not full of lies to advance their inhumane designs as are the radical Islamic clerics and cells.

So you counter with a quote. Wow. You have a strong case.
Illegal acts of war against a sovereign nation should be defended against.

As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has a right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Israel does not have the right to prevent that through acts of war and sabotage.

The treaty is a path to lasting peace. Rejecting the treaty is a path to continued war.

Americans in Congress should support the American administration's efforts to peace above foreign nations' warmongering.

Iran is responsible for every action accomplished by its proxy HEZBOLLAH. --Hezbollah is fomenting war in the Levant-----right now ---under the direction and
funding of IRAN------------Germany never attacked the USA----directly----the little action by Japan did not even involve MAINLAND USA -------or any part of that which was the USA I learned the word "WAR-MONGERING" when I read
islamo Nazi propaganda that was promulgated in the USA ----in the mid to late 1930s I read the stuff circa 1960 as a child.---------I had to ask my mom the meaning-------
When the world gets this fucked up, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!

inn ^ | 7/23/15
US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
Good for Kerry.
When the world gets this fucked up, SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN!

inn ^ | 7/23/15
US Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly conceded that the US would defend Iran's nuclear program from Israeli sabotage on Thursday, in a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in which he was grilled over the deal reached last Tuesday. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) put Kerry on the spot when he asked him and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz whether the controversial articles in Annex III on page 142 of the 159-page deal would stipulate that the US block Israeli attempts to scupper the Iranian nuclear threat. The articles in question state that the US, world powers and the...
Good for Kerry.
Who is Greg?

Greg is our resident australian tea party clown

Can't link to it, but go the Badlands and the thread with the highest number of posts

Doesn't the zio clan media usually claim the level for weapons grade uranium is MUCH lower than that?

The same level of enrichment necessary to make medical isotopes for cancer research?

And facts aren't relevant to the faith based demonisation of Iran, just accept that they're totally evil, have been months away from building nukes since 1979 and the only thing that can save your national security is Netanyahoo and his cartoons.


I am NOT in the tea party; I do not have the honour.

Illegal acts of war against a sovereign nation should be defended against.

As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has a right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Israel does not have the right to prevent that through acts of war and sabotage.

The treaty is a path to lasting peace. Rejecting the treaty is a path to continued war.

Americans in Congress should support the American administration's efforts to peace above foreign nations' warmongering.

Iran is responsible for every action accomplished by its proxy HEZBOLLAH. --Hezbollah is fomenting war in the Levant-----right now ---under the direction and
funding of IRAN------------

Where do you find this drivel?

ADL website?


Would that were actually true. I kinda like seeing burned out Israeli tanks and Israeli crispy critters.
Nothing atall.

What's so bad is backstabbing Greg to do it.

Backstabbing? The guy simply asked who Greg was and I answered the question.

And if Greg has a problem with that I'm sure he can speak for himself, call me the resident commie or something like that.


Wrong Jantje; he asked why I kept calling him Greg. He's a nutter:cuckoo:

If you don't, I will never butter your bagel ever again.

I gave them up.

That's what they all say.

I thought I was your one and only.

You are my one and only mindful.

All your others are mindless!!


Shhhhhhhhhh, what they lack in mind, they make up elsewhere. I'll keep you abreast of further developments.
Illegal acts of war against a sovereign nation should be defended against.

As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has a right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Israel does not have the right to prevent that through acts of war and sabotage.

The treaty is a path to lasting peace. Rejecting the treaty is a path to continued war.

Americans in Congress should support the American administration's efforts to peace above foreign nations' warmongering.

Iran is responsible for every action accomplished by its proxy HEZBOLLAH. --Hezbollah is fomenting war in the Levant-----right now ---under the direction and
funding of IRAN------------

Where do you find this drivel?

ADL website?


Would that were actually true. I kinda like seeing burned out Israeli tanks and Israeli crispy critters.

what drivel?-----If you have any desire to know what is going on in Yemen----
ask a YEMENI person-------they got Hezbollah in every hill -----(lots of hills in that
country) and the streets of the major cities running red with blood for the
past several years (every Yemeni carried a gun)-----they don't have any jews there anymore except ---maybe half a dozen up north hiding in the hills. BTW---I am a jew born in the US to jewish parents both born in the
United States--------would you be willing to divulge? It is impolite to spit on others without being willing to say WHAT DA FUCK you are
I gave them up.

That's what they all say.

I thought I was your one and only.

You are my one and only mindful.

All your others are mindless!!


Shhhhhhhhhh, what they lack in mind, they make up elsewhere. I'll keep you abreast of further developments.

No thank you. I'm not a tart, Captain!! All ahead overboard!!!:wine:

Leader Of Iran’s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu ‘Delusional’ Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews pray in Hebrew during a gathering of Iran’s Jewish community. Hundreds of Iranians including university students and members of the country’s Jewish community rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic’s disputed nuclear program in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. (Image too large to post)

Haroun Yashayaei, leader of Iran’s Jewish community, took to the local media to strongly criticize the Israeli leader and voice his support for the Iran deal.

The opinion piece, titled “Your Time Is Over, Mr. Netanyahu,” was originally published in Iran’s Shargh Daily shortly after the nuclear deal was announced and appeared last Thursday in an English translation on Yashayaei, who is chairman of the board of the Tehran Jewish Committee, was blunt about his views on Netanyahu:

Leader Of Iran s Jewish Community Calls Netanyahu Delusional Over Iran Deal

Iranian Jews DESPISE Bibzy Satanyahoo. Gee, I wonder why none of the hasbara agents and the shabbos goys are ever willing to discuss that?

Illegal acts of war against a sovereign nation should be defended against.

As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has a right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Israel does not have the right to prevent that through acts of war and sabotage.

The treaty is a path to lasting peace. Rejecting the treaty is a path to continued war.

Americans in Congress should support the American administration's efforts to peace above foreign nations' warmongering.

Iran is responsible for every action accomplished by its proxy HEZBOLLAH. --Hezbollah is fomenting war in the Levant-----right now ---under the direction and
funding of IRAN------------

Where do you find this drivel?

ADL website?


Would that were actually true. I kinda like seeing burned out Israeli tanks and Israeli crispy critters.

Are you a holocaust denier as well?...silly question I know...but you may as well get it out there!!! You know you want to.

Bobby ----those are the jews still living in Iran-------I have socialized with Iranian jews since the 1960s when they first started sending their kids OUTTA there---because the stink of islamicism was in the air. More than 90% of the jews of Iran have fled----
more than necessary to satisfy the accepted definition of GENOCIDE. I even have
an Iranian jewish relative (by marriage) --------keep in mind IRAN where criticism of either ISLAM or the AYATOILETS is a capital crime

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